[APP] - version 3.21.x (21. 12. 2016+)

Started by Menion, December 21, 2016, 15:04:04

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Thanks Andrew. I've added to Locus one more check on correct location, so we will see. Otherwise it will have to wait till in middle Europe will better temperature, so I'll check it in the field.
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Quoteshared "as text"
thanks for improvement :)
Quote"Share as KML" ... fixed by enabling compression to KMZ
- share a POI as kmz file work :)
- naming is always "sharePointAsKml" and not the name of the POI, so if more POI´s are shared its unclear
- if POI has an attached picture, the picture is added als to kmz/files :) but not visible e.g. on GE, reason: missing <description> CDATA :-[
if i add it manualy to kml it work as expected
Quote<description><![CDATA[<font color="black"><table width="100%"><tr><td width="100%" align="center"><a href="files/_1483088098096.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="files/_1483088098096.jpg" width="250px" align="right" style="border: 3px white solid;"></a><br />]]></description>

"share" to file explorer to an internal folder of the device didnt work, i didn´t know it´s necessary but selection is possible
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on January 09, 2017, 13:31:01
Thanks Andrew. I've added to Locus one more check on correct location, so we will see. Otherwise it will have to wait till in middle Europe will better temperature, so I'll check it in the field.
Testing with 3.21.1 Pro. Actually latest test is quite simple, even in winter. Create track where start point is inside building or other Faraday cage so no GPS signal, then direct line to end point 100m away. Now walk to end of track & wait until GPS position is accurate. Disable GPS. Walk to start of track (no GPS signal available), enable GPS, select Locus track > Navigate: observe that Locus "thinks" it is already at end based on the big Navigation icon. I think (on reflection) this has been problem when navigation has not started reliably from mid-track pause (eg lunch or shopping).

Locus incorrectly thinks at end of track already:

Now GPS has position, and 2nd navigation attempt is correct: RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hello Menion,
First of all happy new year (even if it's already a bit late ;)) and keep on your excellent work!

Since the last version I have a problem with the automatic movement of a geocache after logging it. I have a folder "home" where I put in (to-do) geocaches for this region.
My settings for logging are "always log offline" and "move to folder" (i.e. "logging") after logging.
After my (offline) log only a copy is created in the "logging" folder, but it is not moved from the "home" folder and so I have the cache as logged in both folders.

And by the way, could it be possible to integrate a possibility to have a second selection what to do after an online and an offline log? (very special suggestion I guess).
Explanation how I normally log. To-do caches in "home", offline (found but still to log online) caches in "logging" (just to find them quicker after a long caching day) and folder "logs" after online (final) log sent to the website.

Best regards


- "naming" - improved
- link to attachment in description should be also fixed (I've not tested it, but should be)
- and problem with "share" .. hmm this seems to be more a problem of your file explorer in case, we talk about > what happen after you selection from list of "share" options

@Andrew Heard:
Cannot say that it's easy for me to run outside in -10°C with phone connected to notebook ... :).

Anyway your never-ending hope to make this works force me to test and test and I've found one more issue in handling locations from network & GPS. So in next version, next attempt, thanks!!

thanks, I'll try :). Happy to You too!
Thanks for bug report. I've missed this and have to say that this one was hard :). Anyway fixed!
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on January 12, 2017, 10:42:58
Cannot say that it's easy for me to run outside in -10°C with phone connected to notebook ... :).
@menion - just curious - why do you need notebook for outside test? RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


With phone connected to my PC, I'm able to stop Locus in moment I need ( like a "pause" of video) and see content of all variables, what happen, what will happen etc. So I may see for example why is location from "network" source added to navigation system etc. Simply saying ... with device connected to PC, I'm able to fix things. Because of this, best possible method how to fix any problem, is when I'm able to simulate it on own device.

EDIT: anyway I was joking about running outside with notebook. I have heave 17'' one, so it's not simply possible :)
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Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on January 13, 2017, 13:58:55
EDIT: anyway I was joking about running outside with notebook. I have heave 17'' one, so it's not simply possible :)
nice - remote debugging. BTW Europe was mentioned on Australian news last night - more severe winter :-[ RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


I cannot import in Locus gpx files created with 2 different software.
Never ending analysis ...

Then crash.
Crash reported with log

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Please share a file that cause you problems, thanks.
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track from garmin forerunner, fit file converted in gpx with gpsbabel.
Other gpx file converted from fit to gpx with sporttracks same issue.
The import with previous version was ok, with the same files, some days ago I imported without problems.
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
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Thanks for a file, unfortunately I see no problem on own device. May you please send this crash report once more and into comment write your nickname so I'll be able to find it, thanks!
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Quote from: menion on January 15, 2017, 09:46:27
Thanks for a file, unfortunately I see no problem on own device. May you please send this crash report once more and into comment write your nickname so I'll be able to find it, thanks!
Crash report with log and lor74cas in text field sent

Inviato dal mio SM-G800F utilizzando Tapatalk

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Thanks, interesting issue. Seems you are importing a file from Google Drive? When you browse content of Google Drive directly in Locus Map, there is no problem?
I see in log where issue happen, but do not know why. Seems that Locus Map get response from Google Drive that access is invalid. Locus then try to acquire new valid access which ends correctly, but next request ends again as "invalid" ... and again and again ... till app crash because recognize infinite loop.
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