[APP] - version 3.15.x (27. 1. 2016+)

Started by Menion, January 27, 2016, 17:18:02

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Quotehave to test it in Tuesday when I return from short vacation
additional info
with GC2200G problem appears for me not after "update cache" as described on help desk with GC67TXG, but after "download loggs"
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Its me on helpdesk.  Nice to hear that other have the same Problem


Meninon, please, fix the following bug:
When logging a geocache from Locus:
1) Seconds (which cannot be set by users) in the final time are not zero (Currently they may be set randomly ?!!)
2) The time set in Locus is still not considered UTC and IS BEING TRANSFORMED (currently by one hour in the Czech Republic)
For details, please see http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=4975.0 (Czech)


@balloni55: thanks for a precise description of problem when moving a point between folders - should be fixed

@JoxM, @balloni55, @Diddi : as mentioned on help desk, issue should be fixed

@Čelda: I don't think there is any problem in Locus. Seconds are not set by Locus. Whole time is created in moment, you tap on "log" button, even a seconds. And time moved by hour? From your Czech post is not clear what is wrong as I do not see time, when and where you made a log.
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Hi menion,
once again "MapQuest" didn´t work as source for address search for me:-[
google and bing work well :D
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


We know ... it's same here http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/problem-with-mapquest-online-routing . Problem is simple .. we pay them quite a lot for routing for a last months and as a gift, they changed our account to "free", so limit for routing/address search was reached.

Hope they'll fix it soon ... terrible communication with them, really, can't recommend to anyone!
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Mainly because of incorrectly working support for OruxMaps based maps and crashed when display of caches on older devices, new version should be soon available on Google Play. Thanks for help with fixing some remaining bugs, hope that finally ... third bug-fix version ... will be fine ;).
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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If I do a two finger zoom, and then zoom with the + or - buttons, or with the volume keys, map zoom jumps to a regular value, eg Z13 @ 100% (or Z13 @ 125% if I have "Increase map resolution" set to 125%).
If I do a two finger zoom TWICE and then zoom with the buttons, Locus behaves as above UNLESS I have "increase map resolution" set. In that case the zoom is stuck at whatever random value I ended up with from my two finger zoom, eg Z13 @ 168% goes to Z14 @ 168% not Z14 @ 100%.
To get out of the locked zoom I have to do a single two finger zoom after a button zoom, and then do another button zoom.
I hope you understand my explanation and can reproduce this or I'll have to illustrate with a load of screenshots.
And please don't tell me it's an undocumented feature.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Hello john,

I'm not 100% sure that I understand, but probably yes. And well, it's an new undocumented feature. It works now that if you are in range 75% - 125%, then zoom in/out round this value to full scale. If you are in range below 75% or in 125% - 175%, then scale should remain. Well, this is just for a testing for now and few days/weeks of usage shows if this is usable and logical or not.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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I suppose that makes some kind of sense but it didn't seem obvious to me when i was using the map.
My conclusions about the circumstances where it happened were wrong!
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Hello menion,
thanks for new version :)
problems with "GC-logs" and "move POI´s" are solved ;D

New orange label is misleading for me, it´s the same text independent GPS is off, or GPS is on but no satfix

and puuuh what a ugly new icon!!
with this new icon i didn´t know is FREE or PRO running :o

btw, new icon
your answer
Quoteicons ... good point. If I'll not forget, I'll ask scinkk for an alternative icon
did you forget it?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on February 11, 2016, 19:27:48
New orange label is misleading for me, it´s the same text independent GPS is off, or GPS is on but no satfix
good point
orig string: "Last known location is outdated.\n\nConsider enabling GPS for better positioning."
but is "satfix" the right hint?
what about cell an network localisation?

Quotebtw, new icon
your answer
Quoteicons ... good point. If I'll not forget, I'll ask scinkk for an alternative icon
did you forget it?

...and read following answer


The new version gives Great Britain as the map name correctly. Good. Sadly it no longer recognised the great_britain.osm.db database file I downloaded as beta and have been using for a while.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Bucky Kid

New version is displaying all maps properly, thanks  ;)

I see a change in zoom handling when switching maps. If I found out right, Locus now forces preserving same magnification level from existing map to new map. This is good idea but also cumbersome for some cases.
I give an example:
I'm on vector map on zoom layer 16 and magnification 100%.
When I switch to raster map with only having zoom layer 15, it is now displayed with magnification 200% (OK).
But when I switch to raster map with having only zoom layer 12, it is now displayed with magnification 1600% (terrible and unusable!).
I'd suggest to keep preserving of same overall magnification but only when the new (raster) map has layer at least close to target magnification. If not, use some min/max limit for acceptable optical zoom, ie.50%-200% would be fine.

Edit: when switching from lower zoom to higher zoom layer, the magnification is reset to 100% (OK). So my remark was only for cases when switching from higher to lower zoom layer (hard max magnify limit)
