[APP] - version 3.15.x (27. 1. 2016+)

Started by Menion, January 27, 2016, 17:18:02

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Hmm do you know any map company or web map that worth it for Slovenia? We should try to contact them.
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Andrew Heard

Sorry I have no idea. I live in Australia but will cycle tour in Slovenia in June/July with offline Locus maps. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Oki, understand. Because as I know, there are no specialized maps for Slovenia yet, suggest to take for sure backup as some vector maps ;).
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the setting "Einstellungen --> Geocaching --> Wegpunkte automatisch laden" seems not to work anymore.
I just have activated this feature but it does not work.




what means "not working anymore"? This function before version 3.15 always loaded defined waypoints when you placed a cache on a map. Since 3.15, Locus remember visibility state of all waypoints! So when you display a cache, display also some waypoints of this cache, hide this cache and again display, "automatic loading" won't be applied because cache has already own definition which waypoints load. Anyway if you hide all waypoints, then "automatic loading" should be used next time you try to load a cache. Hope it is clear and make it sense to you. And also that it works as I wrote :).
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Hi Menion,

thanks for the info .....
To be true I just activated this feature yesterday for the first time. I select all additional waypoints to be loaded for the geocache in the settings dialog.
I tried it only with my test geocache which was already visible before the activation.
Then I hide the cache on the map and displayed it again. After that I expected the additional waypoints
of that geocache would be visible too. So it looks like it was my fault.
I will test it now with your described szenario on other "new" geocaches....

One more question:
What happens if I empty the database before importing the geocache again?
Does Locus remember the state of the additional waypoints of that geocache though it
was "new" imported to the database because the database was emptied before?



QuoteAnyway if you hide all waypoints, then "automatic loading" should be used next time you try to load a cache. Hope it is clear and make it sense to you. And also that it works as I wrote
i didn´t use
Settings/Geocaching/Automatic waypoint loading/.....
but i can reproduce behavior c.s.g. reported ;)
please try:
- disable each waypoint typ in setting
- display e.g. 5 Multi caches with WPTS with visible coords
- open each of this caches and hide all WPTS
- enable all WPT type inside Settings/Geocaching/Automatic waypoint loading
- restart locus
- no additional WPT is visible on map.

so for me since V 3.15 this settings are useless
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


oki and when as next step you re-display all caches?
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Quotewhen as next step you re-display all caches?
nothing chage, furthermore no WPT is displayed
last state is allways used
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


ah sorry, I'm just checking it and you are both correct. If there were no waypoints to load, Locus skipped "auto-load" feature. So fixed. Thanks
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V 3.15.1
QuoteLocus skipped "auto-load" feature. So fixed. Thanks
Hi menion
generaly this auto load work now if in settings wpts are set and if i (refrech) hide all geocaches of folder and display them again.
But if i change settings and disable all wpt types for autoload they are always displayed from "last state"
I can hide them by " Remove temp map ttems" but on next start of locus all wpts of all caches are visible again. :(
For now i found no solution to hide all wpts at once :-[ permanent
i have to click each cache label/arrow right/hide all wpts to hide them again ::) nice evening work with more than 500 multi caches in folder

my idea to restore pois from yesterdays backup didn´t help, all wpts are furthermore displayed :o
Do you know any other solution?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Good evening balloni, hope you have nice evening yesterday. So seems that main issue is, that removed waypoints with "remove temp map items" are not remembered and are restored after restart of app, like you never hide them, right?

Fine, thanks! Issue fixed. Because I found two more serious problems (incorrectly coloring tracks when they have breaks, online SmartMaps), I have to publish one more version probably in Thursday, so hope it will not be a problem, to wait till then.
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no it´s not a problem ;)
QuoteFine, thanks! Issue fixed
this is the important news!

One additional question, aren´t "states of wpts"  stored inside poi backup?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hmm as I see, they aren't stored in backup. They should be right? Information about which points/tracks is stored, so why not also these cache waypoints. Oki, I'll add it.
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Hi menion
generaly hide all temp visible wpts work no after i have changed settings "all wpts disabeled" :)

i didn´t know it´s intended,
if i enable display wpts in settings this is dominant after restart of locus,
- after start of locus all wpts are visible :)
- now i disable visibility of wpts of one cache
- next disable visibility of this cache and enable it again, state of wpts are stored - no wpt of this cache is visible :D
- but on next restart of locus all wpts of this cache are visible (from settings) and not unvisible from last state :-[

i hope it´s understandable

one small change i notice after each locus update:
down right button "zoom lock" is allways enabled, althought i never set it :-[
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4