[APP] - version 3.15.x (27. 1. 2016+)

Started by Menion, January 27, 2016, 17:18:02

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27.01.2016 - Locus 3.15.0 - new version
Blog post about major version: blog post
Detailed list of news: list of news
01.02.2016 - Locus 3.15.1 - bug fix version
03.02.2016 - Locus 3.15.2 - bug fix version
11.02.2016 - Locus 3.15.3 - bug fix version
11.02.2016 - Locus - beta version (test for live tracking)
24.02.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...
04.03.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...
08.03.2016 - Locus - beta version RC
- Changes: read news after app starts...
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The issue with .osm appearing in the names of offline maps has not yet been fixed in this release.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org



I found a bug when logging a geocache.
The timezone info is removed in the logging dialog.
So far, so good. But the timezone set on the smartphone has to be respected when saving the log info.
My current timezone is set to UTC+1.
I. e. in the attached "fieldNotes_20160127_1940.txt" the logging time 19:39 ( UTC + 1 ) is not corrected to 18:39 ( UTC + 0 )!?!? The part 19:39Z has to be 18:39Z!!

In the attached "fieldNotes_20151103_2259.txt" created with an earlier version of Locus Pro, everything works as expected.

Or is this a problem with the Addon fieldnotes?




I do a little testing with the Locus Pro 3.14.2 version on the smartphone of my wife. There everything works as expected.

Because my problem seems to be a "Groundspeak / geocaching.com" only issue maybe the best way to solve it is ...
(1.) ... to reactivate the checkbox "Zeitzone berücksichtigen" in the "Einstellungen --> Geocaching" dialog like in Locus Pro 3.14.2.
(2.) ... respect the setting of (1.) in the geocaching logging dialog without showing the current timezone like in Locus Pro 2.15.0
(3.) ... only if necessary, respect the setting of (1.) in any other geocaching diaogs as in Locus Pro 3.14.2 without showing the current timezone in that dialogs.



@john_percy: really? Weird. Name of files are really just *.osm.map?

@c.s.g.: hmmm really nic problem I wasn't aware, damn. Problem is, that previously all around times in logs were ... bad. Now all should be after years correct :). If you log a cache with new version, all should be correct in Locus and on a web. But seems that add-on Field notes incorrectly handle time of a log. I have to contact author ... thanks.
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Nice update, still a fantastic app. Now how do I modify the Travel Times profiles? :)
My rest times while hiking are much shorter.


Onlinemap download by country doesn't select right area. In fact, tapped menu item and actually selected area are shifted by one. For example, if you want 'Czech Republic' map, you have to tap 'Cyprus'.


.osm appears in main map title bar and in points database drop down menu but NOT in maps menu.

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Andrew Heard

Is there likely to be downloadable SHOCart/freytag-berndt maps for Slovenia any time in the future?
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


inside download window some CZ text is displayed between german

on first start of FREE version i didn´t understand "Locus Pro" in top of screen,
there is no link to buy it :-\

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hi guys, so ...

@biship: currently custom profiles are not planned. Any suggestions for improvements usable for everyone?

@ta-ka: ah, thanks!

@john_percy: seems I used two similar functions that generated names from filename. United = fixed, thank you

@Andrew Heard: you already may download them for every area you wants. Just download them with same method like all other free maps - map manager > menu of wanted map > download. Areas prepared in Store are just for a people that do not want to deal with own area selection or that are familiar with paper maps

@balloni55: hmm seems that Petr has some mess in texts in Store. Thanks. And screen with "Locus Pro" ... well it is really really old screen that promo Locus Pro in Free, but I already have some prepared better version, just find some time on this.
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German description for mentioned item should be fixed. Thanks!

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on January 28, 2016, 18:12:20
@Andrew Heard: you already may download them for every area you wants. Just download them with same method like all other free maps - map manager > menu of wanted map > download. Areas prepared in Store are just for a people that do not want to deal with own area selection or that are familiar with paper maps
@menion - thanks - maybe I miss your point - I'm not after free maps - when I go maps > online > SHOCart-Freytag-Berndt > Cycling > offline/Locus store > a list of 11 EU countries is displayed - Austria, Czech, Denmark...UK, but Slovenia isn't on the list. So back to my original question, is it likely other EU countries will be added to this map list in future? BTW I also experience complete phone crash while writing this post, going back & forth in Locus shop/ menus - display blank then reboot, has never happened before, no other details sorry.
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Ah sorry. We asked SHOCart/Freytag which countries we should define in Store. And what you see are suggested countries where is something "more", some hiking, cycle trails etc. In other areas are anyway hiking maps also usable. Best from my point of view is check quality of maps in your region on this web map: http://phonemaps.cz/mapa/#openManual
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Andrew Heard

Thanks Menion. It's not so important. The OSM/Locus maps are good enough for me in Slovenia but would have been prepared to pay more for upcoming cycle tour.
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a