[APP] - version 3.5.X+ (updated 12.12.2014)

Started by tramp20, December 12, 2014, 18:20:58

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Hi menion,
I cannot use the new v3.5 free and pro.
Vector and raster maps are almost unreadable, pale and without color and contrast.
The v3.4.0.5 was ofc ok.
I cannot attach screenshots because I am not at my PC.

Android 4.4.4 stock rom Z1c
Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


Hello Menion,
with 3.5 PNG Icons of mapsforge themes are scaled, probably according to device dpi. As I use already scaled PNG icons for hdpi, xhdpi and xxhdpi devices in my themes, those are huge and ugly now. Is there any switch to disable scaling?
Best regards,
developer of Elevate mapstyle for OpenAndroMaps


Hi Tobias,

how are you separating, which icons should be used? Or you have more themes and user choose which one to use?
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Hi Menion,
The latter - I have three sizes to download here: http://www.openandromaps.org/en/legend/elevate-mountain-hike-theme.

Not only the symbols are different, but also stroke width/dasharray, font size, dy and circle radius.

A user already asked in the openandromaps forum about the big symbols with the new Locus version.

I use PNGs because of glow effect and transparencies.

Best regards,
developer of Elevate mapstyle for OpenAndroMaps


Quote from: balloni55 on December 10, 2014, 20:07:19All widgets should start with "locus" in naming.
Will be changed in next version - because it's a translate task.


Thanks for new version ;)
why i get a different view Free/PRO
in Free more street names no collision, in PRO less street names with collision :-[
- same map
- same zoomlevel
- same theme

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@Tobias: understand. Quite complicated solution I think, but why not. We did some improvements in efficient handling of points and I tried to move closer to latest mapsForge lib. And there I saw this change - using DPI to rescale icons. But I probably saw incorrectly. Sorry

@balloni55: nice ... I have no idea now, sorry. There should be no change in text sizes, only change happen in size of icons. Hmm ... Peter, did you change size of texts during last changes of Vector themes?

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Not fixed:

missing words in crowdin:

(and more in our dropbox folder: d_Crowdin)

How can i remove all this unwanted icons?

Not fixed

same mess as before in vector maps info if i want to compare the store versions and my version of maps


I even have some issues with the map after 3.5 Update. Seems that it has broken the theme. Some of the icons are really big. some areas are missing...



Quote from: menion on December 12, 2014, 21:28:21
@Tobias: understand. Quite complicated solution I think, but why not.

It used to be the only compatible solution for all mapsforge 0.3 apps, and with pearl scripts for xml resize and batch svg converts to png it's pretty quick to maintain.

Quote from: menion on December 12, 2014, 21:28:21
We did some improvements in efficient handling of points and I tried to move closer to latest mapsForge lib. And there I saw this change - using DPI to rescale icons. But I probably saw incorrectly. Sorry

As with mapsforge scaling - it's different, tile sizes are scaled according to dpi, eg. 512px for xhdpi instead of 256px. And as far as I know, only SVG icons are scaled, not PNG.
OruxMaps has an option for PNG icons to be scaled, so it's up to the user to increase or decrease them, which works better.

Best regards,
developer of Elevate mapstyle for OpenAndroMaps



issue with semi transparent maps and rescaled icons of vector maps should be solved in 3.5.1 version, ok?

- issue with break text - I'll look at it, but I just worry to change with because it should break layout on different screens

- widget - I know about this problem (with 3x1 widget on your tab), but I do not know how to solve it now, later

- "pitch" - https://crowdin.com/translate/menion/3292/en-de#6645898 vs https://crowdin.com/translate/menion/3292/en-de#1375767

- missing translation - I've changed this yesterday, that`s why they aren't on Crowdin

- remove unwanted icons - not possible. For whole time there is a POI db feature (1.5 year), it works in this way.

- texts in details of vector maps - I believe you are clever enough to compare "Version" in store with "Date" in map detail ;).

- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: menion on December 13, 2014, 10:10:36
rescaled icons of vector maps should be solved in 3.5.1 version, ok?

Yes, thanks for the quick fix!
developer of Elevate mapstyle for OpenAndroMaps


Quote from: menion on December 13, 2014, 10:10:36
- widget - I know about this problem (with 3x1 widget)
forget the 3x1 problem - I'm talking about the creepy design  :P

Quote- "pitch"...

Quote- remove unwanted icons - not possible.
but i only want to see my own chosen POIs from db . not all icons twice. that slows down map scrolling...

Quote- texts in details of vector maps - I believe you are clever enough to compare... ;).
Sure - But that's not cleans up the mess :P


Quote from: gynta on December 13, 2014, 10:56:00
Quote from: menion on December 13, 2014, 10:10:36
- remove unwanted icons - not possible.
but i only want to see my own chosen POIs from db . not all icons twice. that slows down map scrolling...

As far as I can tell, you should only see icons of the sort of POIs that the map theme seeks to display at that zoom. The overlay from the POI database is clickable (which is its advantage) and should appear somewhat later than the main map, so shouldn't hinder scrolling.
But my issue is that the POI database overlay icon does not respect the display magnification of the map, either from "Display map with scaled resolution" in "Map - advanced" settings or "Lock the zoom", then magnify the screen.
You'll need to click on the image below to enlarge it in order to see the double image icon I get with scaled resolution of 400%.

Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: 0709 on December 12, 2014, 21:05:43
text size: caused by a different setting in free and pro version ?

I mean the text size settings in maps advanced -> vector maps. (OWN user settings).
Thanks 8) in this case FREE 100%  and PRO 150%,
so solved
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4