[APP] - version 3.1/2.X+ (updated 4.7.2014)

Started by Menion, July 03, 2014, 13:57:54

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Hello menion
locus stop if i start track recording with button on right side panel,
i do not know if it is the same problem you found #248 ?

Another behavior i notized after locus hast stopped/crached:
After new start i get no satfix although i have enaugh sats in sight.
I have to "turn off localisation" an turn it on again , than i get satfix in next moment

"autozoom" example:
map is displayed with ZL15, map is centered and target is also visible. i select targe/POI "guide on" and walk on, after a short time map is zoomed automatic to ZL17 althhough ZL16 is als available!
Now my possition is at the lower edge and i canĀ“t see distance and bearing value and the target is not visible.
In my understanding locus should change to next higher zoomlevel if my possition and target possition can be displayed on display including distance and bearing value.

Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@0709: I tried exported TCX in BaseCamp application and it works correctly. Becuase we with specification of this format seems not to work, I have no idea where is issue now. But, it's not a big problem :)

@balloni: crashes ... hard to say. Log? Thanks

autozoom - problem on your screenshot is with rotate of map. If you disable it, your and waypoint location will be visible correctly. I know about this issue - have to fix it
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thanks. I've just published new BETA version, but there will be no changes around this. I'll check it at monday.
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Quote@balloni: crashes ... hard to say. Log? Thanks

autozoom - problem on your screenshot is with rotate of map. If you disable it, your and waypoint location will be visible correctly. I know about this issue - have to fix it
logs are send
autozoom is little bit differend as you discribed it ;)
on second 12 my position and target is visible, not centered and without values
on second 13 my position is centered values are visible but not the target ???
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on September 28, 2014, 10:58:25...new BETA version,
FC on SGTab A4.0.4 using color picker
Log file needed?

confirmed on SGS2 A4.0.4


on 4.0.4? hmm not needed thanks, I'll try it on simulator

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Bucky Kid

No problem with colour picker on KitKat but track colour transparency is ignored ( tracks category style)

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@gynta, @balloni: may you please try crashes on this version?


Thank you!

And problem with auto-zoom on video, it's very interesting. I don't know why Locus centered in last second back on your location. This should happen only when you are staying without move or far away from waypoint for more then 2000m. I have to try it in the field

@0709: oki, tcx export also improved, so now it should be OK together with navigation points ;)
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Quote from: menion on September 29, 2014, 10:38:09
@gynta, @balloni: may you please try crashes on this version?


Thank you!

For me it works, no craches! Super:D
one thing: on basic tab color opacity cannot be changed, it is only possible in advanced tab!
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on September 29, 2014, 10:38:09
@gynta, @balloni: may you please try crashes on this version?
No more crash
No more covering labels
No more squared frames around color dots
works as expected now

can't confirm ballonis issue

Quote from: MichaelZ on September 20, 2014, 08:48:31
Quote from: eldron on September 15, 2014, 23:25:29
The new track overview is a nice idea, you have some important information at a glance. But I am not sure if the question mark is a good choice when no map is shown.
Same opinion as eldron's. I have suggestions as replacement (royalty free from clker.com):


Many Greetings


or what ever - but please not this question mark


Issue with Track Statistics:
I created a track which contains a track point with an elevation of 2450m:
<trkpt lat="47.449657" lon="11.338061">

But the statistics shows only a maximum altitude of 2419m.

Similar issue with minimum: the first trackpoint is at 913,74m but statistics says 919m.

Tested with

And a question regarding the same track from my previous post:
The calculated distance from the statistics: it doesn't seem to consider the change of altitude, it seems to be calculated just from latitude and longitude, not from altitude as the same track just without the <ele> tags gives the same distance.

Is this intentional?
Could you also provide the correct distance including the altitude (Pythagoras :-))


@balloni: thanks for a testing! And cannot be changed - first change opacity, then tap on color. This don't work?

@gynta: I'll think about image even more :)

@tommi: statistics you see are little bit modified. This is done to reduce huge noises that happen during recording. So in your case, point with highest altitude probably has a big altitude difference compare to points around, so it was rounded a lot to this lower value.

And about compute of distance. It's correct. Currently all distances in Locus are computed only in flat. Anyway it's a question if compute should be done with real altitudes or flat is what you (users) expect.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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Quotefirst change opacity, then tap on color. This don't work?
of course in this way it work, but not vice versa.
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


i have map centered with satfix, now i select a track "show on map" which is outside of the displayed map .
Track is centered on map visible only for a very short time, after that map is centered again on my possition.
I woud expect that "center map" is automatic disabled if user select "display track on map" to take a look on it.
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4