[APP] - version 3.1/2.X+ (updated 4.7.2014)

Started by Menion, July 03, 2014, 13:57:54

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good point, thanks.

About color picker ... I think it work in same way in advanced tab. You also has to tap on color to confirm change.
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Quote from: menion on September 30, 2014, 09:14:59
@tommi: statistics you see are little bit modified. This is done to reduce huge noises that happen during recording. So in your case, point with highest altitude probably has a big altitude difference compare to points around, so it was rounded a lot to this lower value.
Ok, I understand this is not a bug but should be a feature.

Let me explain my usecase for the statistics: I plan mountain hiking tours based on Locus. Both diagram with the track profile and statistics with total distance and meters up play a big role here. These tracks are no recorded ones but drawn with the help of e.g. brouter and afterwards updated altitude with hgt 1" data from Locus/srtm folder. Even this data source has not yet the highest peaks in it. E.g. the altitude of the mountain peak in this track is 2476 m while the hgt data has 2450 m and Locus reduces the maximum again to 2419 m. So the statistics isn't too helpful.

For track recording you have defined a filter, right? This should do what you want. Why is it necessary to filter the statistics again?
And if you think you need the filter the track because it might have been recorded outside of Locus and containing a lot of noise you could offer a switch to allow filtered or unfiltered track for diagram and statistics.

Quote from: menion on September 30, 2014, 09:14:59
And about compute of distance. It's correct. Currently all distances in Locus are computed only in flat. Anyway it's a question if compute should be done with real altitudes or flat is what you (users) expect.
Why not show both? Shouldn't cause big problems, right?
Again my usecase: I do an estimation of the tour's duration with the flat distance and the altitude up meters based on the data of two tours we made during the summer (two equations to determine the value of two variables :-))
So I use the flat distance here but to explain the actual length of the tour the real length is more interesting.
Therefore I'd like to see both.

Anyway, Locus is a big helper here :-)


QuoteAbout color picker ... I think it work in same way in advanced tab. You also has to tap on color to confirm change.
generaly you are right, but in advanced tab user have to "apply" changes of color and/or opacity and in basic tab not, so for me it is not intuitive if user only want to change opacity in basic tab.
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello menion
with PRO 3.2.3 i have problems with kompass and map orientation if i stand still and turn around myself, if i move orientation is ok. In aktuell BETA this problem not exist and work as expected !
Discription of video:
At start i stand still and device points W, red/white kompassneedle and map are 180° wrong.
At second 6 kompass view and red arrow to target is also 180° wrong
At second 10 i begin moving W > kompass and red arrow to target is now ok
At second 33 i stand still and turn myself 180°, device is pointing E but the kompass is pointing N and arrow also pointing wrong direction.
At second 42 i move E and all is displayed well.

This problem i noticed when i search a geocache in close range to the box.

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


*R*elease *C*andidate

# 275 solved :)
@menion / gynta
some german translation missing:
- in color basic tab "Transparency" e.g. Transparenz
- in track details tabname "Statistics", "Laps" e.g. Statistik, Teilstücke or Abschnitte
- "Style on map" e.g. Stil auf der Karte
- "Edit on map"  e.g. in der Karte bearbeiten
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


long story...  8)

short one: no strings - no translation
so it's not only a "german" problem.

special character in tracknames

ok in main sreen
not ok in detail

btw. nice question mark replacement :)


Hi menion,
before you release the final:
since some betas I noticed that I can hear the GPS notifications even though I have switched my smartphone to mute.
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


sorry, release just published few minutes ago.

And if you hear or not even silent mode is enabled, it depends on source for audio sound you use.

Check menu > settings > Misc > audio output, if you have enable "Notification". When you use "media" channel, it do not accept silent state of your device.

And gynta, thanks. Same issue was also in points. So both fixed now.
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