[MANUAL] - creating maps on desktop computer (9.12.2010)

Started by Menion, October 04, 2010, 12:26:26

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For creating Offline maps on PC is absolute perfect application Mobile Atlas Creator (Mobac). I'll not describe here how to work with this software, but I'll tell what to do, to create maps for Locus, which is not in Mobac output list. This manual now contain two methods. One is for creating TARED map files, almost same as Locus create during own map creating process. This is supported since version 0.2.0. Second is what Locus fully support since version 0.6.10. This is SQLiteDB map type. I currently not tested which is faster, it's just on you which choose. SQLiteDB is easier to create. Also SQLiteDB can have unlimited size (TARed maps are suggested not to be bigger then 1GB), but require more time to initialize!

So, let's create it ...
I suggest to run Mobac with custom "run.bat" file, containg:
    java -jar Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar -Xmx 1024M
this allow mobac to use enough memory to download really big maps <!-- s;) --> ;) <!-- s;) -->

First step, in Settings -> Map size -> Maximum size – choose biggest value. (screenshot 1)

SQLiteDB Maps - needed version: 0.6.10 and higher

  • Important is output format. Set it to BigPlanet/RMaps SQLite.
  • Choose area and start creating (screenshot 2).
  • After map creating, only thing to do is copy created file (rename as you want) into Locus/maps on SD card, and that's all <!-- s;) --> ;) <!-- s;) -->

WARNING: Due to limitation of Android platform, create maps smaller then 2GB (more here)!!!

TARED Maps - needed version: 0.2.0 and higher

  • Important is output format. Set it to TrekBuddy tared atlas.
  • Choose area and start creating (screenshot 2).
  • After map creating, only thing to do is copy all tar map files, into one directory, so in my example, I created directory Europe OSM, and into this (as on screenshot 3), I copied all tar files created by Atlas Mobile Creator.
  • Whole directory copy into /sdcard/Locus/maps and start application (you have to wait for a a while (up to few minutes with 1GB file) to initialize all map files). Enjoy
Warning: highly suggest not to download files bigger then 1GB (may cause Out of memory errors on Android machines with lower Java application memory) !!!
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Hi there,
is there any way how to create maps for Locus from Garmin img (like e.g. TOPO Czech PRO 2010). Or generaly how to use it on Android? I have tried few ways but not succesfully (e.g. MapEdit does not support new Garmin NT format of img files).


hi trying to create big maps,

I suggest to run Mobac with custom "run.bat" file, containg:
java -jar Mobile_Atlas_Creator.jar -Xmx 1024M
this allow mobac to use enough memory to download really big maps

how do i do this


I'd like to create maps from my computer, but as of 4/6, it looks like MOBAC lost a lot of map support due to licensing issues. I'd like to be able to create maps on my PC using Google maps, but these are no longer available in MOBAC.

I've never used MOBAC or Google Earth, and I'm trying to figure out which one I want to use. Is it even possible to create Locus maps in Google Earth?



interesting. Looks that something similar (like disabling many map providers) can be expected in Locus as well.

Anyway how do you want to create map for Locus in Google Earth? I don't know if this is possible or not :). Anyone any experience?
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!!! Super with Locus Android !!!

Mobile Atlas Creator 1.8 (Official Edition + SQLite Libs + Settings for "BigPlanet SQLite" format (zh-TW))
Mobile_Atlas_Creator_1.8_SQLite.zip  (..... + Google Earth, + GMaps , minus Google Terrain    . and more Maps)

For Google Terrain:  Mobile_Atlas_Creator_1.7_SQLite.zip   (v.1,7 = the Best)  !!!!



Is there a complete structure of locus sqlite maps? Tar-format is considered obsolete, but it's more flexible for offline maps. As I realized to create sqlite db maps from "ozi-like formats" (image+geodata), image must be resized to align with online source tiles. There are no fields for calibration points and projection.



Is there a way that Locus use maps made with that converter tool ? http://ozimapconverter.narod.ru/index_en.html
There is so many software to make offline maps: TTQV, Fugawi, Pathaway, Oziexplorer. I mean making offline maps with paper maps scanned, cd-rom maps, etc. Not created maps from internet like MOBAC.

With Oruxmap there is a desktop tool to make maps with coordinates. I tested it with http://map.geo.admin.ch/?lang=en
1. printet in PDF from website
2. exported in .jpg with "PDF-exchang viewer"
3. getting px coordinate on jpg with "photofiltre" and coordinates on map
4. use OruxMapDesktop to make the map for Oruxmap
Works well! I can make a tuto if needed but miss the tool to make the map for locus.

Would be nice to find a way to make it.

Someone can make a tool to use images and calibration files to make locus maps ?

I can make maps from TTQV to make tests. (.jpg and .cal).

Locus map is so great but I think "creating maps" is missing !!!


  I absolutely agree that some sort of desktop software (or some precise manual) is required for this, but unfortunately I'm not well skilled in such map transformations and also I have not much time for creating this. Here in community is a lot of people who use some older maps from other software in Locus. Also you can find in posts some tweaks how to achieve this, but all are little bit complicated. But as I wrote before, I'm not much skilled in this topic. I hope that someone will create some complex description or even desktop software that allow this all by simple click :)
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- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: "Mateles"I'd like to create maps from my computer, but as of 4/6, it looks like MOBAC lost a lot of map support due to licensing issues. I'd like to be able to create maps on my PC using Google maps, but these are no longer available in MOBAC.


You have to use MOBAC in version 1.9 beta 1 maximum - try this one http://www.uloz.to/8584337/mobile-atlas ... -1-zip-zip - the last version with original widest range of data sources.


I'm also interested in creating maps from TTQV (4). My understanding is that right now this is not possible - correct?
Or is there a way to export them and convert them into a certain format?
I have got quite a collection of maps in TTQV, some of them calibrated by hand, an would like to use them on my android smartphone.
apemap-export is possible, I know, but this is not my favorite app


From TTQV we should first convert it to oziexplorer (.map) with Ozimapconverter. Works fine. Also convert in/to others formats.

We just need now to have a good way/tool to make atlases from ozi maps (.map). Any idea ?


Quote from: "bobo007"You have to use MOBAC in version 1.9 beta 1 maximum - try this one http://www.uloz.to/8584337/mobile-atlas ... -1-zip-zip - the last version with original widest range of data sources.

Works fine thanks ! Just miss the swissmaps!  :(


Using OruxMapDesktop you can convert a ozi map to a sqllite db, this is a different format to Locus though.
I am looking into writing a sql script that can create a Locus db from the Orux one.
I have looked at the code in Mobile Atlas Creator, and it seems that the images are stored the same way, so I hope that Locus can use them as is.
Going to spend a little bit of time trying to convert a single tile, single layer map.

Will report back later.


That would be great, thanx!
Keep us up to date!
