[APP] - version 2.20.X+ (updated 27.5.2014)

Started by Menion, March 25, 2014, 16:20:46

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i noticed one insignificant behavior with "minimap"
opening a poi, minimap is always displayed in highest zoomlevel :) after i  close the minimap with the arrow and reopen it the mapzoom is changed, see screencast
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


new point screen auto save changes, after go back.
but not in all cases.
see clip


@balloni: thanks, I know it. It's because I do not know size of map overview when map is drawn so I cannot compute correctly the scale. I'll try to improve it.

@gynta: ah, this problem had to be there also before wasn't it? Anyway thanks, I'll fix it.
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Hi, menion.

Please confirm two things below.

1) The default setting of the Track recording > Automatic export is None(do not export).
    However, on new installation of Locus, the text '(GPX)' is wrongly shown in front of the description.

2) While viewing online map, Miscellaneous > Clear temporary data > Cache of online maps also clears
    current map selection and brings Blank Light map. Locus should not forget current map selection.


ta-ka thanks, both problem should be OK now. Second was quite serious because I discovered that I delete whole content of mapsOnline directory also with custom map providers!! Sorry for this, fixed now

And test version in first post ...
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Quote from: menion on March 25, 2014, 16:20:46
changes compare to
- a lot of changes on Point screen...

What purpose has this annoying notice:

I always think to myself: "Please! be quiet and simply show me!" ;)


But I like it :-) I mean it is useful as a feedback that I have tapped on a point and it will open.
Maybe there are other ways to do this, but on slower machines it is useful. I definitely recall that sometimes I have been wondering if I had touched the Poi to open because it opened slowly and I didn't see this.


as szebenyib wrote. In current version is a small vibration as confirmation on tap, but I had so many negative reactions, that I returned back to loading dialog. Maybe make it just less obtrustive (semi-transparent) should help a little.
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Quote from: menion on April 07, 2014, 05:12:09
as szebenyib wrote. In current version is a small vibration as confirmation on tap, but I had so many negative reactions, that I returned back to loading dialog. Maybe make it just less obtrustive (semi-transparent) should help a little.
a smaller box would improve it as well


neverending searching and fixing of problems is slowly ending :)

I just placed to first post improved version due to some remaining problems. If there won't be any issue, tomorrow is new release. So if anyone had to be sure, everything works, check it ;). After that version will be longer break (at least 5 weeks), so this have to be perfect.

And tommi, I was trying to improve it, but all was worst then current dialog. But time usually brings some idea, so later.

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Maybe the icon could pulse: grow a bit then shrink?


I've also added link to new Geoacaching4Locus if anyone wants to test not working "Images" tab and also images attached to logs

@szebenyib: I was also thinking about it, but because such feature not yet exists in Locus, it's not so simple :)
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gynta Gynta GYNTAAAAA, you tried new version on emulator with 4.1.1 and it crashed for you. I know all :)) but this is exactly problem I tried to simulate for almost fourteen days without success. May you give me precise information where I get exactly same image for virtual machine?? Save me please :) Thanks!!
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My theme: automatic backup :-)

Since 03.04.2014 the free test versions do not longer make a automatic backup. I immediately update after you release a new test version so it could be Locus

The pro makes these update periodical
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