[APP] - version 2.20.X+ (updated 27.5.2014)

Started by Menion, March 25, 2014, 16:20:46

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The recent update seems to have broken the geocaching logs, at least on some devices. Only the first line of a log is shown, then some dots (...) as ommittance, and the last line of the log.

I'm using the Defy+ with Android 2.3, maybe that's again the problem, see:

It would be nice if this can be fixed, I like the new layout  :)


@ta-ka: thanks, problem with icons seems to be there for very very long time. I did a quick fix, but it will require more work in future as there is currently big danger it won't work correctly on other places.

I was also playing with icon of point after long-click and this is nice example of feature that looks very simple on first sight, but it's very complex and quite hard to solve now. So I'll have to look on it more carefully later

@Kerstin76:topic moved :) - http://help.locusmap.eu/responses/only_2_lines_of_each_log_entry_shown_in_geocache_logs (GetSatisfaction will be deleted in near future). So read at bottom - solved
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Quoteand all interested in "Images" tab - http://help.locusmap.eu/responses/spoiler_size#comment-9537
i get small success if i modify "initial-scale=1.0" to "minimum-scale=0.1"

at start the photo is displayed 1:1 (partly visible), click " - zoombutton" i am able to scale down :D,
only  "2-finger zooming" do not work in this zoomrange. :(
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: CaptKaos2 on March 26, 2014, 21:58:21

Today whilst on a route around a reservoir I noticed something strange. When guiding , if I moved my map away from the current position and then pressed the   " Show current location"  button the following happened.
1.The screen would flash to a map view I didn't recognise. But it was so quick to get a bearing on.
2. The screen filled with the caches visible at the zoom level I had previous selected and a bearing line.But with no map features and a cross hatch background.
3. The screen would flash and everything would be as expected.

The whole thing was over in 2-3 seconds

I think the problem was my doing. :-[
I have a series of downloaded Bing Ord Survey Maps covering the whole of the SW UK. I had selected the one corresponding to my home location prior to going out. But when I arrived on the Moors , (on a different map), as I have Auto-load maps of the same type selected in the Maps-advanced settings, the visible map was for the area.  But as the home map was still the selected map, on pressing the show current location button it would jump to the home map center prior to going to the GPS location. The reason it had only happened a few times was that  I switched to a Vector map to see if it did the same,which it didn't. But on switching back I had selected the right map.
I have just tried it in reverse on my phone to prove it, and yes it behaves the same.

Sorry for my stupidity  :)


Dashboard editor broken on latest official version?
Can anyone confirm?
Search before posting!!!
XDA Orbit, HTC Touch HD, SGS1, SGS2, Nexus S, S4 Active, OnePlus One, Innos D6000
OnePlus X


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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Is hillshading working for you? I didn´t use it for a longer time, but today after activating it, I can´t see any diffrence with or without it. Have I to download some srtm files before?
Regards J.



Thanks, I thought I could download it from Locus website.
Regards J.


After a little search of the Forum found this thread

Should never have my map switching problem again, after putting all maps in a new sub directory.


Quote from: jusc on March 29, 2014, 19:58:08
Thanks, I thought I could download it from Locus website.
Actually this is supported when you request the altitude for a point. But it doesn't seem to work correctly for me either. The downloaded data seems to be from a different region:
Point added at map center, filled altitude with "download data". Result was the altitude data on the left side of the screen.

@Menion: Is this reproducible for you?


Quote from: eldron on March 27, 2014, 12:33:36
Yes i am using Android 2.3.6, as the android 4.x version available for my phone is not very stable. So it would be great if the memory problems could be fixed, as I am surely not the only one using android 2.x and locus ;-)
Do you have root? If so, in /system/build.prop take a look at dalvik.vm.heapsize. Increasing it from 24m to 32m eliminated memory issues in Locus for me. (cm7 with 512m total mem)


I have got root access to my phone, but I don´t really like to play with settings when I am not sure what exactly they do. It´s no good for me if the setting increases Locus´stability and decreases stability elsewhere.
Also, until now Locus was working perfectly well, so I´ll wait and see if the next releases will increase stability again.
It´s not a big issue anyway, as I always keep a copy of the last version of locus before installing an update, so I can downgrade if there are problems with the new version.
But thanks for the hint anyway!

@ Menion
Yesterday I was playing around with the new feature of adding points whilst recording a track and attaching pictures to the points. I love the feature, the only downside for me is that it takes a lot of clicks to attach a photo:
Waypoint Button->Attachment Tab->"+"->Take a Picture
Do you think it would be possible to reduce this a bit? My ideas would be:
Add a new button to the track recording bar (the one at the bottom with the stop, pause, add waypoint and settings buttons) that takes you straight to the camera and creates a waypoint after you have taken the picture. So basically a "add picture waypoint" button. Maybe that button could be switched on / off in the settings.
Like this it would be a one-click experience to create a picture waypoint, which i am sure will be useful for many people.
I know that also other files (audio, video) could be attached, but i am guessing that pictures would be the most commonly used.
Another idea, to at least save out on one click - In the attachment tab, instead of having to click the "+", the options ( attach Picture, Video etc.) could also be displayed in the tab itself (where it now says "no attachments available, press + to add"). Once you have added an attachment you would then have to use the "+" to add more, but at least for the first attachment this would save a click.

Bob Denny

@eldron et al., there will be a point at which @menion will need to drop support for ancient versions of Android OS. There are just too many good things that can be done with supported features and stability improvements in the later OS versions. Including code to make things work in old environments reduces the speed and stability (presence of multiple ways to do the same thing, some ugly hacks to simulate the "real thing" in newer version).

I am sure he will go out and drink some beer when he can remove the junk needed for Android 2.2  ;D


l do agree with you and I would be the first to upgrade to Android 4.x if there was a stable version available for my phone.
But at the moment locus still supports Android 2.x so it should also work well on that version.
I can fully understand though, if menion decides to drop support for old android versions at some point. But i think the right way to do so is to have a good and bugfree version for android 2.x and leave that in the play store, but without support and further upgrades and concentrate on the version for Android 4 and higher.
Which is pretty much what menion wrote in some earlier post in this thread.