[APP] - version 2.18.X+ (updated 10.2.2014)

Started by Menion, January 03, 2014, 12:35:10

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10.2.2014 - Locus - RC4

changes compare to
- fixes in map rendering

9.2.2014 - Locus - RC3

changes compare to
- hopefully fixed all possible problems with map rendering. Maps should be also a little bit faster - did you noticed any difference on your device? Hope so ...
- improvements in Garmin IMG rendering
- some small fixes

5.2.2014 - Locus - RC2

changes compare to
- improvements in loading map tiles - personal maps should be a little faster now
- complete rewrite of design of all screen that do not have any content (for example when you have no points, no maps, etc..)
- new icons for files (will be also used later in new attachments screen for points)
- improved formatting of UTM coordinates
- fixed small problems in reloading of smartmaps
- and some minor changes based on feedback
- big update of rendering style for Garmin maps
  I've decided to give this format a small chance, so I examine how small library I use works and started chaging rendering system to allows some modification. So forget for now on texts (they're really bad), and focus on style of map itself. If you use IMG maps and will want improve any style, then I need - map (img file) with specific item on map, place where should I see it, and screenshot how it should looklike (for example on garmin device)

31.1.2014 - Locus - RC1

- added ability to edit style even for temporary tracks (even that it dissapear when track is lost)
- added ability to display custom coordinates in dashboard
- added support for colors in GPX files (tracks)
- refreshed all Garmin icons (used current default icons from BaseCamp)
- improved "closing" dialog
- some improvements in magnifier
- small improvements in GPX and CSV export (mainly compatibility problems)
- improved delete/remove dialog
- improved loading of maps - set "lazy loading" on big screens
- fixed not working Google Places - rewrote to use new Google API
- fixed small problem with moved times in field notes
- fixed problems with loading of multiple waypoints of opencaching caches
- fixed problems with export to Google Earth
- fixed problems in track chart (mainly during track record)
- fixed small problems with compass title
- removed not working Hike&Bike maps from Osmapa.pl

Also little sorry for a long time without updates. I'm currently mainly working on new screen for Points (merged small dialog on map together with geoaching screen etc.). I expected to make it fully working after few days, but unfortunately it already took me almost 50 hours and it's still not done (what's funny is, that it looks almost same as current screen). Anyway, in testing and also in new market version, will be still old good dialog. I'll publish new testing version with this dialog after new 2.19.0 version ...

Just a small taste ... feedback and ideas (based just on screenshots) are welcome

17.1.2014 - Locus

- added support for Heart rate monitor BT 4.0
- fixed problems with handling new "attachments" system on many places
- many small fixes reported by many users, mainly ta-ka ;)  thanks!
- and also many many small improvents in system, also in design etc.

13.1.2014 - Locus

- added support for attaching audio, video and others files
- added support for TTS notification in POI alert
- added TTS notification by new system also to 'notify on out of track'
- fixed problems with encoding of texts in WMS maps
- fixed problem with deleting point when moving between folders
- added ability to center to WMS map (if contain bbox info)
- much faster loading of big WMS maps (some were really slow)
- added export to EveryTrail site
- fixed problems with counting of logged caches
- added ability to calibrate compass (pitch, roll)
- fixed problem with incorrect resizing of TAR maps
- added ability to define items below and above "add new path" line (in cfg file)
- hope that finally solved problems with magnetic/true bearing values

5.1.2014 - Locus

- added new feature "QR Code generator"
- created united "Clear data screen", for clearing all unneeded data at once from one (settings) place (menu > settings > misc). Also added ability to remove unneeded (previously taken) photos into this new screen
- fixed order of GPX v1.1 tags to fit better MapSource requirements
- added small number of folders for data groups
- fixed problems with drawing a labels on track points
- fixed problems with incorrect magnetic azimuth value
- fixed problems with drawing map tiles on some devices
- added new start screen with basic preferences (I'm currently not 100% sure which settings are based, so content will change, anyway this screen is mainly for new, basic users and appear only once)

3.1.2014 - Locus 2.18.0

new version is slowly uploading to Google Play and other servers
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hi Menion, wouldn´t it make sense to post the changes in this new version in the first post?
Like that people don´t have to look it up in the 2.17.x thread and what about the changes from version to 2.18 ?
Thanks a lot for the frequent updates, the constant improvements and all the new functions that we keep getting!!

Me again,
i just played with the new version and found two bugs:
In a list of tracks the 4 buttons at the bottom (selection, sorting, filter and tools) are greyed out and can´t be clicked as soon as i select or deselect any of the tracks.
I have to leave the screen and go back to it to be able to use the buttons again. I am not sure if this bug is new to this version or has been there before.
The second bug concerns the new groups - the delete button is not displayed, i can only see "rename", but when i click below the rename buton i can delete the group. So it looks like the button is just not being displayed properly.
Phone Info: Android 2.3.6, Galaxy Ace 2


I can confirm both of the reported bugs.

Enhancement proposal:
Long press on group should bring up the menu to rename or to remove that group.


Hi guys,
  damn, problem with inactive buttons in track list is really bad and I don't understand, that no one from our team during half day testing do not found it. Both problems are fixed. I'll probably release one more version during sunday/monday after more problems appear ...

Ah and list of news: I hope that news in application itself is enough
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


This is still not working:
Quote from: tommi on December 23, 2013, 10:38:09
Hi Menion,
as quite often I created a little tour with brouter yesterday.
I pressed Navigation Beta and it seemed that navigation started but there were no instructions for left right etc.
I had a look on the display with the pink track. Usually it shows white arrows at the location of turns. Though there were lots of turns not a single white arrow was displayed.
As this always worked in the past I tried to find out what's so different with this track.
And here is the result: Navigation Beta doesn't indicate turns if start point is equal to end point of the track. I have a POI "at home" which I used for begin and end of the track. Seems I didn't use this POI for both ends of the track in the past.


ah I forget to add you comment on this ... sorry. I spend on this problem few hours and I still have absolutely no idea why this happen. It has nothing to do with "Navigation generator", it's just a problem of navigation itself. It's my task to next version, thanks for remind Tommi.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: menion on January 03, 2014, 21:36:56
ah I forget to add you comment on this ... sorry. I spend on this problem few hours and I still have absolutely no idea why this happen. It has nothing to do with "Navigation generator", it's just a problem of navigation itself. It's my task to next version, thanks for remind Tommi.
you're welcome  :)


I'm not a tester. So grouping is new to me and i like it.
Happy new year to all,


@ menion
thanks for the quick fix, this is one of the reasons why i love your app so much.
Just thought it would be handy to have the changes listed in the thread, as we are here to discuss these changes and comment on them. I also find it handy to read the changelog before installing an update to decide whether there are changes in it that are interesting to me.
I agree with szebenyib, a long click on the group to change the name or delete is would be more intuitive than using the menu button. Found myself long-pressing the group a few times before looking for a different way to edit / delete it.

I have found another bug which i think has been present for a while but i forgot to report it last time i stumbled upon it.
It concerns the height profile diagram of a calculated track (calculated by Locus this is).
It´s a display error as seen on the first attached screenshot. In the second screenshot i zoomed in and you can see what is causing the problem - for some reason the streetnames and instructions for the track are being shown at the bottom of the diagram.



- I hope that news in app will be enough ;)

- long-click on group name -> I personally almost hate long clicks (mainly because you do not know that something like long click exists). I agree that handling with groups is currently little complicated and will think about better way. On second side, how often you work with them? From my point of view, main problem here is "discover" for new users, how to work with them.

- point names on tracks > this is not a bug, but intent. Unfortnately displaying points on chart is currently, as you may see, weird. I of course plan to improve this, it just matter of time
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


If tracks are grouped - no information about a activated / loaded track is shown when the group is closed / folded :(

One track is loaded in group 'Mtb'.



Quote from: Christian on January 04, 2014, 16:55:45
If tracks are grouped - no information about a activated / loaded track is shown when the group is closed / folded :(

One track is loaded in group 'Mtb'.

Good point!
Zufall ist, wenn das Schicksal eine Maske aufsetzt, um nicht erkannt zu werden.  (Wepper)


I love the update with how you select areas of the map to download.  Sure beats the old rectangle way of selecting a area  :)

Nice work mate thanks for all your great work


Quote from: prawns on January 04, 2014, 17:54:56
I love the update with how you select areas of the map to download.  Sure beats the old rectangle way of selecting a area  :)

Nice work mate thanks for all your great work

I also like it. Best on it is, that it's perfectly precise, so Locus really download only! tiles that has at least pixel in defined area

@Christian & KaHeMu
About information in groups - I was also thinking about it. I also miss some difference between close/open group. I'll do something with it to next version.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Maybe a long press is not the best way, but a solution like the points: on the right part there are three dots that open a menu intuitively.   ? :-) (only as an addition to the existing possibility to the top right menu

The icon of the group could be used to signal: 1-empty group, 2-group with items none active, 3-group with some items active, 4-group with all items active     ? :-)