[APP] - version 2.18.X+ (updated 10.2.2014)

Started by Menion, January 03, 2014, 12:35:10

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@balloni, bucky kid: as Bucky kid nicely show, for every settings exists person, that find it useful :)

But balloni has a good point. Question is, if there is any serious usage for Settings > Map - control & panels > Automatic zoom lock - set to off. Probably no. This settings happen a long time ago, when overzooming was really slow and some people don't like it. I know there may exists people, who wants to force Locus stop on last zoom level, but how much of them exists? I should move this settings to config.cfg file for them ...

@layio:everything is changing, mainly in Locus. It's a side effect of fact, that I do not have precise plan on few years to future.

Current situation is that you have to press on point on map and then with bottom button you get to geocaching screen. On both screens are very similar possibilities. Both screens aren't well optimized and mainly on tablets is looks bad. I also want to improve usability and maybe add some new features.

And same future is planned for track screen. Just warning.

Anyway I'm sure you will like it. It won't be so dramatical change, on second side, I hope it will speed up work with points and later also unite design for more screens in Locus

@head: hmm sad to see this. You are testing it with latest Locus version? And did you used "Heart rate monitor (BT 4.0)" panel for connection? Hmm I purchased PanoBike TopPeak HRM for testing and with it, it works correctly. From documentation, it looks like all devices should now use same system for communication (not like before with BT 2.0/3.0). But if it won't work, it will be again a problem ...
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QuoteI should move this settings to config.cfg file
this will be the best solution, thank you :)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4




ah I forget to answer in appropriate topic, sorry.

So ... I do not understand :)

There are two ways how you may take photo

  • In locus by adding attachment. This should call your prefered camera app and took photo should be stored into Locus directory (in new Locus version to Locus/data/media/photo)
  • You use camera apploication directly and later attach photo in Locus. In this case, I cannot control where this app store it's photo
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Quote from: menion on February 12, 2014, 10:32:02
ah I forget to answer in appropriate topic, sorry.

So ... I do not understand :)

There are two ways how you may take photo

  • In locus by adding attachment. This should call your prefered camera app and took photo should be stored into Locus directory (in new Locus version to Locus/data/media/photo)
  • You use camera apploication directly and later attach photo in Locus. In this case, I cannot control where this app store it's photo
When I go to search/Localized photo, the second option is "camera directory" and currently Locus (last published pro) shows that this directory is "/storage/sdcard0/DCIM"
I would like to have the configuration possibility to change this directory's address to "/storage/ExtSdCard/DCIM".

Better yet, if you could check the camera application's settings and see where it stores the photos, but it's not necessary, since this place is (normally) set only once.


I'm checking in code, how I find correct place of took photos and seems I do not use best possible method.

Currently I used method for receiving external storage and added "DCIM". But there exists one more method, that should return directly preferred directory. Question is, if it will return directory set in camera app or just directly, Android this it's best. We'll see ;)
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Registered just to say... Great job! Be proud of yourself, I know I am.
Found a small bug: Using a pdf as attachment works great, however it does'nt store the "open with application" setting when setting it to "always". I tried it with polaris office.

Keep up the good work!


Quote from: menion on February 12, 2014, 06:22:31
@head: hmm sad to see this. You are testing it with latest Locus version?
Yes, the latest version available from this thread.
Quote from: menion on February 12, 2014, 06:22:31
And did you used "Heart rate monitor (BT 4.0)" panel for connection?
Yes, it shows me a list of previously paired devices (e.g. my BT headset) but not the HR monitor.
Quote from: menion on February 12, 2014, 06:22:31
Hmm I purchased PanoBike TopPeak HRM for testing and with it, it works correctly. From documentation, it looks like all devices should now use same system for communication (not like before with BT 2.0/3.0). But if it won't work, it will be again a problem ...
Strange ... some more data-points which might help. I'm using Nexus 4/Nexus 7 2013 with the latest Android (4.4.2). The HRM works on the same phone/tablet with https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pribble.htc.ble.hrm.
Is your HRM visible as a paired device in Settings-Bluetooth or it just appears in "Heart rate monitor (BT 4.0)" panel?




Weird, as you may see on screenshots, I'm able to "pair" and then "connect in Locus". Hmm it will be another hard task to make it work with all BT devices ...
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Really liking the new Garmin map rendering! I know you didn't want to mess with labels but it would be a huge help if there was an option to disable them or no longer show them at a higher zoom level. The labels overconsume the map at higher zoom levels and it's almost impossible to see the map.


hmm sorry, this won't happen. For MapsForge vector maps, you also do not need such settings, because rendering styles are so clever, that this is just not needed.

Same I want to do here. If you noticed, most lines has labels visible inside this line, not just as text next to. Labels of lines has light blue background and point is, there should be no such label. If there is any, it's a missing definition in style.

Main problem here is, that there is almost unlimited number of line types and definition of every possibility is just crazy. I was thinking about adding support for TYP files, but seems that format is not precisely specified and it should require quite a lot of work and time ...

So maybe later ...
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Quote from: menion on February 12, 2014, 20:25:07
Weird, as you may see on screenshots, I'm able to "pair" and then "connect in Locus". Hmm it will be another hard task to make it work with all BT devices ...
Hi Menion, I have to apologize - it works for me the exactly same way now. I'm almost sure that the device was not visible in the pairing dialog in Android 4.3 (first version with BLE support) and I haven't tried it since - sorry :(
Thanks for your help and great work! - will do more testing over the weekend (especially related to a stability of the connection), but everything looks fine :)


hey it really works? I'm surprised :)) perfect, thanks!
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Hi Menion,

You must be busy but I just remind you to fix the tiny bug on POI alert's [Terminate] button which I'd reported in the post below.
Tapping the button doesn't terminate POI alert. I believe you can fix it in a minute.

About the suggestion to improve the text on POI alert and Parking,  you may think about it later when you have more time.
Thanks in advance.


ah sorry ta-ka.

"Terminate" fixed

texts - I think it's not needed to force all to translate these texts again. Sense remain same I think. Anyway if you want, you may improve Japanese texts, it's just on you ;)

I understand your proposal to add more specific descriptions to "Edit" and "Terminate" buttons. Anyway I want to has as less as possible texts. A lot of texts means more work for translators and bigger application. In these cases is question, if these descriptions are needed at all ...
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