[APP] - version 2.18.X+ (updated 10.2.2014)

Started by Menion, January 03, 2014, 12:35:10

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Quote from: menion on February 10, 2014, 21:34:26
and gynta??

and today also Arabic?? Never knew you know so much languages...
Ahh yes importing the F-bomb in all this languages now ;D
You know about the crowdin filter bug. filtering for "missing translations"
crowdin shows some already translated words - marked with green dots.
i picked this "green dot words" and confirm.

onlinemaps works now
but we have another (small) problem in the blank maps:


so, you translated words in languages you do not understand? Don't understand - why?

And Blank map - heh, thanks :)
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Quote from: menion on February 10, 2014, 23:06:12so, you translated words in languages you do not understand?
you don't understand/remember (i'm sure ta-ka know it also)
there was a bug in filtering month ago...
...wait im searching the forum posts. brb


I remember there was any problem on crowdin. No problem. I was just worry, if something happen or not.
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QuoteNo problem. I was just worry, if something happen or not.
nono - you start this "chat" - so let me reply  ;D

found it:

try it:
-> https://crowdin.net/translate/menion/3293/en-no
-> filter missing translation
->"Display" is marked as "missed translation"
THERE IS a translation - but the filter has no effect.


i also confirm mapzoom work fine and quick :)
if "zoom lock" is not enabled in "pro version" i can zoom to max zoomlevel,
in "test version" i can scale up the mapview after i reach the highest zoomlevel
what is the benefit of this behavior and the necessity of "zoom lock" in this case?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@gynta: oki :) I just still do not understand, how happen, that I received notification that you translated few houndreds of texts on crowdin.

@balloni: sorry, also do not understand. When you enable zoom lock, Locus "lock" on currently selected map layer and do not allow to change it, just rescale (change percents of zoom). As I'm checking it, seems to work in same way as previoud versions ...
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Quotesorry, also do not understand
for better understanding 2 screencasts, in both the scraplock is not "blue highlighted" in my understanding "zoomlock" is off (disabled)

first screencast is taken with PRO, max zoom ends (+zoom is gray) at zoomlevel 21/100, see in top of schreencast

second screencast is taken with TEST, max zoom ends (+zoom is gray) at zoomlevel 21/6400, see in top of schreencast
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


understand ...

please check, if you have in both versions of Locus set on same value

menu > settings > map - control & panels > Automatic zoom-lock parameter. It should be because of this
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menu > settings > map - control & panels > Automatic zoom-lock
thank you menion thats it, in testvesion this opion was checked :-[ now it works the same way :)
Are the default settings of pro and test different? :o I have never modified this option
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


perfect, you are welcome!

And I always hear "I have never modified this option" :). By default is this option enabled (checkbox checked), but I know, that it may rarely happen, that during scroll, you should tap on line and change it's settings ;)
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Quotethat during scroll, you should tap on line and change it's settings
understand, thats a possibility. ;)
After playing a little bit, i recognice that the function
"menu > settings > map - control & panels > Automatic zoom-lock"
is not the same as button right down "Lock the zoom"
With "Automatic zoom lock enabled" you are able to zoom over all available zoomlevels and if you reach the hightest you can scale up .
With "Lock the zoom" you are prisoned in actuell zoomlevel and you can scale up.
I don´t see the necessity of both posibilities
Perhaps you can simplify this to one option served by the padlock button?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Bucky Kid

I tried this auto-lock option and found possible bug: if auto-lock is OFF in conjunction with personal map, the manual Lock zoom button jumps to extreme zoom level (6400%) instead of 200% as in other cases. Not so if auto-lock is ON or with vector map.

Edit: but later the zoom lock button switches to 200% in all modes so maybe it's not bug.

Quote from: balloni55 on February 11, 2014, 13:02:37
With "Lock the zoom" you are prisoned in actuell zoomlevel and you can scale up.
I don´t see the necessity of both posibilities
Perhaps you can simplify this to one option served by the padlock button?
I don't think so, there were situations when I found manual zoom-lock button necessary even when auto zoom-lock is used. It gives better control of desired layer and magnification.


I don't understand why new look of geocache screen? Old was great, all informations are in one window (no necessary basic info or attachments), and on bottom bar. I don't want to tap on small button on top bar. Why you change good thinks to new? Users want this? In my opinion better was old geocache screen, no need to any changes.

Locus is great app. But too many improvements changing interface or other things make similarly to ex. Skype. In past - very good app, today - too many functions, too many "improvements".


is the "Heart rate monitor BT 4.0" support supposed to work with low energy (BLE/Bluetooth smart) devices or just the regular ones? I've tested with Polar H6 sensor and it's not recognized - Locus Bluetooth manager shows just paired devices - and there is, AFAIK, no pairing for BLE ones.