[APP] - version 2.16.X+ (updated 25.10.2013)

Started by Menion, September 30, 2013, 20:14:27

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Hi all, tried brouter today, fed tons of rd5 to the right directory, put profile from 0.9.4 brouter zip in place and started 2.16.1 beta.
Which the tells me that the brouter service cannot find motorcar-fast config (neither the others).
I did configure the motorcar, bicycle and foot configs in the service tab of brouter. but do not see any new files in the brouter config folder.
brouter folder resides on /storage/extSdCard, BTW.

Did anyone try brouter so far ?

Hello Menion,
how did you set this up ? I trust it worked for you ;-)
Thank you !



Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


about Free/ProTestVersion
After deinstall Free and install Test:

# Test version starts with "Turisitautak" map - my pos (mapcenter) is hundreds km in the void
# Locus show me all my disabled online maps again.

Why Test version don't use the Pro settings (if exits) like right panel, etc.


1. If I use the map manager to delete a personal map that is not current one, map manager is closed and I am returned to map view with "Connection failed". I think the map manager should not be closed and the map should stay as it was since I deleted a non-current one. This should also apply to overlays (not sure if it works there currently). Only when a current map is being deleted, thete should be some error message in the map view I think :)
2. when I download geocaches via G4L, some of them have corrected coordinates and are properly marked with star on the icon. Then I export them to GPX, transfer to my brother's phone who uses Locus Free and imports the GPX file. The geocaches are moved to corrected coordinates but there is no indication of the coordinates being actually corrected (no star on the icon). Can this be fixed?
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Quote from: balloni55 on October 06, 2013, 19:03:50
Hi Michael,
please read in this thread
there are some posts from today
Thank you Balloni55, for this successful hint to the other thread.


In new beta  selections of the map items are not visible.
When I tap on the map item nothing happens.
In 2.16.0 was ok.

I think there is a lost function in both versions - center map?


Displaying Openstreetmap notes don't work (even in the current Pro PlayStore Version). I have read http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php/manual:openstreetbugs but even if I activate the function to display OSM Notes and wait for several minutes without moving the map, nothing is displayed. Sending of Notes seems to work (message about success and they added my provided info some days later).


Hi menion
please please repair the not functional automatic backup at defined time.
At almost every boot I get an unwanted backup.
Some of us have reported this several times.
It is really anoying.

Gesendet von meinem LG-P970

Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


Hi Robin
Quote from: Robin99 on October 07, 2013, 10:22:25
In new beta  selections of the map items are not visible.
When I tap on the map item nothing happens.
In 2.16.0 was ok.
will be fixed in next version
Quotethink there is a lost function in both versions - center map?



@KaHeMu: ah finally understand what you mean. Agree, I also want to remove dialog screen in case, you tap on geocache, but it will take some time

@joeloc: I'm unable to reproduce problem with navigation voice, no matter what I do. Did you tried to set again your voice and check volume of your device? :)

About "Data" screen ... ok, agree that "data" and also an icon are not the best choice, mainly for a new users. But we're with Peter unable to find any better solution. Google Earth use word "Places", but is it really better then "Data"?

@brotbuexe: there are two variables that are used during this. Time between clicks and also an distance between clicks, so make sure you tap on as same place as possible. I'll try to improve it a little anyway

@gynta: I know you already know this limitations. Every android application store it's preferences in own private place (Locus Free and Pro are two different apps). And they cannot share it's preferences. Some of settings are anyway stored on card, like panels, wms maps, live tracking etc. so these are shared in both versions of Locus

@druki: I'm unable to simulate it, for me, OSM notes works fine. Are you checking it on place where are any notes already reported?

@Mek: do you have enabled on second device "Move to final waypoint" in settings? I'm testing it with latest version and it works fine. And disabling map even if not current fixed

@tramp: hope, backup will be better now. We'll see after tests

@gynta & → problem ... thanks
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K Dropboxu. Dostávám security hlášku, když kliknu na tlačítko "Link with Dropbox". Mám nainstalovanou Dropbox originál appku. Hláška zní:
Another app on your phone may be trying to pose as the app you are currently using. The malicious app cannot access your account, but linking to Dropbox has been disabled as a precaution. Please contact support@dropbox.com

Ještě jedna věc k DP. Šla by udělat podpora i pro EXPORT do Dropboxu?


I'll use my poor English to keep topic in same lang ...

I found reason for linking to dropbox finally yesterday and it's fixed now. About export to dropbox ... I'm working on it since morning. Because of this, I had to rewrite big part of export system, so it will need some more testing.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


aaaaand ... test version. Enjoy dropbox ;)

and btw. there is one secret improvement. You should "import" map files as well. It should work also for an maps stored on dropbox (locus will download them directly to Locus/maps directory and add to list of maps)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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Quote from: menion on October 10, 2013, 11:03:05
@brotbuexe: there are two variables that are used during this. Time between clicks and also an distance between clicks, so make sure you tap on as same place as possible. I'll try to improve it a little anyway

Okay. Don't moving the finger between the clicks that much do the trick. I'll try it on the bicycle and check if it's still works on the go.