Offline POI database

Started by Menion, July 22, 2013, 22:02:41

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it depend on all tags in point in offline poi database. Tap on this point and you'll see what tags are in database. There will be probably more then just "spring"
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Quote from: menion on February 17, 2014, 15:49:21
hmm interesting, issue on my side. Should be only in testing versions. Sorry ... will be fixed in next version ;)
Hi Menion, did you alredy "fix" it in pro 2.19.1?
I can't find the POI icon; or do you have to use some special setting in config-file?


stebu as I wrote, this feature is available only in testing versions of Locus. So yes, it should be fixed. I made a small mistake that I published this beta version too soon. I hoped it will be fully working till end of year, but some complications made a large delay. Anyway I really believe that during April, I'll find time on this again ...
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Quote from: menion on July 22, 2013, 22:02:41

- extract file and place it right to the same place as you vector map. If your file will have exactly same name, it will be used automatically together with vector map. So for example for austria, you should have in the end

Hi menion,
I have two questions to an old thread:
1. I  use the but there is only a _german,poi.db. Does this work too or do I have to rename the poi.db?
2. On Android 4.4.2 I have all vector maps on the external SDCard1. Where should the poi.db files stored (SDCard0 or SDCard1)?

Thank you..
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


point is now, that you have to have same name of DB POI file as is map you use and this file has to be in same directory. So also on your card.
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Quote from: menion on April 03, 2014, 06:40:03
point is now, that you have to have same name of DB POI file as is map you use and this file has to be in same directory. So also on your card.

Thank you, it works after renaming the poi.db.

Edit: I do not understand why the poi.db has to have the same name as the osm map: I always use the OutdoorActive maps and I can now see the pois too on this raster map,
Of course I am happy about this feature :-)
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8

Georg D

Quote from: menion on July 23, 2013, 22:47:58
how often you switch these vector maps?
In my everyday usage, once every few weeks, but during vacation, much more often - several times a day is not unusual, as joeloc wrote July 25, 2013, 13:12:10 during touring the Alps, even day trips with three countries are quite common, so during trip preparation (which trip looks nice? where could be go?...) I'm switching countries dozens of times per hour.


tramp20: there is currently no method, how you may say "Load this POI.db" now. So currently locus tries to load automatically files, that has same name as existing vector maps, that's all. Anyway this is not a final system of course.

We wanted to have this feature fully working till end of 2013, but it will have a long delay, so we will see if end of June is possible :)
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René Fritz

I just tested the version

By the way in the first post the database is named
austria.db.poi which has to be  austria.poi.db

I used the german poi db. You have to wait a little when selecting a category but I think that's ok.

It would be nice to have a link to wikipedia in the poi details view.


Quote...database is named austria.db.poi which has to be  austria.poi.db
Hi René
thx for hint - fixed



I have tested the new offline poi feature for german map. Everything is working well. But the following features in comparsion to OSMAnd are missing:
1. I have not found the poi's for caravan_sites and camp_sites
2. Default and  ustom poi filter like in osmand are missing. On OSMAnd I have created the following custom filters for example:
    - for cycling: Supermarkets, bakeries, toiletts, cycle shops, camp-sites, ...
    - for traveling with camper (rv): supermarkets, gas stations, harbors,  caravans-, camp-sites....
3. View POI-Filters in Map with futher information when hover over the poi to see for example the name of the supermarket.

OSM poi's and poi-filters like in osmand are the only feature prevent me from completly switch from osmand to locus.

best regards


Hello Marten,

what you see is more then half year old work. We plan to continue on it's work during June/August on a full time. Your idea (that probably comes from OsmAnd) is really very nice. I'll keep this in mind during next work!
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David Mrnustik

Offline POI seems very interesting.
Would you provide Iceland please?

Thanks in advance!
David M.


So after an year! (uff it's really so long?)

I started to work again on POI database. As a first step, I had to rewrite major part that handle OSM data and generate POI database. Result is in first topic as a fresh bunch of new files. Source for data are planet-world from 22.7.2014, enjoy
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