Howto navigate to coordinates via beeline (Guide ON)?

Started by nIgel, July 07, 2012, 06:15:47

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I'm using Locus strictly offline.

Yesterday I tried to navigate to some coordinates and was astonished, that this proved to be quite difficult.

First approach:
Via Menü - Navigate
(no beeline option, only usable online)

Second approach
1) create a new waypoint with the coordinates I want to go.
2) Select this waypoint and navigate there with Guide On

Is there a simpler way to just enter the coordinates and have Locus guide me to it via beeline?


Hello and welcome!
Yes, it's allready there and this id the simplest way I lnow: In second approach use guiding instead of navigating.
As you read the forum (also the manual pages) and using Locus, you will see the diffetences.Greetings, Druki


Really no other way? That seems quite cumbersome to me.
Menion: Would it be difficult to integrate beeline (guide on) into Navigate menu (perhaps with a little airplane icon)?


hmm and what should be difference between current system "create new wpt with the coordinates ..."?

some extra button will just start guiding on current map center location, that's what you want? In this case you may use "long-click" on map, tap address, tap bottom button, tap guide ...
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Lets just forget, that it is only coordinates.
This navigate to screen gives a lot of target possibilites, not only coordinates.
Interesting for me as Geocacher are:
coordinates, projection, select from card and even the memory could be interesting.

So we have a lot in on menu that could easily be called.
And in most cases I don't need an extra waypoint at the targetposition but a quick way to beeline navigate to one of the earlier mentioned.


Just to push it up a little since it seems to be forgotten.
In my opinion it is good, to have all navigate options under one hood (in one menu).


after a while of thinking - added as possible button to right panel only (or top panel)
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thx, looking foreward to try it out.


found in list of functions? Fine
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Quote from: "menion"found in list of functions? Fine

Last message was in a hurry to go to holidays (handy typo try it out -> trackback ....) Now I reached our destination and but couldn't find the beeline button.
What I had in mind was something like this, so everything would be in one menu.


hmm  it's not a best idea. This dialog should be extended in case there will be more options, but all should be for "real navigation". Also this is used in creating track manually so in this case, "Guide" feature do not fit to this concept. And finally, "Guide on" is between GPS and some end-point, so "Start point" here is useless (which confirm that this do not belong to this dialog).

You asked for a quick way to start guiding on any point/place, so current version is even faster then this, isn't it?
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Especially since this menu which comes it first has all what is needed for a quick selection.


hmm I'm not sure I understand, sorry :). So it's what you wanted ("Guide to" button on right panel)? or not? I'm worried that nothing better will come from me :D
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I'm asking for a "Guide to (beeline) button" for a quick navigation without setting a POI at this place before. If this "guide to button" would lead to this picture:

to get a selection of possible target, that would be the best but for my purpose it would be sufficent to have this items out of the entire selection:
projection (°/m) ((in picture number 7)
coordinates (in picture number 6)
GPS (to find the way home later or to mesure a distance by walking from the starting point)(in picture number 1)

Since this already exists in the current "route to menu", I thought the easiest way is to add the beeline button to this menu (routing via beeline[straight line] is still a kind of routing isn't it?). Take for instance the pedestrian symbol in your routing menu. If the database mapquest or whoever is calculating that route is using has not sufficient information about the area, a beeline (straight line) from the actual position to the target could be a better "routing". Since all the routing is done online and I'm using Locus pro only offline I can't test test assumption but I hope You understand my intention.


ah ...
please did you tried this:
menu > functions > set right panel > add link - feature > GUIDE TO! ??
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