error in RMAP calibration

Started by bongo, January 30, 2012, 11:03:01

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looks like there is an error in calibrating RMAP formatted maps. :cry:

my map has the following projection/datum:
projection: Transversal Mercator
datum: Potsdam Rauenberg DHDN
resolution: 2.5 m/pixel

when placing a waypoint on this map, this does not show at the correct position.

coords of the wpt: 48°08.995 11°31.305
the wpt is shown on the map at about:  48°08.900 11°31.215

when using osm vector maps, the wpt is shown where it should be, but when using RMAP, the map seems to have an offset to the north-east and the wpt is shown in a wrong position.

i also checked this with another RMAP which has same projection/datum but different resolution, and the problem is the same.

first i thought that my maps are bad, but i did the following tests:

- loaded RMAP into compegps on the pc, and the wpt is shown in the right position
- loaded RMAP into oruxmaps, and the wpt is shown in the right position

so i think that definitely locus is the problem, which misinterpretes either the projection or the datum settings.

can you please have a look at this misbehaviour?



I'll gladly check it, but I need some sample map with this issue. It's weird because I was almost sure then UTM should work correctly but seems not ...
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hm. then map which shows this behaviour is about 1.5gb. not really nice to upload ;-(
maybe, i can find a smaller one, but will still be a few 100mb.
where can i upload this map for you to check (it's definitely too big for email)?


if you can create just some small ... then perfect. If not, 100MB will not be problem. Some web service? Hellshare, maybe one czech service - very useful for files up to around 150MB. Thanks ...
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i found a small one. sent it to your email address...


I,ve got same error, but with last update my maps work perfect.


i actually have 1.16.3 which shows this problem. think it's the latest one.

seems to be a problem with either Transversal Mercator projection or Potsdam Rauenberg DHDN map datum (or both).


uff ... I was playing with this whole evening and night. Finally at morning solved.

I probably understand something wrong, but Datum in configuration file is also used on calibration point. I firstly just converted calibration points from LatLon Datum=WGS84 to defined projection. But this gives me still same errors no matter what I did. Solution is to use LatLon, but Datum= datum from calibration. Hmm good to know :). Probably basic mistake but for sure very very important because I should be error that cause many small calibration issues. Perfect ... so ...fixed, uff :)
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so i hope to find the new version in the market soon... ;-)


test version viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1537#p9270

regular market version will take some time now
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looks fine now!...
... but i had to uninstall locus free first. when installing over an existing locus free version (had a former testversion installed) calibration was still wrong.
but now, it seems to work fine.


still wrong? hmm interesting. This should not be ... anyway good that works. Perfect
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not really a problem. i think there was a problem with the first installation of 1.16.3 when i installed over a former free version.
when starting 1.16.3. for the first time, it crashed. then i started again and still had the wrong calibration.
so i uninstalled and reinstalled and now it works.