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Hi Menion,
would be great if Locus could record Power left/right. It would allow me to skip ipbike in the future.

Any plans?

Best regards and enjoy your weekend!

Quote from: Menion on January 02, 2024, 14:29:57Hello Bernhard,
So if you find a moment, give it a try and let me know, thanks.

Hi Menion,

Today I had the chance to ride again. The percentage values visible on the sensor Page at the powermeter Seemeilen not to make too much sense.
It seemed that one value changed to arbitrary values between 0% and 100% and the other just showed the difference to 100%. Especially when I'm not pedalling and so I do not generate power, a 100%/0% seems awkward.

I have connected my sensors via BLE to LM and via ANT+ to ipbike and at least the recording of ipbike seems meaningful, see last diagramm:

You cannot view this attachment.

Would it be helpful if you get the recorded file from ipbike, Menion?

If so, just let me know how I can get you the file.

Best regards


Quote from: Menion on January 02, 2024, 14:29:57Hello Bernhard,

the sensor I use most probably does not support dual-mode (only a single sensor on the bike), so I can't test it directly. Also, I'm not sure, what to do with the "balance" value.

Anyway first test: in the next app (also in the next Beta version), the value should be visible in the "Sensors manager screen" when the sensor is connected.

So if you find a moment, give it a try and let me know, thanks.

Hi Menion,

Man thanks for your feedback! Where and how can I get the next Beta?
I will certainly check and provide feedback!

To your question: on dualsided power meters the balance value should update together with the power readings and I expect the value to be recorded constantly with the power readings (and other values like cadence, speed, altitude).

As a result, after a recorded ride, one can see if and where e.g. at steep hill climbs one has disbalances in power generation.

Best regards and Happy new year!

So it seems that I'm the only one person here who uses dual power meter with Locus Map as the recorder and with the expectation, that the "L/R balance" which is transmitted by the sensors everytime is meassured and recorded as well.

@Menion, do you potentially see a chance to check the code of the meassurement and recording of connected powermeters, please?

Hi there,

Lately I acquired two sets of Assioma Duo Shi power meter sensors, a pair for the MTB and one for the Gravelbike.

The sensors are mounted and the first ride was recorded:

You cannot view this attachment.

As the sensor is a dual model which measures power of both legs individually, it should be possible to also record both legs independantly. This allows to monitor disbalances between the two legs.
But it seems Locus Map doesn't record both value series?

Has anyone any experience with this topic?

I'm looking forward to your feedback!

Best regards

Hi All,

Meanwhile I purchased a set of Assioma Duo Shi powermeter which allow connection via both, BLE and ANT.

Now I figured out that Locus only supports powermeter sensors via ANT  :-X

Why ist this?

Could Locus in the near future also support powermeter sensors via BLE?

This becomes more urgent as less and less devices support ANT!

Figured out now after a second check that powermeter sensors are also supported via BLE.


Best regards
This is how a similar area looks while using Lo-map North-rhine-westphalia on my phone running Locus Map.

2018-02-18_04-27-09 by Bernie None, on Flickr

What theme do you use?
Hi All,

As there was a new version of the Elevate themes released by OAM on Feb 13, 2018 I updated the modified themes as well.

During this course I also altered the corresponsing logo to indicate that the Elevate and Elevate_LE themes are changed.

Please find the URLs in the first post of this topic updated accordingly. Please delete the previous version of the modified Elevate and Elevate_LE themes.

Have fun!

And let me know if you have any issue or question!

P.S. I just figured out that the first files I provided today on my server for download hat an error. I corrected it and since now, 12:36 CET the files should work nicely.
Quote from: GusGF on January 05, 2018, 01:39:30
So can anyone recommend a rugged phone (ideally with a handlebar mount, but that may be asking too much  ;D ) has to be waterproof and is Android of course.

I recommend and use myself a Sony Xperia Z1, Android, cheap, ANT+, waterproof, external powerconnect...

Just perfekt!
My fault, no worries!
Hi Guys,

Many thanks for the proposed fixes. However it doesn't work :(.

Now I have an idea: is it possible that Tiramisu Themen only works with single-language maps but not with ML-maps?

Best regards

Quote from: Magellan on November 26, 2017, 10:50:31
Source: Tiramisù 3.0.2 for Oruxmaps and MapsForge compatible applications
Now able to work in Locus. Some layers have been added....

Hi Guys,

I want to try the Tiramisù 3 Theme in Locus as well. However apparently I'm not yet able to use it. I downloaded the zip file provided in the first topic, extracted it to my computer and copied the content into a folder on my mobile phone

\Interner Speicher\Locus\mapsVector\_themes\Tiramisu

But when I start Locus Map Pro, latest version I cannot select the Tiramisu theme.

What did I wrong or where do I have to place which files to make the Tiramisu theme work on my phone with Locus?

Best regards

Quote from: balloni55 on December 29, 2017, 13:20:39
Hello Bernhard,
depending on ZL there are more/less/different way symbols visible on map


Hi Wolfgang,

I consider the behavior that you describe as "works as designed" and as implemented as a standard in the Elevate and Elements Themes from OAM. I did not change anything to that extend, so it should be identical with the files provided by me and by the original files from OAM.

I think it would make sense to bring up the topic in the OAM forum (registration required, German language mainly) if you think this should be changed, does this make sense for you?

Best regards

Hi Guys,

Happy New Year to everyone and please excuse my delayed response! I was on vacation without a computer and therefore my response took a while.

Many thanks for the feedback in general and for the important hint form Menion in particular!

I updated my original post and offer now two options for the download, one including the icon folder ele_res and one excluding the icon folder.

My intention is really to see the files as a clear extension of the original Elevate and Element Themes offered by OAM! In this context I think the version without the icon folder makes more sense.

However I understand that there might be people who wnat to simply download one package and use the modified theme without the latest Elements and Elvenate Themes from OAM. For those I offer the second download.

Please let me know what you think and if this makes sense for you.

Best regards


Many thanks, Menion, for the hint! This might be the solution:

Wolfgang, could you please install latest Elevate and Elevate LE themes from OAM? Then you should have all required icons.

Best regards
