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Messages - JoxM

I have an other question.
When I tap on a waypoint (geocache) and choose "Zielführung ein" (sorry, don't know the english version... I.e. Guidance on perhaps?) I can no longer deactivate the guidance by long pressing the button that appears in the upper left corner.

Is that a change or an error? I use it quite often...
Hi sorry, dass ich jetzt erst meinen Senf dazu gebe :), aber ich les eher selektiv ;)
Wie wäre es mit
- Wartung nötig (analog der Archivierung)
- Koordinatenupdate oder Update Koordinaten (wenn das damit gemeint ist, sprich man weist dem Cache neue Koordinaten zu?)
- deaktivieren oder Listing deaktivieren (ist immer eh nur vorübergehend, ansonsten ist es archivieren)

Das sind m.E. die geläufigen Begriffe beim Cachen...

Natürlich zur Diskussion ;)
That's what I wanted to hear :).
Can't wait for next version :)
Thanks for the information...
Yes, but I see no difference...
Same behavior.
I tap on next (Nächste in german version), GPS search starts automatically (without success because I'm inside a building). I cancel the search and the coordinates of my actual (or near) position appear in the top line, while the center of locus is 30km away...
Version 2.0.2...
Sorry, but is it possible to get the old version (1.x) back? That one was perfect!
This GPS search while trying to download caches in an area is not useful.
F.e. I'm at home, are going on a trip 100km away and just want to download the next 200 caches of this area (that's what I use this app for). I don't need the GPS search of my actual position, all I want is that the app starts searching right there where the center of locus is...
Like it was before.
Am einfachsten mit ner PQ aus deinem Account auf GC und die Datei dann einfach auf dem anderen Gerät einlesen...
And another one...
The text on the distance circles is not correct.
I get "500m - 1000m - 20km (!) - 50km (!)" instead of "500m - 1000m - 2km - 5km" :)
Next problem I found is, that in geocaching listing the "bigger","smaller" and "back" buttons are white on white and no more visible if screen background is also white.
And again, nice work.
First issue: New french maps make Locus crash everytime...
Give it a try :)

Gesendet von meinem LG-D802 mit Tapatalk

So again.
While geocaching and walking a multicache I come to a stage without given coordinates. So I add a point to locus on the map.
Afterwards I want to add this point as a waypoint in the listing of the cache.
So I create a new waypoint and want to pick the point which I created from the map while it is not centered. And then the coordinates in this new waypoints are the one from the center and not the ones from tge created point. In the past this worked. I'm sure, because I used it very often. Hope it's clearer now...

Gesendet von meinem LG-D802 mit Tapatalk

Sorry for my late response.
As I don't use the english version I'm not able to follow the whole discussion. Think I have to change the language
Hi again,
Don't know if somebody asked this already (didn't find it).
I have a problem with the function "choose from map" (german "Von der Karte wählen".
When I open a geocache and want to create a new waypoint and choose the above function to choose the coordinates from an other point, the coordinates doesn't change to the ones of the chosen point. They stay on the center cross.
Nice work again.
Unfortunately logging geocaches doesn't work anymore (code 2 not authorized).
Didn't change anything. Is there anybody with same problem?

Gesendet von meinem LG-D802 mit Tapatalk

Sag ich doch ;)