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Topics - adelinoaraujo

Small display bug, but I don't know where else to report it.

Go to Satellite, open Localization and Security of Android on top right menu, and the options for wifi, gps and others will appear.
Go back and locus display has some displacement on top. All Locus window is a few pixels down, almost the size of the standard upper bar of Android, where it show's some icons and time.
If you press any other button or leave and re-enter the menu, it goes ok.
Hi. First of all, great app; I've been trying to use it and learn.

I want to import my friends tracks and I see it on the screen. Been trying to make the application to tell me where to go, just follow the track from beggining to end, like any ordanary gps. I want to use Locus in my bike rides, so I need to follow some tracks. I would love to hear it telling me where to turn and if I just go the wrong way, it should warn me.

Tried to find this info on the forum, but could not locate it or does not exist.

Thank you. Great app.