Usefulness and my acceptance of the locus livetracking would be bigger, if there wasn't wasted space on the target website. I can understand you need to sell Locus client, but still, enthusiasm may not arise from bad websites. As much map space as possible, please! A floating hamburger menu and "buy locus" only inside the menu please.
Also that center/right info extender is too huge.
I'm obviously talking about the smartphone interface.
You must make something really good, because otherwise the Whatsapp+Google maps livetracking is the preferred solutuin for people.
Last note: It improved, I have seen it. But needs to be better.
Quote from: tapio on March 19, 2019, 18:29:42
Usefulness and my acceptance of the locus livetracking would be bigger, if there wasn't wasted space on the target website. I can understand you need to sell Locus client, but still, enthusiasm may not arise from bad websites. As much map space as possible, please! A floating hamburger menu and "buy locus" only inside the menu please.
Also that center/right info extender is too huge.
I'm obviously talking about the smartphone interface.
You must make something really good, because otherwise the Whatsapp+Google maps livetracking is the preferred solutuin for people.
Last note: It improved, I have seen it. But needs to be better.
You can slide the menu bar to the top to make disappear the link bar of the browser, but it's not obvious for the user.
I think that all the white space on top and bottom in menu bar can be deleted.
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Quote from: tapio on March 19, 2019, 18:29:42
Usefulness and my acceptance of the locus livetracking would be bigger, if there wasn't wasted space on the target website.
+1 I had a recent help topic on this but can't now find it ;-(
On the website I can choose to follow someone of the the tracked users.
In this way I can see not only the user position, but also the user data.
Position is updated but the data is not.
Livetracking: Chat from Locus to web is not possible? It should. I have already seen it in another LT-Solution.
Quote from: menion on March 20, 2019, 13:06:17
Thanks all for the feedback for our new Live tracking web. It is work in progress
I like the way when you click on a "group" icon it zooms in to maximize the spread of users; then if you click on an individual icon it re-centers them to the middle of the screen. However once centered a further click does nothing, but maybe it could open the right side panel to display the user details? Yes I know I could click the << link, just lazy. The panel also says "PUBLIC GROUP" but really it is a public individual - I know it is just static text, whether a group or individual is selected, so very cosmetic.
I wonder whether the group count is correct. In Sweden, Suomi I currently see 5 users. When I zoom in a little it splits into a group of 4 + 1 individual. But when I zoom out it shows the group as 6. The numbers don't add up.
It would be nice if, like Google Maps, the URL was continually updated, or there was a Permalink link somewhere you could bookmark, so you could quickly return to your zoomed/ panned part of the world.
GPS tracking ideas:
Allow optional download of gpx. Allow time control on how long positions and GPX are revealed.
Allow to add POI on both sides, so people can show poi, give hints...
Quote from: tapio on March 21, 2019, 10:57:23
Allow time control on how long positions and GPX are revealed.
+1 nice idea, my partner used the live tracking of my ride a few weeks ago but was confused when my position disappeared when no mobile signal at times. It would be better if last known position was retained for (say) 30 minutes (or even longer) rather than just a few minutes.
Also see attached screen cap - support date format
Quote from: tapio on March 21, 2019, 10:57:23
GPS tracking ideas:
Allow optional download of gpx. Allow time control on how long positions and GPX are revealed.
Allow to add POI on both sides, so people can show poi, give hints...
+1 good idea, the user icon on the map with a position not refreshed after for example 10 minutes should be surrounded by a red circle, after 30 a black one and at 45 or more disappear from the map. In this way you can immediately know if that position is good.
I think that the icon for safety reasons should persist for a very long amount of time, also 24h, and be removed only when from locus close a connection message was sent to the server.
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Live tracking
In the user data should be useful to include battery status.
In this way if someone unexpectedly disappear from the map no more answering at the phone we can know that almost sure it's a battery drain and not the worst horror movie our brain can imagine.
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To not mess main Locus Map version topic with a discussion about the live-tracking web page, I've separated these topics, sorry for the small mess.
Thanks to this, @milan.cejnar (as a person responsible for LT feature) may read and forward all good points to our external cooperators etc. Thanks for understanding.
Web interface:
In order to refresh the info box to the right, we need to click the LT icon on the map. But it changes zoom level which I do not like because I find myself always fighting against the web interfaces wish for zoom out.
- Support more maps and OSM-themes.
- Also, topplus maps are great, I think free to use.
Hello guys,
I would like to address most of the issues or suggestions you have mentioned here.
A common thing mentioned by all of you has been a wasted space on the top of mobile web page. This is a valid suggestion and we will talk with the web page designer about this and about improving the mobile UI experience generally.
As for mentioned control of the time the user is visible on the map - we have just added this functionality. It can be set by the owner of the group in the group settings globally for the whole group. Public group session time remained to be set to 10 minutes. Also some indication of how fresh the position is mentioned by lor74cas is also something we think would be useful, but is not implemented yet.
Thank you for noticing that user data do not seem to be update at all in the recent version, that is definitely a bug.
Adding some other user data including battery is a good idea, we would probably also need some sensible way of showing the data values if their number increases, definitely something to think about.
Live chat is currently not available through web interface, it is something we would like to implement some time later.
GPX is currently not generated by the live tracking server but we would like to have some kind of online track recording feature or maybe integrate track recording and live tracking together somehow to be able to share live tracking track.
For POIs, hints, comments etc. the Live chat should be used, but this option is currently missing from the web interface as stated previously.
Automatic zooming to the user after they are selected is really weird at the moment, you have described it quite precisely as fighting against the web interface. We will talk with the web designer to disable this zooming function completely and leave only centering to the user's position enabled.
Also regarding your problems of users not showing on the map, there were actually two possible causes of this. First there was a bug, which led to the positions not showing when the group user (session) timeout was set to indefinite, but that should be fixed since yesterday. Secondly there is a problem if the user icon's URL is invalid and then it does not show on the map. This still needs to be fixed. In the meantime try refreshing your avatar in Live Tracking profile or selecting one of the Locus Icons instead, which should work correctly.
@Andrew Heard
Thank you for the suggestions, most of the are good tips but we will focus on more pressing UX issues, as the web page obviously needs an update after the first release.
As for the user counts in the group/cluster not adding up; I think that the number was actually correct but some of the people had incorectly set icon URL (we had some issues with Google changing avatar URLs recently) and so one of the people was invisible when zoomed in to show the icon. We will try to fix the issue.
As for supported date/time format - the web should be using default for your device's locale. There should be no need to set it anywhere. Is format MM/DD/YYYY unusual for your locale? Other units are displayed using metric system only at the moment, which might also be confusing for some people unfortunately.
Anyway thank all of you for all the suggestions and feedback, it really helps us to pinpoint potential problems of lacking features of the new interface.
nice progress
>on the top of mobile web page
web AND PC web page?
>Public group session time remained to be set to 10 minutes
why not longer?
> Is format MM/DD/YYYY unusual for your locale?
isn't MM/DD/YYYY mainly USA format? I thought more common would be DD/MM/YYYY; and the latter is the way other websites display a date to me in Australia; both formats are problematic - who is to say whether 04/03/2019 is 4th March or 3rd April ;-( but that is not your problem
Thanks Milan. Agree highly with Andrew, wasted space on web interface. The top bar makes it look like an advert page. Like: "this page is not the real deal".
Yes, agreed. Regarding the mobile web interface the decision to show download button in this way was probably not exactly the best decision by our web designer.
@Andrew Heard
- mobile web AND PC web page?
Just the mobile version of the web I think. PC version seems fine, there is a lot of space at the top and we do want to have a download button in the menu because we want people to use the Locus Map client primarily and to obtain it easily, even though there is not any "spectator" mode in the LM at the moment, so technically the web page has a little different use case from the mobile client for now. But in the future the web will probably offer simply just a subset of Live Tracking features offered by the Locus Map itself.
- public group timeout
Maybe I could increase it to 15 minutes, but why more? There might be quite a lot of people in public
group and with relatively high fluctuation, so we prefer not to keep the positions in the public group that long which also helps to save the data traffic of other people following the public group.
As said, timeout in private groups can then be set to some predefined amounts of time or make it indefinite and people can share their position to both public and private group at the same time so I think that leaving the session timeout time shorter in public group is preferable.
- date format
Point taken, thank you. We will propose to the designer that we could use "DD MON YYYY hh:mm:ss" with moth name abbreviation.
Livetracking web page should be attractive. In most cases, I guess, it is used between outdoor enthusiasts and friends and relatives (at home). The enthusiast buys LT as for closed group, the web page visitors have at least heard about Locus. I don't think they buy Locus just for watching other peoples LT.
Non mobile Web page: I'd prefer a layout with stuff to the left, because of aspect ratios like 16:9 or thinner.
As in
Quote from: milan.cejnar on March 27, 2019, 11:29:59
- date format
Point taken, thank you. We will propose to the designer that we could use "DD MON YYYY hh:mm:ss" with moth name abbreviation.
If you use abbreviation you need to translate them in all languages, what about instead to use dd/mm/yyyy format and add the function of a explanation of the used format with a link on an ( Info link ) or a mouse hovering function over the date?
Quote from: milan.cejnar on March 27, 2019, 11:29:59
Maybe I could increase it to 15 minutes, but why more?
@milan.cejnar - my use-case is friends & family tracking my progress. For a bunch of reasons;
- sometimes no wireless/ mobile reception,
- sometimes stopped for sleeping etc.,
- high battery consumption with LT (double consumption of only record tracking), I will be experimenting with flight mode most of the time;
- Locus LT update interval is only max. 5 minutes.
To minimize battery consumption I intend to block LT most of time; just enable each 30 minutes say. That resolution of position is good enough for family & friends; they don't care what street I'm on, just which town/ region I'm recently visiting. Maybe checking once per day; not watching minute by minute. So, most of the time this 10 minute server side timeout means my position won't even be on the webpage, or otherwise I need to incur a large battery hit.
I'll investigate private groups further.
2014 at the bottom of needs updating?
Link from Creating a new group > Live Tracking Premium @ leads to PC web browser page saying "Your connection is not private" + NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID + "You cannot visit right now because the website uses HSTS"? I tried a few searches via Locus knowledge base but my web browser (Vivaldi) blocks access to the live tracking premium. When I attempt the same from Chrome > Live Tracking > Creating a new group > Live Tracking Premium, the browser gets redirected to
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 27, 2019, 23:05:51To minimize battery consumption I intend to block LT most of time; just enable each 30 minutes say. [...] or otherwise I need to incur a large battery hit.
So now your experience is this bad? I have not enough experience with it yet, but I was thinking, there's just some sort of sleep() loop which should not cost much and then a http connect, some data, boom... not much battery impact, I was thinking.
BTW, at least on my device, LTE/4G costs a lot of battery, I always turn it off when hiking.
Quote from: tapio on March 29, 2019, 07:44:50
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 27, 2019, 23:05:51To minimize battery consumption I intend to block LT most of time; just enable each 30 minutes say. [...] or otherwise I need to incur a large battery hit.
So now your experience is this bad? I have not enough experience with it yet, but I was thinking, there's just some sort of sleep() loop which should not cost much and then a http connect, some data, boom... not much battery impact, I was thinking.
BTW, at least on my device, LTE/4G costs a lot of battery, I always turn it off when hiking.
I use LT and I do not notice so much battery consumption.
I usually downgrade the data connection from 4g to 3g or 2g to save the battery.
The problem is not the type of connection but phone always searching for the best speed so when you are not at top speed the phone searches for a better connection consuming battery charge. Here 4g doesn't have good coverage so I prefer a slower connection.
For LT 4g 3g 2g doesn't matter, it works because uses just few byte at every update.
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Quote from: tapio on March 29, 2019, 07:44:50
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 27, 2019, 23:05:51To minimize battery consumption I intend to block LT most of time; just enable each 30 minutes say. [...] or otherwise I need to incur a large battery hit.
So now your experience is this bad?
@tapio - it's not a bad experience; it's impressive functionality; I'm just reporting my battery consumption. I've been using the app "No Root Firewall" and the mobile data traffic is surprisingly high with Locus sending my LT data & Google responding with other LT users each minute even though the update setting is 5 minutes. Yesterday over 5 hours I just disabled flight mode each hour for ~3 minutes, and the battery consumption returned to ~2%/hour. I did find the LT lost/ LT found notifications didn't work reliably. I'll report more later...
Quote from: lor74cas on March 29, 2019, 08:04:17
For LT 4g 3g 2g doesn't matter, it works because uses just few byte at every update.
@lor74cas - how do you know it is just few bytes at every update? I have monitored the data using the excellent app GlassWire and it showed consistently over many hours ~294KB download/ 86KB upload per hour. This was LT data going up/ down each minute. For me (294+86)/60 = 6KB/minute. Yes, not a lot of data per minute but it appears to keep the phone working far more than simple offline track recording, and my experience is double the battery consumption which on multi day rides I cannot really afford.
They hopefully have "as few data as possible in mind". @Andrew, well of course "bad experience" in terms of battery consumption, which a factor 2 is :D
I see you also have a friends/relatives usecase and I think it is a common one. I was thinking, Locus could become more state of the art as for emergency (or: phone lost) warning/support. I had some lose ideas like:
- Send position to Live tracking Web server if user may be in need. E.g., after a user defined time of "no movement".
- User may get an audio warning, before position is sent and could turn the next send off with one tap
- Send position with SMS, also user defined timer
- A privacy mode which only sends in case of (assumed) emergency.
But well, should go to helpdesk.
maybe all features for premium LT so these hard working Locus guys can make a few $'s; delicate balance ;)
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 29, 2019, 10:47:43
Quote from: lor74cas on March 29, 2019, 08:04:17
For LT 4g 3g 2g doesn't matter, it works because uses just few byte at every update.
@lor74cas - how do you know it is just few bytes at every update? I have monitored the data using the excellent app GlassWire and it showed consistently over many hours ~294KB download/ 86KB upload per hour. This was LT data going up/ down each minute. For me (294+86)/60 = 6KB/minute. Yes, not a lot of data per minute but it appears to keep the phone working far more than simple offline track recording, and my experience is double the battery consumption which on multi day rides I cannot really afford.
Adjust the update frequency in the LT settings to a greater value of seconds so you have less update for hour and less battery consumption.
I use 300 sec for trail running so I have a 5 min update, for my case of use it's enough.
Walking 600 sec it's also a good value.
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@lor74cas - I already have set the max 5 minute update. I have suggested/ questioned here & elsewhere why this limit is so low. For my described use-case I would prefer 1 hour update. Even with this 5 minute update as you can read from my previous posts, Locus is exchanging LT mobile data every minute. BTW there is a bug - if you set more than 5 minutes, then tap Back, the setting is not saved and there is no warning/ error.
LT not working properly:
in the last few times I used LT during my runs, after a while the LT position disappeared and no longer reappeared on LT web or LocusPro.
The last time occurred last Sunday during a race so I investigate, you can follow this steps to reproduce the issue:
- Activate Public LT on LocusPro(no track recording)
- Wait to see you are detected on LT web site or on another phone with locuspro
- Disable the data from the LT transmitting device
- You'll notice that after sometime the position on LT web obviously disappears, but on the trasmitting LT device I have only green feedback and no red ones of wrong trasmission
- Now turn on data on the transmitting device, wait ... wait ... wait, but I never have back my position detected on LT web site
This simulates something frequently occurs when the signal is lost, or when, in the border areas, a roaming operator is switched, but when the device hangs up the network, LT should work again.
thank you for the report, this is indeed not wanted behaviour, your position should reappear as soon as you enable the data again and send the position update. I will try it out.
By the way the time limit in the public group before disappearing should be around 10 minutes. For private groups this time limit can be changed by the group owner.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on April 30, 2019, 14:54:48
thank you for the report, this is indeed not wanted behaviour, your position should reappear as soon as you enable the data again and send the position update. I will try it out.
By the way the time limit in the public group before disappearing should be around 10 minutes. For private groups this time limit can be changed by the group owner.
My update freq is set to 300 so after two missed transmission it's normal I disappear from LT, what's wrong is that the transmitting device does not report any wrong transmission and when the signal came back, LT does not restart showing the position on the map
Just another step, if you disappear and open Locus from the background while you have the phone signal you appear again on the map
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 29, 2019, 23:34:11
@lor74cas - I already have set the max 5 minute update.
I can answer my own question now - simply subscribe to premium live tracking. Very cheap. Can have 240 minute or infinite time. @milan.cejnar could promote this fact.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 01, 2019, 08:23:51
Quote from: Andrew Heard on March 29, 2019, 23:34:11
@lor74cas - I already have set the max 5 minute update.
I can answer my own question now - simply subscribe to premium live tracking. Very cheap. Can have 240 minute or infinite time. @milan.cejnar could promote this fact.
But it is certain that if I lose the signal and then resume it, LT will come back to life?
There is no problem to subscribe to LT premium I aquired a lot of coins I do not use just to support the developers.
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@Andrew Heard Thank you for mentioning this, it is true that private groups can set the "time out" to longer time.
But @lor74cas is right, this seems like a bug and increasing the time limit will only mask the problem somehow. I will add to my live tracking issues to solve.
@lor74cas Might only be a bug on the web, will have to try with two phones. The live tracking not reporting any failed transmissions might not be a problem. If there is no connection available Locus will notice this and postpone the attempt until the connection is available. The same should apply with GPS I think, so there should be no attempts to send the position until GPS fix is available.
But I would expect that as soon as a GPS or a connection is available there should be an attempt to synchronize position immediately (if last scheduled attempt had already been missed). So this is definitely not intended behaviour.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on May 02, 2019, 10:32:58
@Andrew Heard Thank you for mentioning this, it is true that private groups can set the "time out" to longer time.
But @lor74cas is right, this seems like a bug and increasing the time limit will only mask the problem somehow. I will add to my live tracking issues to solve.
@lor74cas Might only be a bug on the web, will have to try with two phones. The live tracking not reporting any failed transmissions might not be a problem. If there is no connection available Locus will notice this and postpone the attempt until the connection is available. The same should apply with GPS I think, so there should be no attempts to send the position until GPS fix is available.
But I would expect that as soon as a GPS or a connection is available there should be an attempt to synchronize position immediately (if last scheduled attempt had already been missed). So this is definitely not intended behaviour.
Is this bug solved?
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Quote from: lor74cas on May 11, 2019, 14:20:34
Quote from: milan.cejnar on May 02, 2019, 10:32:58
@Andrew Heard Thank you for mentioning this, it is true that private groups can set the "time out" to longer time.
But @lor74cas is right, this seems like a bug and increasing the time limit will only mask the problem somehow. I will add to my live tracking issues to solve.
@lor74cas Might only be a bug on the web, will have to try with two phones. The live tracking not reporting any failed transmissions might not be a problem. If there is no connection available Locus will notice this and postpone the attempt until the connection is available. The same should apply with GPS I think, so there should be no attempts to send the position until GPS fix is available.
But I would expect that as soon as a GPS or a connection is available there should be an attempt to synchronize position immediately (if last scheduled attempt had already been missed). So this is definitely not intended behaviour.
Is this bug solved?
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If I can't count on the fact that LT works continuously for me this service is not reliable and therefore I can't use it.
@lor74cas Hello, I am sorry about that, I have this problem in my task list but the service seems to be working reliably at the moment and there are no other reports regarding this specific issue. That does not mean anything and I will definitely investigate but I have set it to be a lower priority than some other tasks which is why it is taking a bit longer.
Regarding the problems with new web pages, we actually have problems communicating with our contractor and therefore we are unable to solve it at the moment, but we are very much aware of the situation.
Again, sorry about all the trouble, but I think the core LT functionality is pretty solid although I cannot dispute against that there are some major incoveniences at the moment.
Best regards
Quote from: milan.cejnar on May 14, 2019, 13:44:08
@lor74cas Hello, I am sorry about that, I have this problem in my task list but the service seems to be working reliably at the moment and there are no other reports regarding this specific issue. That does not mean anything and I will definitely investigate but I have set it to be a lower priority than some other tasks which is why it is taking a bit longer.
Regarding the problems with new web pages, we actually have problems communicating with our contractor and therefore we are unable to solve it at the moment, but we are very much aware of the situation.
Again, sorry about all the trouble, but I think the core LT functionality is pretty solid although I cannot dispute against that there are some major incoveniences at the moment.
Best regards
Thank you for your replay, I'll wait for the fix
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Yesterday tested again and fail.
There is something on the app side imho because when the data connection is lost and then restored locus app does not update the Lt info on the server.
But when you unlock the phone and open locus in few seconds the Lt is updated.
It seems that when the signal is lost locus stops to send the info to the server and do not stats again when signal is restored if you do not use the phone or the app.
Usually I start Lt and put the phone in the pocket (set and forget) and when the signal is lost due to connection change (borderline zone) bang Lt is lost.
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Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Still waiting for a fix
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Me too :)
I've just found another bug: I enabled premium live tracking (free trial) a few months ago as a test - works well - then I disabled. Now I have subscribed, but I find my final position from 3 months ago remains instead of being replaced by new position. The web page thinks these are two different people - see attached map.
Last beta no news.
The notification writes green and red results of LT but when the phone is offline there is no red add to count as I expect, there is no news from the notification seems frozen.
When the phone is back online the LT remains frozen until Locus is maximized.
The notification is the mirror of the LT service on the web or on another cell with Locus.
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Hello guys,
sorry for the delay and no news. We have problems with the company which should have made the fixes and update but they are communicating again and promised to fix couple of issues.
Please if you have any problem related to the core LT functionality which can be reproduced in Locus Map directly (ie. not just concerning the web page itself), report it as a bug on our help desk so that I could get more information like your LT group identification and your Locus account info and solve the problems one by one.
@Andrew Heard
As for seeing your position multiple times, are you really using the same Locus account and the same Android device? Has the device been factory reset or rooted in the meantime? Or was the subscription really the only thing that has changed? If that is the case I would like to know (by a private email or PM) the name of the group and your email address that is linked with your Locus account if possible, thank you.
I could not reproduce the behaviour but I will have to look again if you could reproduce it consistently.
You are right that the expected behaviour of the LT should be to increase the error count when there is no connection during the expected position refresh. But at the moment the actual behaviour is to don't even try if there is no Internet connection so that is why the numbers do not increase at all and that is not necessarily a bug (depending on your expectation). Still the position should update as soon as you connect to the network regardless of the app state, that indeed seems like a bug if that happens.
Again if you could please create a problem in our help desk, linking this topic so that we could solve it separately as it does not seem to concern the new LT web page problems.
Thank you
If it was necessary to write on the help desk you could tell me on April 30th when I reported the problem.
To simulate the bug I can do nothing but activate or deactivate the phone's data connection, it would not be legal to cut down the telephone pylons and I can't even enter and exit the tunnels to simulate a disconnection, it's not my job, I have other things to do .
Quote from: milan.cejnar on July 22, 2019, 18:26:59
As for seeing your position multiple times, are you really using the same Locus account and the same Android device? Has the device been factory reset or rooted in the meantime? Or was the subscription really the only thing that has changed? If that is the case I would like to know (by a private email or PM) the name of the group and your email address that is linked with your Locus account if possible, thank you.
thanks @milan.cejnar - 1) same Locus account 2) same Android device 3) unrooted, no factory reset 4) yes - used LT as free trial ~2 months ago then canceled, then paid for subscription last week 5) name of group as in screen cap - "AJH" 6) will PM email address.
Quote from: lor74cas on July 20, 2019, 15:38:56
The notification writes green and red results of LT but when the phone is offline there is no red add to count as I expect, there is no news from the notification seems frozen.
@lor74cas - is this the same behavior as I wrote in separate post - - for which BTW I received ZERO comments. I guess it was a long post, but my point #1 I suggest is a bug - the LT icon should not be green when there is no mobile data available. It should behave the same as the GPS icon/ button - green/ orange/ disabled.
Quote from: Andrew Heard on July 23, 2019, 01:31:34
Quote from: lor74cas on July 20, 2019, 15:38:56
The notification writes green and red results of LT but when the phone is offline there is no red add to count as I expect, there is no news from the notification seems frozen.
@lor74cas - is this the same behavior as I wrote in separate post - - for which BTW I received ZERO comments. I guess it was a long post, but my point #1 I suggest is a bug - the LT icon should not be green when there is no mobile data available. It should behave the same as the GPS icon/ button - green/ orange/ disabled.
I agree, but you did not open an help desk ticket

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Hello, I did not want to bother you with the help desk unnecessarily. It is just that I kind of missed the problem previously and did not try to reproduce thoroughly which was my personal mistake. I am sorry about that. The help desk just helps me to organize problems better and resolve them separately, especially because there was a lot of confusion and various errors concerning the LT web.
Anyway I tried to replicate again while locking the phone during the connection loss and could finally reproduce with my Samsung phone. The fix should be out with the new app version in a few days.
@Andrew Heard
Hi, I have checked the backend database and I can see the problem regarding your two positions. One position was recorded by the Locus Map Free and the other one by the Locus Map Pro. They are technically two separate clients due to some implementation details even when running on the same phone and with the same account. Leaving the group LM Free should hide your old position. Alternatively I could delete both last recorded positions on the server if it bothers you.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on July 24, 2019, 16:33:04
technically two separate clients due to some implementation details even when running on the same phone and with the same account
@milan.cejnar - maybe technically but to me not logically
I removed myself from AJH group in Locus Map beta, but then it's also gone from Locus Map pro ;-(
they must share the same settings
so I added myself back into LM pro but the two positions are still on the map
one is dated 18/7/2019 (using LM beta)
one is today 25/7/2019 (using LM pro)
Can you please delete the position dated 18/7/2019 (or even both) and I will try not to use LM beta with live tracking in future.
What is the procedure for moving from one phone to another & retaining the same private group name?
BTW I wish the date wasn't displayed as 7/25/2019 although we've had this discussion before.
Thanks for any help.
@Andrew Heard
I have deleted both positions from the DB, they should disappear from the system within an hour.
Actually to remove your position, it should be possible to just remove the group from the active groups of the profile while the LT is running (no need to delete the group completely). I am not even 100 % sure and I am the developer, so it is not something the user should be expected to come up with :)
To be honest, this is an "unexpected" side-effect of enabling the possibility for group locations to be persistent - the positions always seemingly disappeared before as each group had a timeout. Even setting the group's timeout and then switching it back to unlimited will not help.
So simply put, there is no approach to do that when you share your position to the group with unlimited position timeout, which is not exactly user friendly. There indeed should be some method to do this. Unlimited time groups are not used that much (67 so far) so you are the first one to report this logical inconvenient consequence. Sorry about that. I will write it down as an improvement/bug to be solved.
As for the date, we will not be able to help even after the fix. The date should be formatted according to your system's locale and I would expect other webs or apps to be using this format too on your device. We cannot enforce e.g. European locale on other users worldwide which might be unusual for them. There would have to be a special settings in you profile to select the prefered date/time format.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on July 25, 2019, 15:50:34
I have deleted both positions from the DB, they should disappear from the system within an hour.
Actually to remove your position, it should be possible to just remove the group from the active groups of the profile while the LT is running (no need to delete the group completely).
@milan.cejnar - both positions are still visible at least 6+ hours after your post.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on July 25, 2019, 15:50:34
The date should be formatted according to your system's locale
no, this is the
only website where I see this US-style date format. My Windows 10 region settings are as attached - d/MM/yyyy.
@Andrew Heard
Hello and thank you for letting me know. So I have just double checked and your data are no longer in the DB but are still available through our web API. That means one of our caching layers have failed to evict the data after the internal timeout for some unknown reason. The fix is not trivial and I will not be able to fix this right away (I will create bug report though). That means, that unlimited session time option is buggy right now, in a way that old unwanted data from old devices or LM versions get stuck and the system was not designed to be able to remove them in any simple manner.
I am very sorry about this, we wanted to add the feature but did not think through all implications when using for long time in a single stable group.
In the meantime you could create a new group or set the group session timeout to some of the available limited values. Of course we still confirm with the GDPR regulations and I could delete your LT data if you requested but that would mean deleting all your groups and your internal LT profile as well, which would make the data inaccessible, but that is probably not very helpful right now.
As for the locale, I must admit that there is something wrong there then. Our locales work ok and we expected that the front-end framework will handle locales correctly out of the box. I will have to report this to the company doing the front-end for us. Thank you.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on July 26, 2019, 10:26:47
In the meantime you could create a new group or set the group session timeout to some of the available limited values
@milan.cejnar - I tried this but still the two positions remain ;-(
I ran Locus Free, I changed the group session timeout to a small value, ensured that a live tracking fix was displayed, then exited Locus Free. I then ran Locus Pro, ensured I had the group session set to never timeout , ensured that a live tracking fix was displayed, then exited Locus Pro. But I still find the two positions.
The unlimited time allows non-Locus friends to see my last position at their convenience, which may be days later. It is often just for their interest, and no accuracy or immediacy is important to them. But having a 2nd zombi position is going to be really confusing.
PS. I next removed the group AJH, then re-added the group. This worked! Only a few friends had the old URL/ access code.
Quote from: lor74cas on July 22, 2019, 22:08:50
If it was necessary to write on the help desk you could tell me on April 30th when I reported the problem.
To simulate the bug I can do nothing but activate or deactivate the phone's data connection, it would not be legal to cut down the telephone pylons and I can't even enter and exit the tunnels to simulate a disconnection, it's not my job, I have other things to do .
No news ?
Inviato dal mio SM-A520F utilizzando Tapatalk
Hello, I wrote you an email through help desk 2 weeks ago (I hope it got through to you?). But it might be a good idea to share it here for others as well.
I tried once more after your report and finally hopefully found the cause of the problem. It should be fixed in the current version of LM Pro and the LT service should wake up correctly after connectivity state change.
Regarding unlimited session timeout usability problems we will probably limit upper bound to some more sensible limit like 1 or 2 weeks, at least until more mature group management is in place.
And by the way, web is still not fixed the way we would like to. We unfortunately have to find somebody else to fix it, since our current contractor is apparently not up for the task.
Is this another bug, or a feature: I live in Australia, so how come my private live tracking position is shown in Paris - Yes, I was looking at that location in Locus, but the GPS position was not set/ enabled.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on August 12, 2019, 08:48:48
Hello, I wrote you an email through help desk 2 weeks ago (I hope it got through to you?). But it might be a good idea to share it here for others as well.
I tried once more after your report and finally hopefully found the cause of the problem. It should be fixed in the current version of LM Pro and the LT service should wake up correctly after connectivity state change.
I do not know if you are talking about this:
QuoteMilan Cejnar
Hello Lorenzo,
thank you, I checked it one more time and I finally found the bug which I missed last time.
Sorry for all the problems, it should be fixed in the next version.
Best regards
But as a new beta was released without the LT fix I asked you news.
@lor74cas The fix should be there and it should work correctly now, does it not?
@Andrew Heard Is it possible that you have been running some kind of simulation or using some kind of "fake" GPS provider?
Also if the GPS was disabled, it is possible that Locus tried to use your position based on Network provider e.i. your IP address and/or WLANs in your surrounding. If you use some kind of VPN or network proxy it could theoretically mess with your network location.
If you communicated with the server, it got some kind of position from your phone anyway. We have never supported any kind of "spectator" mode on the Android client, which seems to be what you are missing and what you attempted to do.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on August 13, 2019, 09:21:21
@Andrew Heard Is it possible that you have been running some kind of simulation or using some kind of "fake" GPS provider?
Also if the GPS was disabled, it is possible that Locus tried to use your position based on Network provider e.i. your IP address and/or WLANs in your surrounding. If you use some kind of VPN or network proxy it could theoretically mess with your network location.
If you communicated with the server, it got some kind of position from your phone anyway. We have never supported any kind of "spectator" mode on the Android client, which seems to be what you are missing and what you attempted to do.
@milan.cejnar - thanks for checking - I was using "NoRoot Firewall" to block unwanted mobile data - just limit to Google & Locus - which I believe uses a VPN. GPS was disabled. Position is only based on GPS. I'm not suggesting a "spectator" mode. I didn't attempt to "live track" my position - it was only after friend noted I had moved across the world I discovered the strange "issue" myself.
Quote from: milan.cejnar on August 12, 2019, 08:48:48
Hello, I wrote you an email through help desk 2 weeks ago (I hope it got through to you?). But it might be a good idea to share it here for others as well.
I tried once more after your report and finally hopefully found the cause of the problem. It should be fixed in the current version of LM Pro and the LT service should wake up correctly after connectivity state change.
Thank you I tested now and it works as expected.
In the previous test I think I did something wrong.
There is just a little thing that doesn't work properly: the fail/red count
I tested the LT, blocking the data traffic a lot of times, LT now stops and restart correctly, but the red count was set always to 1, the green one counts correctly.
Great, thank you for trying out the patch. The error count makes sense actually with the current implementation. Since the track is not recorded to be sent to the server later, the live tracking service is actually doing minimal work required and awaits connectivity change signal from the system. No practical reason to refresh notification and do the extra work, although it might be a bit confusion. Maybe some offline state could be indicated in the notification.
@Andrew Heard
Ok, that firewall software seems to actually explain it. As I said, if you started live tracking even with GPS off, your "network" location was most probably used instead and sent to the server. I don't know, this is not really an error, but I have to admit that using a network location provider for this use case especially in the remote outdoor areas might not be very useful, maybe we should switch to GPS-only location source.