[APP] - version 4.28.+ ( 2/2025 )

Started by Menion, February 24, 2025, 14:46:17

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QuoteAnd really ... is there any reason to use G4L? Should not be.
no there is no reason to use GC4L here, but if the option is offered it should also work
Locus Map 4.28.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Graf Geo

Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15@Graf Geo
There was no change between 4.28.0 and 4.28.1 regarding the centering button. It still behaves a little differently compared to the older version, but should be reliable (at least for me). What error message do you see? Anyway, if there exists any location from the GPS in history, no matter how old, it should center on it.

As I wrote, unfortunately nothing happens when I press the map centering button and hardware GPS is off (or there is no signal). The map stays where it is. The same behaviour as described here before.

It definitely worked fine in the previous versions MyLib RC24 (GooglePlayAfa_4.28.0 RC4_1166_beta.apk) and MapGooglePlayAfa_4.28.0_1168_release.apk.
Now after ugdating MapGooglePlayAfa_4.28.1_1169_release.apk it no longer works. I would also downgrade immediately, but unfortunately this only works with a de- and reinstallation, which is too time-consuming for me.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15Did you noticed how fast work on the planner goes now? It is a pleasure to read a changelog ... finally
@menion - excellent progress

https://web.locusmap.app/?show_changelog - ha ha - a hidden query string, others??

confirmed webplanner 1.52.0 fix: MyLib content now loads automatically after user subscription data is retrieved.
4.28.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15if there exists any location from the GPS in history, no matter how old
nice feature
4.28.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Graf Geo

Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 28, 2025, 23:02:21
Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15if there exists any location from the GPS in history, no matter how old
nice feature

Yes, if it would work (under 4.28.1). ;)
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15.

G4L > sorry, but this it not my problem, but G4L. And really ... is there any reason to use G4L? Should not be.

The only reason for GC4L would be the option to download the latest 100 logs of a single geocache. Thats sometimes useful to see, if friends have found a geocache longer a time ago, as long as Locus can'T show all (no matter how old they are) logs from geocaching.com friends. I think there is no API for it? That might be the reason why we have to declare friends additionaly in locus itself?


Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15from the GPS in history, no matter how old, it should center on it.
Today my LM tells me "Still waiting for accurate location". What is that history and can't you also try to get the last known position via Android Api?

I'm also thinking a quick and temporary position retrieval would be better here.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Graf Geo

Confusing option "Use style of the folder" if you want to change the line style of a folder or subfolder.

Example: I create or edit a subfolder and assign a line style to it (colour, thickness, etc.) Above, the "Use style of the folder" option is disabled by default. If I activate it, the line style is always displayed in red, 3 px. This is the default style for me.

The option here should therefore be "Use default style".

(However, if I edit a track, "Use style of the folder" is of course correct).
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


Quote from: Tapio on March 01, 2025, 12:21:54
Quote from: Menion on February 28, 2025, 20:05:15from the GPS in history, no matter how old, it should center on it.
Today my LM tells me "Still waiting for accurate location". What is that history and can't you also try to get the last known position via Android Api?

I'm also thinking a quick and temporary position retrieval would be better here.

Here the new method only works from time to time.

Though last known location is given (of last GPS ON-event), with GPS OFF I often get 'still waiting for the accurate position' as orange popup and title bar shows 'Waiting for GPS', both makes no sense. After some time (20s) it works once (1x) as expected and centers to the last known location.

IMHO a waiting-state-message does not makes sense if GPS is actually off (intended by user), 'GPS is off' would fit, 'Waiting for GPS-fix' or 'Waiting for GPS acquiring accurate position' e.g. otherwise.

I prefer to get rid of this red gearwheel-sticker ::)


option for G4L is offered because you have installed it. I can't block this option easily.

@Graf Geo
.. and others
centering > I have found one possible reason for problematic behavior. Check next version (end of the week), thanks!

style of the sub-folder > we've renamed it to the "Use style of the parent folder" - it will be more universal.

friends in geocaching > well, there is an API for this. It only missed implementation on the Locus Map side. Old idea for example here.

EDIT later
today, the full-support day version is on the Google Drive for testing.

I've set version code to 1169 > identical to the version on Google Play. With this, it is easy to switch between public and testing versions.
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Graf Geo

Quote from: Menion on Yesterday at 14:48:54@Graf Geo
.. and others
centering > I have found one possible reason for problematic behavior. Check next version (end of the week), thanks!

style of the sub-folder > we've renamed it to the "Use style of the parent folder" - it will be more universal.

Thanks Menion, with the Afa_4.28.1.1_1169_beta.apk the map centering button works again if no GPS is available. 👍

Style of folder: Correct, the style of the parent folder is taken. However, the new name has not yet been implemented in the new beta. But this is not urgent.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)