[APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 12/2024 )

Started by Menion, December 05, 2024, 14:47:55

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Quote from: Menion on February 05, 2025, 10:31:25"center button" > center map to my current location! And we bend it to a little different use case.
I can see all that and I'm fine with the extra option you talked about. Maybe for visual support, the centering button could use the same color as the GPS icon (orange = connecting, green=gps fix, white=not connected). Not sure.

I'm also fine with Josefs idea, just temporarily turn gps on. https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?msg=77728
But I don't prefer it, because my use case is "in the house" where gps connect takes long.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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just installed

no Pois and tracks available in datapanel :-[

Backup Pois and tracks message > ok, but furthermore no Poi and track in list
Scrennshot > all visible/no in folder :-\

Weekend :o where can i download V
Locus Map 4.28.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello balloni,

you started testing the new MyLibrary version right? Have you read the first post of this version here? If not, do it please. If you already tested it on your main device, your data are already converted so you no longer can use the basic version. So use please only the version from the "my library V2" directory.
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So new Beta Version (7.2.2025)
   - add: (SILVER) basic support for sync of local "computed" coordinates to geocaching.com
   - chg: improved map centering button behavior when location source is not available
   - chg: (SILVER) position in the navigation dashboard chart moved to start
   - add: setting to disable automatic GPS enabled when tapping on the centering button
   - chg: background changes in setup of dialogs

I'm not sure about the steps that will follow next week, but this is probably the latest version without the new "My Library V2". Have a nice weekend!
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sorry, I discovered the new version and didn't pay attention to V2, have a nice weekend
Locus Map 4.28.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


No problem. Is it working with 'MapGooglePlayAfa_4.28.0.1 MyLibV2 RC20_1164_beta'? No data should be loss, just from my experience, only two duplicate empty folders in the root should appear ...
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Quoteonly two duplicate empty folders in the root should appear ...
Exactly, I have deleted the two
Locus Map 4.28.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on February 07, 2025, 20:14:19this is probably the latest version without the new "My Library V2".
@menion exciting news - can't wait to reorganise my real points & tracks in V2. It will be great to better integrate all data.

Cloud sync & V2 library - big risk if even any small issues - wouldn't it be better to test with beta users before making public?

tip for myself - after following download link, press ctrl+F5 to refresh page before attempting download, to fix any caching issue:
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4.28.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Graf Geo

Hmm, I'm not happy with the new behaviour of the Map Centering button in

The fact that you can deactivate the automatic switching on of the GPS in the Expert Settings is ok.

What is not ok for me is that clicking the Map Centering button no longer jumps to the last location when hardware gps is off or there is no GPS reception.

I usually plan from home (indoors) or from my holiday accommodation. Then I have usually switched off gps in the device on purpose, or have no signal anyway. However, I want to be able to quickly centre the map on my last current location at any time with a single click. So far this has worked wonderfully.

Now it no longer works, the map stays where it is. In addition, the annoying orange question (toast) appears asking whether gps is switched on.

I don't know whether others find this so useful. In any case, I would like to have the option of at least getting the previous behaviour here via a setting.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


Thanks @Graf Geo , I'll think about it more and improve it ...
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    The following users thanked this post: Graf Geo

Andrew Heard - screen cap with tablet, inside, GPS intentionally off - red warning badge on Centering button - suggests wrong setting or something. Tap on button for info? Ignored. Tap main menu > Settings > no red badge, or notification. OK, I understand the issue, it's a nice reminder, but I think the app could be more helpful too, for new users.
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So I enable GPS, although I know there is no signal. The badge is replaced - OK. I tap the Centering button anyway - LM should know GPS is enabled, just no signal, so can the message for this situation be improved? eg. "Can't get valid location. GPS is enabled but no signal".
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4.28.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Graf Geo

@Andrew Heard: In the new MyLib version RC23, the red badge is still there (you are right, the "setting" icon is not ideal), but the orange-coloured message no longer appears. As I have only just started testing the new version, I hope that this will be confirmed permanently.
I actually think the badge is superfluous. There is still a question mark in the centre of the button and the GPS icon is informative enough (white = off, yellow = on but no fix and green = on and fix). In addition, the lock symbol is not visible, although its function is retained.

@Menion: the dual centering button now leads back to the last known position when hardware GPS is off or there is no signal, right? (In MyLib RC23. See here.)
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)

Andrew Heard

@Graf Geo - thanks. I agree with all that too. However as a useful feedback to the user, when there is a warning or error or unusual icon, I think it would be good that more text-based information/ hint can be obtained to inform the user how to fix/ correct the situation.

BTW are you part of the LM team, or just a keen tester/ user?
4.28.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Graf Geo

Quote from: Andrew Heard on February 12, 2025, 22:22:12@Graf Geo - BTW are you part of the LM team, or just a keen tester/ user?

Just a normal user who likes to try out new developments. ;)
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)

Andrew Heard

#89 MyLibV2 RC25: I have 2 top level folders - the default tracks & points. I have folders such as 2025, 2024, 2023... in tracks. My intention is to raise 2025, 2024, 2023... to Home folder level. From My Library > tracks > I long tap folder "2025" > menu > Move to > Home. The first time I try this, the main map is displayed again. At least I would expect to remain in the My Library function. The second time My Library > I notice still only tracks & points as top level folders. Again tracks > I long tap folder "2025" > menu > Move to > Home, but this time LM crashes:
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PS. I've just noticed LM writes a backup ZIP file when the database conversion is made. In my case 2025-02-13_12-50-14_Locus_Map_mylibV2_conversion.zip. This file can't be opened by WIndows 11, so I query whether the 83MB file is corrupt or a non-standard format?
4.28.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a