Slider for transparency like in Osmand, does this also work with Locus Map 4?

Started by tobser, October 02, 2023, 20:20:47

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Hello everyone
 In the map program Osmand it is possible to overlay the normal map, e.g. the satellite view.  Once you have set this up, there is a transparency slider directly in the map view, so that you can switch back and forth very quickly between map and satellite by moving the slider back and forth.  From what I've seen so far, this doesn't work with Locus Map 4, or have I missed something?
 Many greetings to all


what exactly "Doesn't work"? The app allows to enable overlay and a slider that modify overlay transparency is then visible at the bottom panel. If you need faster access to overlay settings then over the side map-screen content panel, the shortcut may be placed into screen functions panels.
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The slider for wms and wmts map overlay is more annoying because you don't see the desired level of transparency.


I do not have a perfect argument, why not to have a slider directly on the map. I consider current solution as good enough for most of cases. It is two clicks away, so not a big problem when you from time to time need to adjust transparent.

With WMS/WMTS it is worst, I know and agree.
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