Nonsense values in merged track

Started by Graf Geo, July 17, 2023, 14:52:07

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Graf Geo

A small problem with the displayed track statistics for merged tracks:

Sometimes I forget to activate the track recording at the start of a tour and do this only after, for example, 0,56 km.
I then create the first 0,56 km with the route planner and then merge the two tracks. The part with the route planner logically does not contain any time values.

The merged total track then contains the correct total distance (e.g. 20,93 km, of which 20,36 km was recorded and 0,56 km was created with the route planner). The altitude profile is also correct.

However, nonsense is displayed for the track time: 469238:54:07.
Likewise with the pace: 1344958:37

I know that Locus cannot calculate correct values in this case. However, it would be more elegant if then nothing or 0,0 is displayed than such fantasy numbers.

Screenshot 1 shows the statistics of a recorded tour. Length 20.36 km.
The first 560 m are missing and were created with the route planner.
Screenshot 2 shows the statistics of the merged track (20.93 km).

(Such nonsensical values always occur when a recorded track and a track created with the route planner are merged).
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


when you merge tracks, there is an option "Merge with gaps". Do you have enabled this? If not, give it a try. I understand, there should be no real gap, but this "gap" helps the app separate internally both track and computed time than should be expected.

Btw. with the latest version, the app saves times computed by the route planner, but because there is no "start time", times are computed from "0". So it may cause a problem in some cases, like here.
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Graf Geo

Hi Menion,

thank you for the answer. It makes no difference whether I merge the tracks with or without gap - if the section created with the route planner is at the beginning of the merged track, the nonsensical values are generated.

But if the section created with the route planner is at the end, there are no such fantasy values.
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on July 21, 2023, 09:22:35times are computed from "0". So it may cause a problem in some cases, like here.
@Menion - "like here" - no link was provided. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


I though "like here" > "like in this case". Anyway does it happen also with the latest version? I'm trying various combinations with the latest Beta version and no such issue detected, damn.
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Graf Geo

Hello Menion,

still the same generation of fantasy-values with V Afa Beta
SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


I wasn't fixing anything about it. I still can't simulate this issue, sorry.

Maybe some video or exact steps may help?
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Graf Geo

Hmm, something must have happen. Here is an example:

  • I have a recorded track (recording started too late, so I wanted to merge the missing first part).
  • I createt the missing part with route planner 2 days before.
  • I merge both tracks result shows fantasy values.

Today I create the same missing part again and merged it with the recorded track.
Result does not show fantasy values. Strange.

You can reproduce this with attached 3 tracks:

  • Recorded Track: 2023-07-13_Unterweißenbrunn__Bad_Neustadt_an_der_Saale_20km.gpx
  • Track 1 created with route planner: Startteil_mit_Routenplaner 24.07..gpx
  • Track 2 created with route planner: Track_with_route_planner 26.07..gpx

Merge the recordes track with track 1: Fantasy values
Merge the recordes track with track 2: No Fantasy values

SG S10, Android 12, LM 4 Gold (last Release version or Beta)


Old topic, sorry ...

Analyzing and .. interesting problem.

The last point of the "Startteil..." route has an almost identical location as the first point of the original recorded route. This is probably what you wanted. Because of this, the app refused to insert a space (break point) between them and the result was, that time was from "0" (1. 1. 1970) till the day of the second route. This was not the case of the second manual route, where the last point was not identical.

I've improved this behavior, so it should be better in the next app version.
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