[APP] - version 4.17.+ ( 5/2023 )

Started by Menion, May 16, 2023, 12:25:26

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I love the new map legend! Way nicer, and easier to navigate. Only problem I noticed is that the translations are not perfect in Italian (and other languages too, I imagine). Could the strings for them be added to Crowdin?


I like the behavior Hide tracks for a short time very much now. There is still one small bug. After hiding, the map shows the hidden icon on the top right, along with the top bar. I have the top bar set to auto hide.
When I click on the hidden icon the tracks are displayed again. But the top bar does not disappear anymore.
Is it also possible to show only the icon without the top bar ?
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


I have another idea for the Map Content Panel, in the Theme area.
If I long click on the Map Content Panel icon on the map then it will quickly switch between the 2 last maps.
Idea: Long click on Theme in Map content panel, fast switch between the 2 last used theme.You cannot view this attachment.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Quote from: Menion on June 26, 2023, 21:22:25You mentioned many times "Embedded waypoints". By this you mean waypoints attached to tracks right? Does it really make sense to hide them together with common points?
For usability reasons.
a) Most of my tracks have auto created (via Tasker) embedded waypoints. They're holding information/stats. Whatever.

b) Quite often I display many of my tracks at once. For overview reasons.

All those WPs are just disturbing in that situation.

BTW, hiding embedded WP is currently possible, but it's a refresh bug.

- Longtap point brush to hide all points.
- Open some full window like data manager
- Leave window. Embedded WP are hidden.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Menion, something that may cause trouble to theme users.

Inside a themes zip, I changed the directory structure from:


Subfolder wasn't needed. Locus used the theme just fine, but the theme selector was absent from the content panel.

I then picked the theme from the sidebar button. Then themes were available again in map content panel.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Viajero Perdido

Adapting to using LoMaps V4 (migrating from OAM, alas) is going well, but with a couple of glitches.  Lake names are missing with some themes, admittedly older themes, but beautiful ones.  (And I'll miss OAM's placement of the name for multiple lakes or similar things, grouped in a relation, once in the centroid of such areas, rather than once on each lake.  Hint, hint.)

But the main reason for this post is to mention a funny difference between landuse=forest and natural=wood, at ZL=9 only, with LoMaps V4 and the internal hike-and-bike theme.  At ZL9, it renders wood but not forest, which makes it the only map I've ever seen that makes a distinction.  Many mappers and most renderers consider them equivalent, as it's something of a gray area.  So Alberta is a bit of a mess at ZL9, between old imports (wood) and my additions (forest).  First world problem.  :)

Andrew Heard

Probably an obscure bug, but the track list reverts to sort by Created when I have changed to sort by Name using the BlueStacks emulator and pressing the Esc(ape) key instead of tapping the on-screen Back button. On an Android device, and tapping the Back button, the sort setting is preserved. In the BlueStacks emulator pressing Esc, the sort setting is lost, but tapping the on-screen Back button, the sort setting is preserved.

I've also noticed inside the BlueStacks emulator, the mouse scroll wheel works perfectly for map zoom in/out, but inside the Route Planner, sometimes the mouse scroll wheel zoom out is interpreted as a pan. The mouse scroll wheel zoom in always works ok. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

bug: My library > POINTS > select point > Copy to > select same folder > IGNORE (BTW note not possible to cancel) > note that the list count is updated, but the list is NOT updated i.e. the duplicated point is not in the list - have to select another folder then reselect original folder for the list to be correctly updated. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi guys,
I had a small vacation so sorry for the delay.

I would like to keep the whole top panel visible (otherwise it will need a bigger change in the UI), but disabled auto-hiding is of course an issue, so consider it fixed!

Long-click to toggle themes > because you still need to open the side panel, I think it does not save too much time here.

thanks for the explanation of "your embedded waypoints use-case". Understand. Interesting is that your "refresh bug" works :). Anyway it is similar to the "Hide other tracks" feature we discussed yesterday on the help desk. I do not have a big problem with creating such advanced functionality, but I have more and more problems with finding some logical place, where this activates. We all know that app is really complicated for new users and I have to be more careful when adding additional functionality that makes it even more complicated, sorry.

Problem with theme > I've tried your theme "Tapiola" > works. Then closed Locus Map, removed the subfolder and started app again. The app throws a warning that the theme can't be selected. After manual selection, seems to work correctly. So no problem.

@Viajero Perdido
thanks for the info. I'll forward this to @voldapet

@Andrew Heard
thanks for the report regards BlueStack, but to be true, since Windows sub-system for Android work perfectly, I do not use any other emulator. I've tried BlueStack some time ago and it refused to run on my PC. Because it works as expected on all known Android devices, then ... thanks for understanding.

Refresh of points after "copy" > got it, thanks.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

I hope you had a nice break.

Quote from: Menion on July 11, 2023, 10:48:04thanks for the report regards BlueStack, but to be true, since Windows sub-system for Android work perfectly
@Menion - I recall long time ago BlueStacks was an LM suggestion. I spent a long time trying to get Windows sub-system for Android working, and posted a few comments/ questions for help, but no one helped. Maybe it's easier now. Is there an up-to-date procedure for installing it? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Menion on July 11, 2023, 10:48:04but I have more and more problems with finding some logical place,
I still think temp. hiding points should hide any kind of waypoint - embedded ones included. OK, I should not once again talk about it. 😏
As for the theme, I reverted to subfolder use. Because my experience was bad. I witnessed subsequent LM sessions where the theme worked, but no theme picking possible in map content panel. IDK, may also be related to a preset, which applies after LM start here.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on July 11, 2023, 10:48:04thanks for the report regards BlueStack, but to be true, since Windows sub-system for Android work perfectly, I do not use any other emulator
@Menion - the only references I can find for running LM on Windows is https://www.locusmap.app/how-to-use-locus-map-on-a-pc/ which suggests using (only briefly) NOX, and & https://help.locusmap.eu/topic/29607-locus-on-win11. I tried NOX once & it used far too much memory. I tried Windows Subsystem for Android once & gave up. BlueStacks works for me, but not recommended by you. I can find no reference or how-to guide in Locus doco for installing WSA and LM. I've just wasted yet another few hours trying without success. If the Locus team recommend WSA it would be great to learn the trick. FWIW I am currently getting an error trying to use ADB to install an LM .APK - adb connect fails, and netstat -anep tcp | findstr "58526" shows the connection is not available. Can anyone else help? Zdeněk Kondler says "We have plans to look at the possibilities when this feature becomes officially (and widely) supported". Now? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


a) I created a track with the route planner, as always used shaping points (green triangles). Unlike before, this time LM4 beta added embedded waypoints there, named "Via point" - bug?

b) Can someone point me to how it was possible to show the navigation command symbols on the track? Suddenly they appeared and I have forgotten how to show/hide those.

EDIT b) Finding: See last screenshot! I am in some kind of search context...? I used the Locus search before doing the track creation business. Now I find no way out of this context. Video of how I am not able to leave search. https://youtube.com/v/-rxxFOJL2KQ
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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I still have something for tracks temporarily hide.
In the route planner I plan normally each way individually so I see what is taken. From time to time this is too much for me and I let the router route larger sections automatically.
When I'm done now I would like to check what paths with what properties (asphalt, gravel (good, medium, bad) path) was taken. But the route is over the paths and I don't see it.
Then go to Map Content Panel, long click Hide Tracks and return to map Everything is hidden but where was the route. So fade in again and back. Uand so on.....
Idea: At the top right is the icon for hidden tracks. Short click shows all again. Long click also shows all again but only as long as I stay on it. So I can quickly switch on, off, on, off..... When I have seen everything short click for show all and done.
Most useful is this function in the route planner. But there is the icon for hidden tracks not present.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Additionaly, transparency may help you (see screenshot).