[APP] - version 4.8.+ ( 04/2022 )

Started by Menion, March 30, 2022, 15:24:43

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New Locus Map (4) version

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30. 3. 2022 - Locus 4.8.0
31. 3. 2022 - Locus 4.8.1
4. 4. 2022 - Locus 4.8.2
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I'm a little bit in hurry releasing a new version with a bunch of interesting changes. I believe all will work as expected. This version comes with a new system for purchases we were working on for a long time. And hopefully, I'll have more time for interesting features ... finally  :).

Locus Map Classic will be published within the next days...
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Hello menion
thanks for new version :)
i have tried to start a 14 day trial version
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Damn what is it? I'll have to wait for Petr and we will check it immediately, thanks.

Sent from my Pixel 5 using Tapatalk

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@balloni55 - would you please try it again? :)

EDIT: please send me also PM with your current account (email address) in the Locus Store and current Google Play account


Quote from: voldapet on March 30, 2022, 17:12:08
@balloni55 - would you please try it again? :)

EDIT: please send me also PM with your current account (email address) in the Locus Store and current Google Play account
Hello Petr
done :)

on next try to start a 14 day trial a window open that i should pay 23,99€/J
no option for a free 14 day-test


Perhaps i am not allowed to test it because I already have had an annual subscription
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


a) Changelog says it backs up map themes. But looking into it, the change I see is it added router profiles.
OK, I tested... It does not use the currently configured MapsVector/_themes, but the default one on intSD, empty here

b) Terminology. Dashboard screen uses "Themes" as a term.

c) Toggling of 2 maps via longtap: nice
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Žajdlík Josef

After updating to version 4.8.0, the entire menu shifted almost a third of the screen height. Android 8, Samsung A3. The route scheduler is fine, it's just on the main screen with the map. Any idea what about it?

Andrew Heard

@menion I have the same issue as @Žajdlík Josef - see attached

@menion can you clarify 2 items in the release notes:

1) special "Position" parameter for dashboards - I experimented with "whole screen overlay" & other options + "resize by top| bottom panel" but it didn't fix the bottom panel layout bug reported in screen cap.

2) "united dashboard selection & edit" - this has already been discussed in 4.7 beta. It appears the new behavior is: if dashboard is active then single tap to hide, if dashboard is inactive then single tap to display list. So now in order to edit active dashboard, it must 1st be made inactive, then a 2nd tap to display the list, then dot-dot-dot menu to edit. Previously I thought a double tap had some special behavior but I was fooling myself, it is just same as single tap. This is a backward step from having a "Dashboard Editor" button but maybe there is some special trick. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


a) ah, custom "mapsVector" directory, thanks, fixed
b) fixed

@Žajdlík Josef
I'm stupid, thanks, will be fixed today

@Andrew Heard
1) right. The issue was caused by the work on the dashboard, but it may be fixed only by the new version.
2) I'm convinced that a single united "Dashboard manager" screen is the ideal solution, but I'm open to improvements of course.

The steps you wrote are correct. Most easy is now a long click on the dashboard button in the panel.
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Quote from: Menion on March 31, 2022, 08:27:04
"Dashboard manager" screen is the ideal solution, but I'm open to improvements of course.
I start dashboard manager from main menu only. No button in toolbar.

Case1: A dashboard was active. Then this dashboard will just be disabled. Manager does not appear.
Case2: No dashboard was active. Manager appears.

This is unexpected UI behaviour. Not good. Atm the command is 50% a toggle, 50% a call for dashboard manager.

I would prefer, if case1 was extended: disable dashboard and call manager.

Just like the GPS manager/gps on/off, the toggling of dashboard should be behind longtap. That would be consistent ui imo.

You may also make the  dashboard entries toggles (bold text if enabled). With maybe the manager not closing when tapping a dashboard entry.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Hmm thanks, good point.

And what about an even more simple solution based on what you wrote:

Dashboard icon in functions panel
- simple click > open Dashboard manager
- long click menu > option to hide if visible

Dashboard icon in the main menu or "All function"
- simple click > open Dashboard manager

The dashboard manager will have highlighted the currently active dashboard and the tap on it, hide the dashboard as well. What you and others think? This should make it really clear, but right a little bit slower due to missing "toggle" on click in the function panel. But don't know how others, but I use always presets and if not, then still needs a list of dashboards to pick the correct one.
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


start navigation > FC
routing engine doesn´t matter
e.g. from GPS to selected point on map, start navigation locus close immediately
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Oki, new version 4.8.1 published, so give it a try.

Most of the problems should be fixed I believe.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: Menion on March 31, 2022, 15:54:47
Oki, new version 4.8.1 published, so give it a try.

Most of the problems should be fixed I believe.
Dashboard, perfect behaviour for me. I also turn them on/off via presets and do changes now via the main menu. Very minor thing: if you press that star on top of dashboard manager, it says "install default themes".
Full Backup, themes included, fixed, yes.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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