Web planner / portal

Started by Menion, February 12, 2021, 20:32:44

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Ricardo Borges

Quote from: slarti76 on February 15, 2021, 10:12:11
First observations:

    The ruler on my screen shows 30m, I think you should allow at least 2 more levels.[/li]

In Brazil only shows 50m. Maybe a OSM issue.

Enviado de meu SM-G780F usando o Tapatalk



The LocusPoint needs a hyperlink to perform a web search on another page for further information.
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


Quote from: Ricardo Borges on February 15, 2021, 13:12:18
In Brazil only shows 50m. Maybe a OSM issue.

Projection from globe to square?


1) Folder required - Good finding! I was expecting that user firstly syncs folders from his device. I will improve this and at least add some info text.
2) Locked Chrome - This should not happen. At least within company no one reported this behavior, yet. In order to investigate I would need steps how to reproduce it.
3) Smartphone usage - Web planner is mainly dedicated for usage on big screens (desktop). We try to make web planner usable also on mobile phone but to be honest it is not the top priority for us right now. You will always have better experience using dedicated LocusMap app for planning on mobile phone (Android).
4) Properties in URL - This is high priority for us, too. You can expect this soon in V1/V2. For now you can use "Share" button to generate planner input URL for you.

1) Elevation chart - High priority, comming soon ;)
2) Additional maps - AFAIK currently not on our roadmap for V2 (we need to check licensing terms)

1) Drag&drop segment editing - Yes, this is
2) Additional maps - see few lines above (@jajaballard)

1) SSO - Please, could you send me exact version of your browser so I can try reproduce it? Btw is this happening also in private mode (I can think of some plugin doing this)?
2) Default geo location - Actually web planner should ask you for the permission to use geolocation service. If you grant it then web planner should automatically change map to you coordinates.


@Žajdlík Josef
1) I have forwarded this to @voldapet which is the creator of new online LoMap. Dedicated discussion here: https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=7191.0
2) Good point. I will discuss this with the rest of team.
3) Recalculating route segment - Yes, this is known limitation which should be solved soon (probably V2).
4) Custom profiles - we definitely want to introduce more advanced options. But this is currently in the phase of collecting ideas and will probably happen not as part of V2.

1) Track editing - Yes, you should be able to load your saved track from MyLibrary into web planner in order to modify current one or save it as new track. This will be implemented in V2. Advanced track editor is not planned (e.g. removing particular points, adding breaks, ...).
2) We are planning quite flexible system of displaying geo information on the map. But this is in "idea" stage. I understand your concern but I do not want to promise we will improve this by some "temporary solution"
3) Zoom - we end in zoom level 19 (the same as OSM). Out ouf curiosity - why do you need higher zoom?

1) I do not understand what hyperlink you would like to have here. We plan (V2) to display LoPoint details in dedicated tab (like MyLibrary).
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Quote from: janaton on February 16, 2021, 13:45:44
1) Track editing - Yes, you should be able to load your saved track from MyLibrary into web planner in order to modify current one or save it as new track. This will be implemented in V2. Advanced track editor is not planned (e.g. removing particular points, adding breaks, ...).
Great, thx for clarification!

Quote2) We are planning quite flexible system of displaying geo information on the map. But this is in "idea" stage. I understand your concern but I do not want to promise we will improve this by some "temporary solution"
Ok, but still, the same way that the current planned track is saved when you switch to "My Library", the current selection in "My Library" should be restored when switching back from "Plan". That's not just "temporary", but UI standard...

Quote3) Zoom - we end in zoom level 19 (the same as OSM). Out ouf curiosity - why do you need higher zoom?
Wouldn't say "need". I just had a track with some fine detail and couldn't zoom in on it to really see all details. I would say, in terms of maps, Google Maps should always be the reference, and there I can zoom in to a point where roughly the same width on the screen is 5m that in Locus is 30m. So ca. 2 levels more.

One more thing: I didn't log out yesterday and then opened the planner again today. Under "Account", instead of my email there was an empty area, and below "Logout": When clicking on "My Library", it was empty, but no error messages. After manual logout I could log-in again and then everything was fine.
But I think there should be some "you have been logged out due to inactivity" message or the like.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: janaton on February 16, 2021, 12:01:24
1) SSO - Please, could you send me exact version of your browser so I can try reproduce it? Btw is this happening also in private mode (I can think of some plugin doing this)?
@janaton as I said in the previous post, with (latest) Vivaldi & Chrome on Windows 10 (Home). I hardly ever use Chrome; it is just there for testing really; completely default settings.

Vivaldi 3.6.2165.34 (Stable channel) (64-bit) no blocking enabled; however geolocation blocked
Google Chrome Version 75.0.3770.100 (Official Build) (64-bit) default settings

Quote from: janaton on February 16, 2021, 12:01:24
2) Default geo location - Actually web planner should ask you for the permission to use geolocation service. If you grant it then web planner should automatically change map to you coordinates.
Correct, I had blocked geolocation in Vivaldi. When I change to "ask" or "allow" the permission is asked. When I click Yes, the default euro-centric map is still displayed. Chrome didn't ask for this permission. But anyway, I don't see why it should be necessary. It may not be my physical location that I want, just restore the previous location. Just save current lat/lon to a cookie? eg. http://brouter.de/brouter-web/#map=16/-42.8384/147.3049/standard. BRouter always restores to the last displayed position with no drama. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

At a scale of 100 m, cycle routes with different line thicknesses are displayed. It looks like these are bike paths of different priorities. But it is still the same way.

Žajdlík Josef

Different color display of the bike path. There is no reason for that. I enclose a comparison with Mtbmap.

Žajdlík Josef

Navigation instructions are always included for the exported GPX. But sometimes it is not appropriate. Would it be possible to change this to the user's choice? See. scr after loading to Mapy.cz


Quote from: janaton on February 16, 2021, 13:45:44
1) I do not understand what hyperlink you would like to have here. We plan (V2) to display LoPoint details in dedicated tab (like MyLibrary).

If I find some interesting points on the map and I want to investigate more, it'd be useful something like a click on the title and a search for it in a new tab
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


If a part of the route has to be covered several times, it becomes difficult to enter points:
1) I want to create the point 8 between 2 and 3
2) Right click does not help, there is not an add or insert option
3) As workaround, I have to create the point 8 near and than move it in place
Locus Map 4
Locus Map for Garmin
Locus Tasker


1) My Library remembering state - Ok, now I understand. We will improve this in V2. This is a little bit bigger change and no time for it till V1 is out :/
2) Zoom > 19 - I will discuss this within team
3) Missing email in the account - this is strange. Honestly I have no idea how it could happen. Please, if you experience again, could you, please, check JS console (typically Ctrl+Shift+I) if there is some error listed? Thx

1) SSO - thanks alot. I was finally able to reproduce and it is already fixed. This version should be deployed in few days.
2) Remember last location - we have already discussed this. I will try to re-open discussion in our team ... but it will be probably implemented in V2

@Žajdík Josef
1) Maps - there is dedicated thread for online LoMaps (https://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=7191.0). Please, ask there. Webplanner is only consumer of these maps and I have no control of it ;)
2) Navigation instructions - this is a good point. I have created ticket for this improvements for V2

1) POI detail - there is POI detail tab planned for V2 where additional information should be displayed (contacts, opening hours, wiki, ...) We already have most of the information in our DB ... waiting for me to implement UI
2) Route modification - I totally understand and I am sorry for this. As I already wrote, we are planning drag&drop modification of track which should solve this pain ... unfortunatelly because of tight schedule it will happen in the beginning of V2



Hi everyone, fixes and new minor changes/improvements just deployed to https://web.locusmap.app. Important changes:

  • FIX not closing SSO dialog after login
  • FIX map not rendered in Safari
  • ADD Czech translation should be almost complete (German is still in progress)
  • ADD Warning message shown in save dialog when data are not synced into cloud (missing folder)
  • ... and few minor UI improvements
    The following users thanked this post: jajaballard

Žajdlík Josef

Would it be possible to add the Import GPX function? I'm just interested in the ability to insert a GPX file into the database, which I will receive from the organizer of an event.