Locus Map 4, discussion (beta)

Started by Menion, December 22, 2020, 12:20:09

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Just joining in on this....realistically how far off is the official release?

I've just been playing with the web-based planner and the auto-plotting/snap-to-path really doesn't work very well. Odd routes are chosen, bits of the route are invisible etc.  The manual plotting seems to work fine.

I can make a screen recording and link to a video if that's helpful?


This is really really weird. I spend on ti maybe two hours playing with various options, found minor issues but nothing like you and Diddi describe. How to simulate it, hmm? May you please try a short video with this issue?

hi, welcome!
Web planner lives in a separate topic, so feedback is welcome there!

The latest plan was final release at end of February. But we are changing and finalizing subscription plans five minutes before midnight so as usually > delay. Fortunately, it gives Ondrej (dev behind web planner) and me as well, some more days to fix critical bugs.
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Quote from: geoffmozz on March 04, 2021, 12:51:27
Just joining in on this....realistically how far off is the official release?

I've just been playing with the web-based planner and the auto-plotting/snap-to-path really doesn't work very well. Odd routes are chosen, bits of the route are invisible etc.  The manual plotting seems to work fine.

I can make a screen recording and link to a video if that's helpful?
Topic for web planners is here:
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Quote from: Menion on March 04, 2021, 13:01:39
This is really really weird. I spend on ti maybe two hours playing with various options, found minor issues but nothing like you and Diddi describe. How to simulate it, hmm? May you please try a short video with this issue?

in the first example where the behavior is normal it is noticeable that first 3 blue and one yellow smiley and after the update only two blue are displayed
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4
    The following users thanked this post: Diddi


Not sure what more you want than what offers the Beta version of There won't be any other website for Locus Map with map etc  :). It has its own topic here, so feel free to ask there if you miss any functionality. Many features are planned for the next versions.


Well, since you asked...  :-)     Imagine Mapsource, but web-based.  All your data (waypoints, tracks, saved routes, etc) in one spot, in an application where you can keep them organized (folders, groups, tags, whatever) on a 'big screen', and see them on a map, etc.  The data and changes made in the web-based application then sync to your device(s).

Everybody's different, but I save my tracks every time I'm out. So I have saved waypoints and tracks and trails from years of Jeeping, ATVing, motorcycling, trail bike, side-by-side... I like to have it all with me because you never know when you'll need to try and find a trail to get to gas, shelter, etc...
I have the ATV and SxS tracks in specific folders, organized a certain way..the motorcycle tracks are organized differently because they're mostly on-road, and so on.

My only 'complaint' with Locus, is that you have to work on a small touchscreen device.  Yes, you can use an Android emulator, but that comes with a whole other bunch of headaches....

For the way I use Locus, a web-based Mapsource (if you will) would be a dream come true.  About the only product I've found that comes close to my dream is Gaia, but (not to bash another product) I simply can't work with the way they have their online folder structure set up.  And how it creates new folders whenever a GPX or anything is imported, etc...

So..when I heard that Locus was coming out with a web-based interface of sorts, and that your data would be accessible there....I naturally had high hopes.

This isn't a complaint..just wanted to explain what my dream was.   Who knows..maybe there are a lot of others that are hoping for the same thing, and now that there's some sort of web interface with some of our data accessible, maybe it can grow down the road.   :-)


Quote from: freischneider on February 26, 2021, 11:35:13
if I want to edit a track, it takes a long time. I click on the track at one point. Then I choose "Modify Track"
Then nothing happens for 5s. After that, the screen will go completely black. Only after 30s does it come on again and I can choose what I want to edit.
Does not go with the new version either. Have made a video.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)


Where can I find everything news that will be in 4.0 version?
Didnt saw link in first post. Sorry :(
I have polish blog about Android Apps and want to write about Locus Map
www androidowy pl
I can wait for the new version :)


when a map download leaves un uncomplete sql, you get this error on next locus start. its a bit unreadable on dark mode. also, you will never get rid of it unless you delete the file in a file explorer... or find the map downloader again in locus, which can be quite hard. maybe a delete/continue option right in this error window would be nice.


Something is really wrong with tile rendering for this online strava heatmap. Already visible tiles disappear at random while zooming and also appear again randomly. It doesnt feel like being server related, more like locus has a problem with this specific minzoom/maxzoom values? zoompart -8 is weird too? It fails as overlay and as base map as well.

Also map download seems completely impossible, Locus always stops with the same error although the map works as online map (except the tile rendering troubles).

i believe it was fine in locus pro, but cant really remember :)

<provider id="8888049" type="0" visible="true" background="-1">
<mode>Strava Heatmap - Ride (Bluered)</mode>
<zoomMin>8</zoomMin>    <!-- 0 -->
<zoomMax>23</zoomMax>   <!-- 15 -->
<tileScale dpi="0" multi="2.0" replace="19" />
<extraHeader><![CDATA[User-Agent#Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/57.0.2987.110 Safari/537.36]]></extraHeader>
<attribution><![CDATA[Сборник карт AnyGIS. <a href="">Проверить обновления</a>]]></attribution>



Quote from: Menion on February 16, 2021, 14:45:18
visible track > sync > track updated and no longer visible ... good observation, this probably happens. Little more complex to solve, but added to my to-do list, thanks!

The problem with the not visible track during recording should be fixed in the next version. App now uses more aggressive optimization for drawing content on the screen and the track was incorrectly detected as "not visible".

Thanks for the video, appreciate it!
- selection improved: the app will first try to find the nearest active point (green dot). If none is found, the nearest middle point (red dot) will be used. In the current version, sorting by distance from click was not correct.
- invisible handling points > hmm another side-effect of new optimization. Thanks, fixed!
Was away on holiday, some more observations:
First of all, selection of points in Track Editor>Insert/Edit is now much better! Also didn't experience the problem with missing handling points anymore. Thx!
But another problem (sorry if it was already reported, didn't read through all posts while I was away): Deleting single points or track sections ("inner parts") always after a few deletes (1 to 5 usually) leads to a situation where the track itself is not displayed anymore. When that happens, editor is unusable, have to leave editor and select Modify Track again.
Could make a video, again - but it really happens all the time. Cleaning up a track like this is too annoying. Happens with latest beta (11, I think).

I still sometimes experienced cases where a track wasn't visible suddenly and I had to zoom in/out. But that was on the road, so don't remember the exact situation. Will report in detail if it happens again. But at least you should know it's still not working perfectly, so perhaps you can have a look into it anyway...

And a tiny request: Could you make the track comment in the Track Info screen copyable? I often want to copy a comment to another track and have to go into edit track info to select the comment.
Same for the track title itself. Shouldn't be a biggy to make those texts selectable, is it?


I like the v4, but i really miss one thing:
It is not possible to zoom out the map, without missing autorotation.
I miss the possibility to autorotate, even if the map is not in center.
I used that much in v3 when I f.ex. was at a viewpoint, and want to see on map what i look at. Then i like to rotate the phone, not have the map frozen, and just use the sigth-line.

I sometimes also need to zoom out the map, for better overview on map, and then autorotation went off. I hope you can implement the old opportunity to keep autoritation, even though the map center move a bit. Maybe as an option in the settings.


No matter what I do, I'm unable to simulate the issue with updating a cache over G4L, really weird.

And here comes the second very weird problem. I've double-checked how the Edit screen loads a track and can't find any "bottleneck" that should cause such a huge delay to you.

this error should not appear when the download is unfinished. Only in case, there is a problem with the map file itself. Anyway, the text is really unreadable, fixed thanks.

Heatmap: I've tried your map and give up after a minute of waiting and 5 timeouts. Sorry, this map simply does not work. If you have the same problem with any of the default app maps, let me know.

the problem in Track editor > ah thanks. I'm unable to find the exact reason why this happens, weird > but at least it will happen a lot less often.

Copyable text in the track screen > I believe that in the next month or two I'll finally start work on a new screen for tracks > so remind me this a little later ;).

sorry, this is currently not possible. I'll see if more people will be interested in this feature, anyway generally I do not see any usage in rotating map when the map is not centered on the current GPS location.
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Locus crashes reproducably whenever I add a new point with a name that's already in the database... in my case it's "Auto". That's a new crash. A few versions ago, it would simply ask me if I wanted to replace/ignore/add.

Btw, I noticed nothing of the new Locus crash reporter functionality. The app just dies and goes away quietly.

The heatmap does work... I use it (with the config I posted) since at least two years as Overlay most of the time. Sometimes the russian server is slow/fails but mostly it's OK... except new Locuses tile disappearing problem obviously :). Maybe new Locus cannot handle using other zoom levels to render a missing zoom level in case of a timeout? The resolution is hard to tell with a heat map anyway. I still think Locus Pro handled it more gracefully somehow.

Btw, I noticed nothing of the new Locus crash reporter functionality. The app just dies and goes away quietly.

Same to me ...
I had some crashes🙄 too ... and hoped they were send automaticly. 😏


Quote from: Menion on March 08, 2021, 16:24:30


sorry, this is currently not possible. I'll see if more people will be interested in this feature, anyway generally I do not see any usage in rotating map when the map is not centered on the current GPS location.

Well, i think it is a bit boring that the autorotation stops just because I zoom out the map.