Locus Map - cloud/sync server

Started by Menion, September 08, 2020, 13:06:05

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Quote from: on October 31, 2020, 19:42:06

sorry, but this is intended behavior.
Sync system currently sync data, but not it's visibility state.

I really want go back to this point ....

I thought sync is build for 'syncing' several devices to have the same data (points, tracks) on more than one device.

And in that way I would like to use it:
Building routes, loading and sorting geocaches on my tablet  ... and than go out with my synced mobile and see all those routes and caches ... and just walk and find them.😁
At the moment I have all my tracks and caches on my mobile but especially all those needed new points are invisible.
I have to enter every folder and set all to visible 😳

Do I use/understand 'sync' in a wrong manner?

What is the use case for a different visibility state?

Is there a workarround for this/maybe only my 🥴 problem?
I personally support the "don't sync visibility" decision, because I use Locus in different ways on my phones (in the field) and tablet (planning, editing recorded tracks, making map images) and would be annoyed by synced visibility. But I also see your usecase. For me, this would really be something that needs to have a switch "Sync visibility of points/tracks".
From a development standpoint, I also understand if this is lower on the list for Menion for now (adds additional complexity, so best to first go without). But it should be on the list.


sync of icons: it should be doable over basic sync of zip files and it probably ends like this, but I would rather discuss this with the rest of the team before I'll post some more info.

Anyway, custom icons & attachments are currently not synced, we know about it, we consider this as a limitation and will definitely work on it with higher priority as the next step.

@Andrew Heard
"More info" button > well, right. More info is not really "more info". Some stats may be useful here, to see exact progress...

Duplication: hmm, there had to be something that caused this problem! Your first and second sync were from the same device? There was no restore of the old manual backup between sync?
Sync of the visibility: sync system is not just between the device, but also for the web platform (web planner). As @slarti76 correctly wrote, all these "devices" are most probably used for the different use-cases. Automatic sync of item visibility for the web means always load all visible data = overkill for the web. It will also cause a lot more synchronization operations because not just editing of the point/track will trigger a sync, but also it's simple change in the visibility. I see a few more problems that may come with it. So sorry, no, it is not planned and it brings a lot more negative effects than benefits.

Anyway, as usually ... time and usage in the field may reveal unexpected results/usages that were not visible from the sofa :).

I remember this proposal well. We discussed this for quite a long internally but were not satisfied with any possible solution based on generated hash from title/content etc. So yes, we are going the way, where the first used device should be a master device (it is automatic for new users, existing users have to be a little careful) and all other devices get a choice in updated UI, if they want to keep & merge current data or want's to remove local content completely and pull data from the server.

If we prepare UI for this "flow" correctly, it should be perfectly safe and 100% accurate. I'm anyway curios, what happen to Andrew because data duplication should never happen.
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I have data duplication, too - the DB is now nearly 2 GB in size ...
But I can remedy, as this device is not used for active tracking :-)

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on November 02, 2020, 08:56:45
Duplication: hmm, there had to be something that caused this problem! Your first and second sync were from the same device? There was no restore of the old manual backup between sync?
1st & 2nd sync were from same device - I only have LM4 installed on 1 device; "about" 2 weeks apart; no restore in between the 2 syncs; I haven't tried to sync again (risk) but next time I will do a full backup just before a test sync because this caused lots of work & nearly lost some data that was created in the 2 week period. Happy to continue testing but waiting for your advise.
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Both of you, hmm ... Michael, any idea how this may happen, as you already understand the system in the background. Two devices and merged data?

Andrew, this is a mystery to me. May you please share (privately or the public, no sensitive info inside) "Locus/data/database/sync.db" file? Inside are metadata for all sync tasks done on your device, thanks.
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Well, Menion, I know I had an older copy of the DB on that device which ended up with duplicates.
That did duplicate in my earlier testing phase and we discussed it. "Works as designed" in the end, right ?

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on November 03, 2020, 12:54:13
May you please share (privately or the public, no sensitive info inside) "Locus/data/database/sync.db" file?
I've emailed you the file. Thanks.
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


well, yes, it's intended. Anyway, this should not happen with the latest version without user confirmation. When you init sync on your second device and this device detects any existing data on the server, it asks you if you want to duplicate data or replace local data with the server.

@Andrew Heard
thanks for the database. I've discussed this right now with @janaton (responsible for the server part) and we are unable to find any issue directly on our side. You are aware that Locus Map Free (LM4 alpha) and Locus Map Pro share the same data right? Isn't possible that you restored the backup/database in Locus Map Pro?
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2020, 09:43:01
You are aware that Locus Map Free (LM4 alpha) and Locus Map Pro share the same data right?

Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2020, 09:43:01
Isn't possible that you restored the backup/database in Locus Map Pro?
do you mean sync? I haven't restored any backup. LM3Pro doesn't have any sync function right? I don't it's possible.

Quote from: Menion on November 04, 2020, 09:43:01
this should not happen with the latest version without user confirmation
is it possible to delete all cloud sync data before I retest? or what do you suggest I test next?
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


my setting: autosync only with wifi.
If i return to home sync work well :)
when sync has finished a window open with incomprehensible text, at least in the german
in crowdin>
All cleared!

information that no info is currently visible

my question, is this sentence only used in this case, and if it would be more understandable for user if it say e.g. "sync successfull"
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hi balloni, this notify center screen opens automatically? It is used in case, notify center does not have any notifications. In case, there is running synchronization, there should be a visible item with progress. But this item is automatically removed when sync finishes successfully. That's why this screen is empty later.
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Quote from: Menion on February 25, 2021, 12:29:08
Hi balloni, this notify center screen opens automatically? It is used in case, notify center does not have any notifications.
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

A preview is not displayed for the latest track, even after selecting the track, or refreshing the web page. There are a few other tracks like that.
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


!!! Announcement valid until further notice !!!

In this week we will test (internally) our subscription system which will cause unavailability of services requiring active subscription (synchronization, accessing MyLibrary in web planner, saving planned route to MyLibrary, ...). We will try to keep this testing period as short as possible. Thank you for your undestanding


Creating/updating the track overview icon still triggers a sync of that track.
I reported this before, and Menion said he'd fixed it, but it still happened (at least before the current sync-unavailability).
As the track icon is not synced, this leads to
Dev1: Update track icon > Sync on Dev2 > No track icon on Dev2 > Dev2: Manual recreate > Sync on Dev1 > No track icon on Dev1 > etc. => Can never have track icons at the same time on several devices.