[Theme] OS Map

Started by karlchick, May 29, 2020, 17:45:48

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Hi luxacalor,

I guess you mean the the screenshots of my latest draft of the lomap/oam v4 map theme.

It is pretty close to release now, just working on the pdf legends and final few fixes to the theme.

I was going to update the v3 theme to match, but with the v4 lomaps out now and the difficulty of doing this with less tags available and lack of time on my part, I think I'll leave the v3 map theme stay unchanged.

There is one thing I can't get to work on my phone, using zipped themes. Should work as I have latest Locusmap and android 11...

Watch this space for the new release.
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


Quote from: karlchick on September 14, 2023, 09:35:57Hi luxacalor,

I guess you mean the the screenshots of my latest draft of the lomap/oam v4 map theme.

It is pretty close to release now, just working on the pdf legends and final few fixes to the theme.

Hello karlchick,
Yes I was talking about the draft screenshots. Looking forward to the release!


Only the higher ZL city areas are visually not my cup of tea, but everything else is sexy... Especially the low ZLs, 9-11, are looking really good.
Tapiola MFV4+ theme for OAM Maps:
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Hi Everyone,

Finally the wait is over. After 2.75 years of tweaking in my spare time, I have finally completed the update to the OS Map theme.

The links to the theme are in the first post, which has also been updated with the latest release notes, comparison screenshots and links to the latest PDF legends (also bundled in the theme itself).

The theme now works as a ZIP theme, so no need to unzip anymore.

I am a little worried about the size of the theme files now, they have doubled in size... so please let me know if this causes performance issues... I am considering splitting the theme into 6 separate files: 1:25k, 1:50, Dynamic and again for night theme... but would prefer not to...

If you are wondering why the release date on the ZIP is 20231013, this was the original planned release date and I was about to upload when LocusMap switched from v3 to v4 LoMaps and I realised I needed to update the theme to cope with the new map and its tags etc...

The theme has a lot of improvements regarding footpaths, including with the change to v4 LoMap maps a massive improvement, especially if you are a fan of the original Ordnance Survey Maps, as LoMaps now support tags to distinguish between the different types of public rights of way, which in the UK, are not always as simple as access yes|no:

Some of the map features can be disabled using the options for non-OS content or accessible/designated paths, as they are not in the original Ordnance Survey maps, but are (I think) very useful additions that enhance the maps.

In the UK these different types of public rights of way (PROW) which define restrictions on who/what can use them:

There is a new option in the theme to highlight PROW and this uses the same colour scheme as the UK waymakers shown above.

I realise that in other countries you do not have the same waymarkers, restrictions or even possible tagging yet in your country's OSM data. But please remember that this theme is aimed as emulating the Ordnance Survey maps and so is largely aimed at users of the OS maps, which obviously will be located in the UK.

I am planning to upload the OS map theme into the LocusMap store, but I would like to identify any teething issues first as I have made a massive number of changes/improvements. So please provide feedback if you find anything wrong. Thanks in advance, Karl.
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


Quote from: Tapio on December 01, 2023, 19:31:14Only the higher ZL city areas are visually not my cup of tea,

Yes, in cities like London there are a lot of blue icons that clutter the map.  Many are car parks and pubs, which would usually always be shown on an OS map in more rural settings, as they represent significant landmarks. But in a city they are so common that they are less useful.

I know that OS maps don't show these in cities,  probably for that specific reason. See comparison attached.

I don't want to remove them from the z15/z16 levels as they are useful in rural areas... I guess I could raise the priority of the more significant icons in cities, e.g. museums...

...or add an option for symbols earlier...
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:
    The following users thanked this post: luxcalor


karlchick, Thank you for all you've done working on this theme. I've used the previous version for ages and find it the best theme available so I'm very happy to see this latest version.
I have found what might be a problem, when viewing at zoom levels 14 & 15, one of the paths turns into a heavy black line as shown in the images.
    The following users thanked this post: karlchick


Ho twoten, thanks for providing feedback. I guess you using OAM map at x15, bur whe I check using OAM great britian at z15 I do not see this, see attached...

I've attached the map details I used, if different to yours, could you let me know which map you are using?

I am also intrigued what map viewer you are using, as it looks different to LocusMap.
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


I'm using Great-Britain_oam.osm downloaded from Mapsforge.
I'm viewing the map using Oruxmaps.


Ooh, I haven't tried oruxmap, I might look into that, perhaps there is something different on the map rendering engine...
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


I really think this is a remarkable achievement!
Some points:
- I can't get the ROW highlighting to show whatever I do. I'm using Locus classic and both Lomaps and OAM.
- The legend didn't appear within Locus until I had opened it outside the app first, then it worked. Android 13 strangeness, I think.
- Landranger Power lines seem a tad over-heavy when zoomed in.
Otherwise, very good!!
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org
    The following users thanked this post: karlchick


Quote from: john_percy on December 03, 2023, 00:19:53- The legend didn't appear within Locus until I had opened it outside the app first, then it worked. Android 13 strangeness, I think.

I haven't dare update from android 11 so far... I've got my daughter a new phone christmas with A13, perhaps I'll have a sneaky peak and see, then Factory reset...
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


Thanks for the feedback John, much appreciated. The PROW only work with LoMap v4 maps, OAM maps do not include the designation tag used.

Regarding the highlights, are you're not seeing anything like the first attached image in LoMap v4 map? Are the paths in your area tagged with designation tag?

Regarding the 1:50k power lines, attached on image 2 is what I see at zoom levels 14, 15, 16 and 18. Is this similar for your?
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


Quote from: twoten on December 02, 2023, 22:29:09I'm using Great-Britain_oam.osm downloaded from Mapsforge.
I'm viewing the map using Oruxmaps.

Hmm... I've installed Oruxmaps, installed my theme, downloaded great britian map fro OAM and managed to repeat your issue.

I wonder what the issue is... could be my theme, the map, an unsupported rendering engine command...

Attached is a zoomed in view. It is the cliff edge that is wrong. There seems to be the black line in both, but the pattern filled line of cliff texture is solid black in Oruxmaps.

I'm using linesymbol with a rock texture, perhaps linesymbol is not supported in Oruxnaps...? No it works in 25k...
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


Hi Twoten,

Thank you, you found a bug in the theme. I've fixed it locally and it seems to work on Oruxmaps now, see attached.

I'll update the theme soon with a bug fix release.
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


I didn't try hard enough with the switches and Lomaps 4. PROW is working fine. If mapped well enough that would be a big plus point for Lomaps. You have come up with a very good visualisation for the different PROWs.
Do you count designated=foot as a PROW? Should highway=bridleway be recognised as a PROW? Also designated=horse? Maybe not.
Re powerlines, I'm seeing what you're seeing. It's just aesthetic at higher zooms.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org