Geocaching4Locus does no longer show Corrected Coordinates

Started by JGeo, June 06, 2019, 13:00:12

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It seems like  Geocaching4Locus does no longer show or download corrected coordinates for caches that I have given an updated location on  :'(
The caches are drawn on the 'original' location on the map. There doesn't seem to be an option to select what location to show, nor an option to use or ignore corrected coordinates. I am a premium member, so all information should be available.
Is this a sort of bug, or did I do something wrong?


I'm not using this option, so just an idea. In Locus you can choose in geocaching options to move the cache (icon) to the final location, if it is part of the cache.
Perhaps this could be worth to have a look at.


 ;D Ah! As of today, there is an update fixing this issue. Thanks Martin!