Re: [APP] - version 3.37.+ ( 18. 3. 2019 )

Started by Menion, March 18, 2019, 14:52:24

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Quote from: menion on May 01, 2019, 15:57:09

Thanks also for crash logs. Unfortunately, I'm unable to perfectly find the reason of this issue but seems to be somehow connected to some active dashboard. Is this possible? If so, may you share this dashboard with me as well? Dashboard files are in Locus/data/dashboard directory. Thank you!

Method for navigation simulation

With the Beta version, there is a nice method of how to test the navigation system.

dashboard was active and same as in release. Its appended.

Nrw simulation :
Wooowwww that's great.


Hello Folks,
during my ride to I observe some strange behavior of Locus Map:

I usually have switch on: "Center map at GPS Position" after 5 sec.
Now in the current Beta, if I look at the map and pan a little around (moving the map), the map is not centering back after 5sec as before. The button is still highlighted.
To center back to GPS Position , now I have to manually switch off and on the "Center Map at GPS Position" button   ( for me at lower left corner)
This is very uncomfortable to handle, special in rougher terrain.


thanks for dashboard file. It helped and issue found & fixed

Well, navigation in the app is somewhere ... in the middle. It works well in the case, you ride based on instructions correctly along the road. But once something happens, like a shortcut, change in directions, pause in GPS signal ... bad things sometimes happen.

I currently have priority in finishing updates in improved map system, anyway the number of complaints on navigation is growing so rather start now and improve it till the main season starts :).

ah damn, thanks, fixed!
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on May 01, 2019, 15:57:09
Method for navigation simulation With the Beta version, there is a nice method of how to test the navigation system. I just improved it little
@menion - nice feature - my only suggestion is some way to speed up the simulated speed. I changed the recorded track activity from Not Specified or Cycling to Car, but still often too slow for testing. Some form of dynamic speed control would help. But very low priority. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Quote from: john_percy on May 01, 2019, 09:53:07
Zoom lock on Pro: First tap on button restores the last zoom lock magnification immediately. Second tap reverts to initial unmagnified view...

Maybe it's related.  Manually zoom the map while driving will cause it to lock in one place.  The map is not in doubt.  When the screen goes out, the movement resumes.


@Andrew Heard
speed problems > I wrote "I just improved it little more so the current method will work correctly in next Beta version" ;)

@Žajdlík Josef
hmm should be related thanks. I'll probably not be fast enough to create version today, so hopefully tomorrow.


Geocaching question

When logging a cache, there is an option "Log date only". Is there any reason for this setting now? When we enable this settings, defined time is used to replace {t} parametr in log, but on geocaching server is send log with time set to 12:00.
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Hi menion,
Quote from: menion on May 02, 2019, 14:51:38
Geocaching question

When logging a cache, there is an option "Log date only". Is there any reason for this setting now? When we enable this settings, defined time is used to replace {t} parametr in log, but on geocaching server is send log with time set to 12:00.

For me it never makes sense, to log a geocache without the exact found time. So for me the checkbox could be removed. Then I expect the exact log time in {t} parameter and in online log at groundspeak when sending log to geocaching server or exporting it to a fieldnote-file . I. e. exact the same way the checkbox is not checked.

As far as I know the time is not storred at groundspeak server. Maybe it is changed with the new API, I do not know But I am using the time part of the log to get a chronological order of my founds per day. An, thanks to the {t}-parameter the found time is present at least in my logs.

In this forum there are even two posts about this checkbox I have answered. There the checkbox was accidentally checked and the user wondered why all logs where set to 12:00 at groundspeak server. Unfortunately the checkbox is hidden under the keyboard. So the state of that checkbox is not visible immediately.



Yes, exactly because of these problems (hidden checked settings etc), I'm thinking about removing this setting and always log caches with an exact defined date. So I'm asking here if there may be any possible problem when logs will be sent with defined time and not with 12:00.
Thanks for answer c.s.g.
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For me the exact time for logging is absolutely necessary while fixed logging time 12.00h makes no sense at all to me.
The main reason for that is to keep the online logs in the right order (like found outdoors) even when logging in disorder (happens sometimes when logging additional (special/very good) caches done during a trail )
So no need to keep the checkbox from my side. Honestly I already wondered why it could possibly be there...

... 12.00h makes no sense for me too.


Menion, congrats to this great step and your efforts to rework the vector-engine for improved dpi-awareness and adaption to newer mapsforge, happy to see this.

I am also using some raster-maps with limited zoom-levels, Z13 and Z16,to keep the map-size low and as Z14+Z15 doesn't brought a real gain in informations. But this only works if the zoom-transition between Z13 and Z16 is fine tunable, may depend on screen-dpi and personal taste. Sometimes I would prefer Z16 with value lower 50% instead of Z13 at 200%.
i guess currently I'm not able to finetune this or? Maybe in the future, not high prio, just realized this while using the new beta.


if I remember correctly, 12:00 time was needed to keep logs from people on in correct order under one cache. Something like this, but not perfectly sure now as it's really really long history.

Oki, so if even geocaching master @balloni55 :) does not have anything against it, I'll remove this option to next (Beta) version.

Understand that with a new system, this may be a little worst then before. Currently there is no settings that affect this behavior. I'll look at it if there isn't any option how to improve it in app and give a little higher priority to use in your case Z16 instead of Z13 if possible. Good point, thanks.
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Quote from: menion on May 03, 2019, 06:10:06
Oki, so if even geocaching master @balloni55 :) does not have anything against it, I'll remove this option to next (Beta) version.
thanks hint from c.s.g. long time ago  8) each of my logs start with real time from "offline field log"
{t} > HH:mm
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


*** new pre-weekend Beta version ***

Huge list of changes after app start.

Only known problem > start on Android 4.x should be probably still there. Fighting with it again and again and ...
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Regarding label layers and so on, Emux's Cruiser GL on android is a great example of what can be done with a separate text layer. Two finger rotate and perspective view keeps the texts horizontal. It even has an optional 3d building view. The rest of the app isn't a patch on Locus however but as an example of map rendering and routing it's excellent.
It uses Mapsforge maps and themes but (I think) a different rendering engine.

Sent from my moto g(6) plus using Tapatalk

Voluntary and Velocity themes -