[APP] - version 3.29.+ ( 1. 2. 2018 )

Started by Menion, February 01, 2018, 13:53:59

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Žajdlík Josef

First test of new GPS on A3 android 7. Accuracy is much higher in beta than in PRO version. In the room by the window PRO 7-11 satellites, but the accuracy is only 60-70 m. BETA also 7-11, but accuracy 15-20 m. Fix is ​​also half faster.


Quote from: menion on March 09, 2018, 15:40:51
Oki, I'll modify this to next version, so backup action will be delayed for additional five minutes and we will see if it helps.
If you did that for the current beta, it hasn't helped, I'm afraid.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


ah sorry. Answered in mentioned topic, thanks

@Josef Žajdlík
you set a "sleep time" to 0? If it was possible before, then auto-off probably never worked because min. usable value was really set to 10 seconds. This function should really be used for "sleeping of GPS in defined intervals", not for a reseting etc.

hmm, I'll test it on own device more carefully, thanks
EDIT: john, may you create for me a log, right after this problem occur? Thank you!
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@menion Dropbox link sent. There was no red toaster this time, but permission for the backup directory on external SD is lost on reboot (always). I set the backup directory to external SD, restarted Locus, checked backup directory is set OK, exit Locus, restart phone, start Locus, check whether backup directory is set, see directory name is in red, tap on that, am offered permission screen for the directory on external SD I set before, press OK, repeat etc.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Thanks @john, I'll look at it.

Very interesting info.
Last Sunday, my usual training ... exactly same recording profile, same audio-coach, same chest sensor as usually .... blue line.
Today, as usually all exactly same. Maybe little better weather then last week. Unfortunately I had to run almost 400 metres! more to get my required distance. At home I was looking why ... check screenshot .. green line.

Difference? New beta version with new system for handling of GPS. End of crazy curvy records? Seems that this new method also contains useful filtering of location that predict GPS location. This is really really good news!!

Screenshot of clear road segment.

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App icon of Free(Beta) on playstore is new/different to app icon on my device, how can i get it on my device?
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hehe, do you like it? We are currently testing few types of icons only on Google Play. Final change will be applied probably during April on all places. Reason? Have icon that better represent hike & bike style of app, and that does not look on first sight like a car navigation.
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Žajdlík Josef

Auto-OFF in PRO version works with zero value. Why not get rid of GPS reset capabilities? Is there any other function?

The test of the new GPS in BETA has taken place today without any problems. On Android 4.2. i to 7.0. Fix to 7.0 is significantly faster and accuracy higher, otherwise the record is the same.


QuoteHehe, do you like it?
yes i do ;) and if i understand right, this is the new "basic" icon for Free and Pro ???

small comparative test of new GPS confuse me :-[

Locus PRO and Beta are running beside for ~ half an hour
i stand still in middle of intersection ~ 5 min. and watch alternately behavior of both apps
Result > Pro display always 1 or 2 less used sats, but the accuracy is allways much better

Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Icon ... next month ;). And yes, there will be probably identical icon for both app versions and in device will return back old separation by Locus Map FREE and Locus Map PRO title.

GPS ... it is more complicated, but I'll tell it simple:

- old system was completely manual. So app requested location from network providers (BTS stations, wi-fi) or GPS and then get it. From both sources separately. How app did it was completely on developer. Received data was raw, unfiltered.

- new system use Google Play services in your device(s). This system has inner "secret" logic and as a developer, I have close to zero chance to influence it. Locus now say to system, give me best location you are able every second. And that's all. It is almost impossible to say, if received location is from GPS or Wi-fi (so app now only guess by frequency of change etc.). It is also not possible to compare precision, because probably only Google devs known exact method how accuracy was computed. So best to compare by where you see a spot on the map, not by some virtual "accuracy" number, or coloured accuracy circle! Also satellites ... consider them only as an "interesting" information, but not as precise exact info. If wanted, I may explain more later. Important it, how useful will be results from this and my first few impressions are really positive.

How my explanation is clear.

@Žajdlík Josef
thanks for a testing, appreciate it.
About GPS .. if was previously possible to set value "0", it was definitely a bug. May you explain to me, why to set value "GPS update interval = 0"? Because this value a) with such value, auto-off is disabled (it was disabled also before), b) such value make no sense! "GPS update interval" say, how long Locus Map puts GPS to sleep. Because this feature was made to save some battery, optimal value is more then a minute!
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download
    The following users thanked this post: jajaballard


In lastest beta chart in track detail's window shows distance in axes X about two times longer than track's distance is. The pro version shows correct values
    The following users thanked this post: Menion


Yes , I can confirm:
Distance in "Track- Details" chart  is double as in real.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: balloni55 on March 11, 2018, 19:19:30
Locus PRO and Beta are running beside for ~ half an hour
i stand still in middle of intersection ~ 5 min. and watch alternately behavior of both apps
Result > Pro display always 1 or 2 less used sats, but the accuracy is allways much better
@menion - I have slightly difference experience to @balloni55 - Pro displays 1 or 2 more sats and accuracy is slightly better (7m compared to 10m), although Beta has slightly higher signal strength on some bars and some green sats (I never seen green in Pro). Just initial view, not very scientific. Android 5.1.

below beta on left, Pro on right GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Setting auto-off so that GPS does not turn off based on time, but on the basis of inaccuracies or long FIX time, the Xperia M could be used. The GPS has stopped from nothing and mostly helped to turn it off and on again. This could be done by using the auto-off feature. I understand it's not her main job, but why not use it?

CZ: Nastavení auto-off tak, aby se GPS nevypínala na základě času, ale na základě nepřesnosti či dlouhého času FIX se hodilo třeba u Xperia M. U ní se GPS z ničeho nic zastavila a většinou pomohlo její opětovné vypnutí a zapnutí. Na to by se dala takto oklikou využít funkce auto-off. Chápu, že to není její hlavní funkce, ale proč to nevyužít?

Žajdlík Josef

Error editing record profiles in BETA. PRO version is OK. Once the recording profile has been edited, the 0 second recording interval will always appear on the summary screen. I am applying SCR.
1) create a new "experiment" profile with a time of 5 seconds
2) appears in the summary 5 seconds correctly
3) adjust the time to 15 seconds
4) the time is displayed in 0 seconds
5) When editing the profile, the time is 15 seconds correctly
Still a question. Why am I advising that the minimum value is 10 when editing the distance of the recorded point? A distance of about 4 meters is appropriate for walking.

CZ: Chyba při editaci záznamových profilů v BETA. Ve verzi PRO je to v pořádku. Po editaci záznamováho profilu se na souhrnné obrazovce vždy ukáže interval záznamu 0 sekund. Příkládám SCR.
1) vytvoření nového profilu "pokusny" s časem 5 s
2) v souhrnu se správně zobrazí 5 s
3) upravím čas na 15 s
4) v souhrnu se zobrazí čas 0 s
5) při editaci profilu je čas správně 15 s
Ještě otázka. Proč jsem při editaci vzdálenosti zaznamenávaného bodu upozorňován na to, že minimální hodnota je 10? Přitom třeba pro chůzi je vhodná vzdálenost okolo 4 metrů.
