No theme appears to distinguish between unpaved & unknown surface

Started by Andrew Heard, January 17, 2018, 22:53:30

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Andrew Heard

or ref.
way is C318 Buckland Road, Tasmania, Australia
south of this point at 90 degree turn the way is marked unknown, although in actual fact is sealed
north of this point the way is correctly marked as unsealed
I can't find any Locus theme that distinguishes between unpaved & unknown surface. Often important for a road cyclist. But to be fair, displaying this section of road in OSM, Google Maps, RWGPS, and BRouter Web, with all possible themes, there is sadly no difference between the two sections either. The surface history has not changed for a long time, but to be sure I bought the latest Locus vector map anyway (30/10/2017).

Any suggestions? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Does it apply to all ways or just roads ? As if I remember correctly, Elevate/Elemements theme does distinguish between unsealed and unknown tracks. ( I do not have a map handy to check ). Not sure about roads.


From memory, I think OAM maps distinguish between road surfaces but LoMaps do not. Both distinguish between different track types (effectively surfaces)
The Elevate/Elements themes display road surfaces included in the map data but I'm not sure how they deal with unknown road surfaces.

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Voluntary and Velocity themes -

Andrew Heard

Thanks Libor. I did check with Elevate/ Velocity/ Voluntary/ HiLo + Locus internal themes but style of road on both sides point mentioned were the same.
Ways other than roads? Not sure I follow you? GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Thanks John. I just tried a 2016 OAM map of the same area with Elements LE/ Elements LE/ Hilo V9/ Velocity/ Voluntary UK but road on either side of this point has the same style (where surface changes in OSM database). I'd like to stay with LoMaps for the offline address search facility but being able to see different style for unpaved/ unknown surface would be very useful. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


It is possible to install both LoMaps and OAMaps of the same area, and use the LoMaps offline address search while displaying the OAM maps. Offline address search allows you to select the file to search (at the top of screen).
Voluntary and Velocity themes -


...with OAM and Elevate.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: john_percy on January 18, 2018, 12:29:27
It is possible to install both LoMaps and OAMaps of the same area, and use the LoMaps offline address search while displaying the OAM maps. Offline address search allows you to select the file to search (at the top of screen).
Thanks John. Good tip. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: erfi on January 18, 2018, 18:17:13
...with OAM and Elevate.
Thanks erfi - that's great. OAM is the only provider to distinguish between unpaved & unknown surface! I wasn't using the latest OAM map & Elevate theme. I must make another donation to those guys. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on January 18, 2018, 09:41:34
Ways other than roads? Not sure I follow you?

I mean by a "way" any OSM way intended for vehicle/horse/pedestrian travelling.
I,.e. tagged by highway=*

By a road I mean such a way, that is - more or less unrestricted - intended primarily or exclusively for cars for regular traffic.  Typically unclassified to motorways, mostly also the service and residential as well. 

In such a sense, tracks, paths, cycleways are not roads.