[APP] - version 3.27.+ ( 8. 11. 2017 )

Started by Menion, November 08, 2017, 22:41:33

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Henk van der Spek

@menion: I use a pattern only (with arrows) but going back to a simple Line 6 px without pattern produces exactly the same behaviour. Colouring mode is at plain color anyway.

(sorry for spoiling your sunday night).
Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13


Quotetime of next backup if counted from previous success backup and result is this. I'll improve it to next version, thanks for pointing on this.
ok, i´ll wait and see ;)

next task, i´ve set "Keep last 4 backups"
in the meantime on GD are stored 6 backups :-[
this setting works only on internal stored backups for now
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Yes, this is correct. More complicated task ... "cloud" feature is only "copy" task.
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Žajdlík Josef

Syncing Backups to Beta at Beta does not work on Android 5.0 tablet.
I tried a new cloud backup feature, but unfortunately I can not get it started. The setting was fine, but none of the upgrades have yet been loaded into the cloud. Android occasionally just buys a message: Locus has ended. Synchronization with external Drive Autosync works seamlessly.

CZ: Synchronizace záloh do cloudu u Bety mi na tabletu s androidem 5.0 nefunguje.
Zkoušel jsem novou funkci k uládání záloh do cloudu, ale bohužel se mi to nedaří zprovoznit. Nastavení proběhlo v pořádku, ale ani jedna záloha se zatím do cloudu nenačetla. Android občas jen vydá hlášku: Aplikace Locus byla ukončena. Synchronizace pomocí externího programu Drive Autosync funguje bez problémů.


yes, that is one possible use-case that may be really useful. Seems to works nice :)

@Žajdlík Josef
if you get "App Locus Map was terminated", please create me a log, thanks! Requirement for upload to cloud is wi-fi connection. Is Locus Map creating local backups? If so, it should be really only a problem with upload.
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Žajdlík Josef

@ Menion
It's definitely going to be something wifi, so the tablet disconnects from wifi when you turn it off. The backup files are about 60 Mb, so file uploads take quite a while. How do I create a protocol?


*** BETA version is out ***

As I see in list of news, there is quite a lot of them. On background, I have also updated many dependencies ( libraries from other companies/services ) to new versions, so hope, all will work as expected.

Michal and Hanka pushes me a little because of new version next week, because they wants again as every year, give some Christmas discount and wants some popup dialog in app, so if there will be any serious problem, I'll appreciatte your feedback!

Enjoy coming snow in some parts of world and have a nice weekend!

@Žajdlík Josef
Best to create a log by this method: http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php?id=cz:manual:faq:how_to_create_debug_log . I'll try to simulate issue during next days ... maybe there will really be enough to disable wifi during upload.
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V 3,27.1.7
-set backup time consist now :D even backup and upload to GD is delayed through missing wifi, thanks
Quote from: menion on December 04, 2017, 14:29:25
Yes, this is correct. More complicated task ... "cloud" feature is only "copy" task.
if this is not possible for now, gray  "Keep last x backups" if upload to cloud is selected, so user know this behavior
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

#53 on Android 5.1: Analyze Track caused Locus to crash with 200km recorded track. To reproduce:

  • tap track from list
  • observe it seems to take longer to open track details since last version?
  • tap ^
  • tap More
  • tap Analyze
  • track is displayed on map but UI not responsive for ~20s
  • when UI finally responds Locus stops with "Locus Map is not responding"
  • retest (for this post) and now no crash, grrr
Question re Analyze Track UX: tap on "tick" icon - I see is possible to change track style; I change to +/-5% Manual Slope, but where is this new track style displayed? When I return to the map the track section is lost. It would be great if Analyze Track style could be sticky rather than plain dark blue line.

I then installed on older Android 4.2 tablet: when I try Analyze Track for 1st time the 2 or 3? introductory pages about splitting and merging tracks is displayed which is for Track Editor not Analyze Track. Of course there is only one chance to test this because these "introductory pages" are only displayed once. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

@ Menion
The log is sent using the android dialog box

slarti76 "About App" confirmed working again, thx.
Still problems with waypoints in tracks, posted exact replication here: http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/editing-waypoint-messes-up-chart


Hi guys,
I'm with Petr already for two months quite intensively work on new version of Locus Store, which take me more time then expected, so sorry for a slower reaction times, thanks for understanding.

thanks for tests. I also have possitive experience ( compare to old system ), with backup. Everyday I have my backup in Dropbox, finally :).

I've at least moved "cloud upload" to bottom part, so it looks more like separate function and not a part of "repeat" process.

@Andrew Heard
hi Andrew, thanks for a precise bug report. I'm playing with it on quite old SGS2, but unfortunately except certain slowness, I'm unable to simulate any crash or ANR (Application Not Responding).
I've anyway discovered that there is again a problem after editing track style and return back to map. There is some stuck of Locus for quite a long time, sometimes. Weird, still unsolvable problem for me, damn.

About styles in segment, good point. I've removed option to edit styles in this case.

Tutorial page belongs to "Track editor", not analyzer, thanks, fixed!

@Žajdlík Josef
ah, we have something like this in manual? Hope not, because such "logs" are untrackable and quite useless :(

thanks for confirmation. Problem with waypoints: tomorrow
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on December 13, 2017, 17:44:26
hi Andrew, thanks for a precise bug report. I'm playing with it on quite old SGS2, but unfortunately except certain slowness, I'm unable to simulate any crash or ANR (Application Not Responding).
I've anyway discovered that there is again a problem after editing track style and return back to map. There is some stuck of Locus for quite a long time, sometimes. Weird, still unsolvable problem for me, damn.
@menion - only single instance of ANR for me too but thought I'd mention it just in case it helped at all. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

@ Menion
Beta back up bug on Android 4.4. Even if I turn off automatic backups, new backups are being created. See attached pictures.
With this protocol you're probably right, sorry. I have a lot of jobs now, so I'm trying to do it all the time so it does not work well. I'll make the protocol new, but I'm probably going to get it over the weekend. I am sorry.

CZ: Chybička se zálohováním u Bety na Androidu 4.4. I když vypnu vytváření automatických záloh, stejně se vytvářejí nové zálohy. Viz přiložené obrázky.
S tím protokolem máš nejspíš pravdu, omlouvám se. Mám toho teď v zaměstnání hodně, a tak se vše snažím udělat tak rychle, až to někdy nedopadne dobře. Protokol udělám nový, ale asi se k tomu dostanu až o víkendu. Omlouvám se.



QuoteI'm with Petr already for two months quite intensively work on new version of Locus Store
maps/Germany/Outdooractive online maps >
only word "Nutzungsbedingungen" is german, all other text is english
also in regional Outdooractive offline maps
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4