[APP] - version 3.27.+ ( 8. 11. 2017 )

Started by Menion, November 08, 2017, 22:41:33

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Andrew Heard

Quote from: balloni55 on November 26, 2017, 18:43:55
this is interesting. Other options in main menu works? Mainly add-ons and co-apps, that are made with exactly same system. exactly, behavior is identical on both of my devices
@balloni55 same problem for me GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: 0709 on November 26, 2017, 18:02:24
from: menion on September 27, 2017, 10:29:57
Export of shaping points into GPX is currently not implemented. Still not sure, if this is needed at all ... we will see ;)

Usefull ?
Shaping Point: Has informative <name>and <description> NO <sym> !
export of shaping point would allow round-trip (export/ re-import) of a route? Quite useful. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Newest Beta: "About app/Support" still not working...


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Andrew Heard

Quote from: slarti76 on November 29, 2017, 12:47:10
Newest Beta: "About app/Support" still not working...
Me too.

And more serious bug which occurs in 3.17.1 Pro and beta: open the attached GPX with Route Planner: silent crash & restart of Locus. This file was originally created with RWGPS. Imported into Locus. GPX is exported from Locus. If more specific instructions useful: display track, tap track on map, select Route Planner, display goes blank, Locus is restarted. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Ah issue with "About app" menu item finally found, thanks!

@Andrew Heard:
nice crash, thanks :).
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Andrew Heard GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


A little bit ... common stupid limitation on 1 MB for transfering content between screens. And this your track is so huge, that it's a little more then 1 MB so app crash. I made a little different, maybe a little faster method, so hope it will be fine in next version. 1 Mb limit is "funny" for me, mainly on devices with 4+ GB or RAM memory :/
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Žajdlík Josef

After completing the route planner with the arrow, the route still remains in the display for a few more minutes. You can even click on it and choose "part of the route". Tested on three devices. It's just a little bit, but maybe it should not happen.

Poslední BETA
Po ukončení plánovače tras šipkou, zůstává rozpracovaná trasa ještě několik vtřeřin zobrazena na displeji. Dokonce se na ni dá kliknout a zvolit položku "část trasy". Vyzkoušeno na třech zařízeních. Je to jen drobnost, ale asi by se to dít nemělo.


Hello menion
here my report after a few days of use the new backup function with upload to GD.
- on first start of "edit" setting, the date for next autobackup is set in the past ~ 10 days, i expect the current day ;)
- i set autobackup: every day/ 5:00 in the morning(so i´m sure locus isn´t running)/upload to GD

info, my phone wake up at 6:30 each day, wifi aso.

Stored backups on GD:
28.11. 6:33
29.11. 6:54
30.11. 7:50
1.12. 7:53 > next update set to 2.12. 7:54 inside locus
the set time of next backup change always :-[ independent i set it initially to 5:00
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Updated from 3.26.x to 3.27.1
Changed line style of a track in track manager
Saved new settings
Went back to map with already displayed track
...but the map display remains black, no toast, no message.  Had to force Locus to close.
I tried this three times :(

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on December 01, 2017, 06:29:57
A little bit ... common stupid limitation on 1 MB for transfering content between screens. And this your track is so huge, that it's a little more then 1 MB so app crash.
@menion - longer tracks are entirely possible and not unreasonable, so maybe there is msgbox saying "This track is too large to edit this track in Route Planner; suggest split and edit each section?" GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Henk van der Spek

In 3.27.1 (not Beta) I got a freezing screen/very slow response in the following situation:

Location is on and I have a fix
I am at home on my couch viewing a track about 3000 km's away (the Canary Islands)
I go above zoom level 18

Everything is fine with  LOCATION OFF or zoomlevel 18 or smaller

I could repeat this behaviour when viewing a track 1100 km's from my couch but then it happens above zoom level 21.

Android 7 and new device with 6/64 octacore etc etc

Motorola G82 5G 6/128 Android 13 and Motorola Moto G73 5G 8/256 Android 13


@Josef Žejdlík
thanks, I'll look at it. For me it stays in worst case half of second, but I'll try to speed it up.

time of next backup if counted from previous success backup and result is this. I'll improve it to next version, thanks for pointing on this.

after you had changed style of track, what about track preview in track detail screen at top? Does it change as well to your selected style? Did you tap on "save" button at bottom of "change style dialog", not just on back button?

@Andrew Heard
no worry, it should be solved

@Henk van der Spek
I thought, all similar troubles are already solved, damn. Are you using simple style for your track or some "color by X" style? Does it make difference if you select basic single color style?
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