[APP] - version 3.25.+ ( 9. 8. 2017 )

Started by Menion, August 09, 2017, 18:25:00

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Nogo with BRouter-Beta works fine :)
one question, how can i run a recalculation after have deleted a nogo point? see attached screencast
and one small concealed text

Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@alezy: thanks, I'll look at it

@balloni55: thanks, I noticed this text too, harder to solve without increasing height ...

Anyway with Nogo points, it's a good question. When you add new existing, it's easy. I may test if new point lay on any existing path and recompute this segment automatically. But when you remove any? Recompute everything? Nonsence. I personally solve it with tiny move of one point on side of segment I need to recompute. Any idea?

Also two questions to all.

1) about Nogo areas. Should be ( and think about it for a while ) really useful to define radius of these areas? I'm still not sure how to create a simple UI for this and I'm not really sure if this is needed.

2) just now during planning a trip, I imagined that when I add for example cache into plan as Via point, it only create new point with "Via point" icon and cache name. What a nice idea to copy whole point into track as Via point, what you think? Then should be possible to create complete plan with all necessary data attached directly in track!! Simply turn on/off track to show all that is needed. Simply export track to give other personal whole trip with all that is needed. Useful?
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 07, 2017, 17:59:39
Anyway with Nogo points, it's a good question. When you add new existing, it's easy. I may test if new point lay on any existing path and recompute this segment automatically. But when you remove any? Recompute everything? Nonsence. I personally solve it with tiny move of one point on side of segment I need to recompute. Any idea?
@menion - it's a similar question I had when I change compute engine profile, and want the whole route to be recalculated. As suggested before, what about Recompute item in Tool menu? Having to workaround with tiny move is silly.

Quote from: menion on September 07, 2017, 17:59:39
1) about Nogo areas. Should be ( and think about it for a while ) really useful to define radius of these areas? I'm still not sure how to create a simple UI for this and I'm not really sure if this is needed.
I love the circle displayed around the nogo - a nice touch. I use a 50m radius, but with the aid of the new 100m nogo circle the radius is less problematic. I used to have larger ones, but found I never needed them or they caused problems because blocked multiple roads by mistake.

When I add a nogo it would be nice for the undo button to be displayed - consistency. Yes, I can tap the nogo & delete.

When I add a nogo it is not always recognised. Below there are obvious alternates to the nogo but it appears no recalc is performed:

Once the nogo was not recognised/ not being bypassed, no other nogos worked either. Recalc is not performed.

I also found (only sometimes) when I tap the nogo, I get this dialog instead. Tapping the track was not useful: RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Žajdlík Josef

Hello Menion, I would recommend that NOGO points be moved to a separate function, krera would be part of the route planner. NOGO would then remain permanent or temporary. For example, when repairing the road from March to September, I would create points in the NOGO closure point valid until the end of September. On the contrary, at the broken road site, I would have created a permanent nogo so Brouter would never drive me when driving on a road bike.

CZ: Ahoj Menione, doporučil bych NOGO body přesunout do samostatné funkce, krerá by byla součástí plánovače tras. NOGO by pak zůstávaly trvalé nebo s dočasnou působností. Například při opravě silnice od března do září bych si vytvořil v místě uzavírky NOGO body s platností do konce září. Naopak v místě rozbité silnice bych si vytvořil trvalý nogo, aby mě tudy Brouter nikdy nevedl když jezdím jen na silničním kole.


Hello guys

I liked a lot the new route planner. Amazing the info bar with graph at the bottom of the screen.

I found a bug and I have a suggestion.

Sometimes when you click on a track (even before using route planner) on the caption appears a + sign and the app crashes.

Normally you have a >

The suggestion is not have the track recalculated when you use route planner on an existing one, or at least ask. You may even not notice the recalculation on longer tracks and you may loose good portion while attempting to correct the bad ones. This may happen frequently   when you use more the one engine for routing and you unlikely remember what was used in that specific track.

Inviato dal mio SM-G900F utilizzando Tapatalk


Bucky Kid

I confirm the bug reported by matmas.
Right side action for visible object label is not changed to popup menu after closing route planner (crash on tap).

+ Yet some bug in tracks manager alphabetic sorting (tracks starting with J, K precede other tracks.


First of all, I'm very impressed by the new route planner!

- Session save/restore: excellent, I didn't dare to ask for this feature and now you've implemented it!  ;D
- Undo/Redo: perfect!
- Info bar/graph: I was about to post this as an idea in helpdesk, seems you read my mind and implemented it right away!  ;D ;D ;D
- NOGOs: very nice, can't wait to test it! (haven't had time to install new brouter testing version yet)
- add viapoint between two existing points of the route: very helpful!
- possibility to invoke trackplanner with existing track: a dream come true! Never ever re-plan a track because you forgot something (e.g. a via-point) (and it's even working with gpx-exported/re-imported tracks!  :) :) :) )

About NOGO radius: It would be very nice to be able to change the radius, because sometimes you just want to block one small section of a path (and not the neighbouring path also), the other time you maybe want to block a whole village!
I imagine it could be nice to have radius editing controls similar to brouter-web (create a nogo and afterwards edit it in brouter-web, this gives a handle for the center and one for the radius). But maybe it's too difficult to implement it. Also, I'm not sure if this method is suitable for small phone screens with your finger(s) occupying the screen!? (on the other hand, quick measure seems to work reasonably well)

About your idea of saving all data of a viapoint (e.g. a Cache) into the track: yes, please! Also export this info into gpx to share with friends: would be great!

ps: I can also reproduce the bug matmas discovered!




Hi guys,
hope you had a good time during my vacation. Well we were in Tuscany, weather was average ( which is fine because I was not forced by Hanka to be on beach all the time ), Locus was working surprisingly well and from 8 offline navigation apps I prepared for test and inspiration, we ended with Locus & BRouter. Except testing at start with other apps, almost 3k km ride was made with this combination ... and again quite good experience, mainly with quick NoGo points from navigation menu :). And all nav apps quick sucks to be true ... maybe I'm too used to use Locus :)

And now back to work.
@Andrew Heard:
Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 08, 2017, 01:28:21
@menion - it's a similar question I had when I change compute engine profile, and want the whole route to be recalculated. As suggested before, what about Recompute item in Tool menu? Having to workaround with tiny move is silly.
I have to think about it later. What you wants means that one tap recompute whole track with define routing settings right? This is something that probably most of apps do automatically, but since begin, Locus works differently and always allows to set each segment of route separately.

Otherwise I was working whole yesterday on some bugs reported on help desk and finally today I'm doing some smaller improvements in route planner, so please wait on next Beta ( probably tomorrow ), because we discuss some final ( hope ) improvements in route planner. Thanks
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Hey, welcome back!

hope you also got some time to rest and relax!?

What do you mean by "quick NoGo points from navigation menu"? Is this already in BETA?

Btw.: I forgot to praise yet another idea you implemented in BETA: Dashboards in Track Statistics! Great Idea (I assume you will provide a default Dashboard for not so experienced users?)!


Sure, no worry ;).
Ah, this is probably not yet even in Beta, hmm :). My feature where in navigation menu ( click on next-command arrow during navigation ) is button that adds NOGO point under map center and force recalculate, so when you see, there is no way during navigation, with few clicks you may recompute detour.

Yes dashboard ... I tought it will be my evening relax, but my try to allow creating 1:1 same dashboard as is current statistics tab, ends on neverending list of necessary settings for every item ... padding left/top/right/bottom, same for margins, same for border lines and here even width and color of border lines ( separators ) ... I have to firstly find some better style of UI otherwise list of edit options will have no end ... probably some tabs, I'll see anyway it is something I really wants to do and this system should in the end replace track "statistics" tab completely and also statistics in left track recording panel ... later ;)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 21, 2017, 14:39:46
@Andrew Heard:
Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 08, 2017, 01:28:21
@menion - it's a similar question I had when I change compute engine profile, and want the whole route to be recalculated. As suggested before, what about Recompute item in Tool menu? Having to workaround with tiny move is silly.
I have to think about it later. What you wants means that one tap recompute whole track with define routing settings right? This is something that probably most of apps do automatically, but since begin, Locus works differently and always allows to set each segment of route separately.
Yes I appreciate the complication with independent segments. As you say other apps already do this, and I therefore guess, is the most common use-case. This is, only a very small % of user's tracks will have more than one segment+profile combination. So if a user selects this "Recompute" menu item, Locus could recompute each segment+profile combination? RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 21, 2017, 16:02:52
Yes dashboard ... I tought it will be my evening relax
strange way of relaxing ;)

Quote from: menion on September 21, 2017, 16:02:52
try to allow creating 1:1 same dashboard as is current statistics tab, ends on neverending list
does default/user dashboard have to be as perfect as current precisely designed/ well presented stats tab? If I had to choose between A) flexible user defined stats using current dashboard editor or B) existing fixed stats tab, I would vote for A. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 22, 2017, 00:54:04This is, only a very small % of user's tracks will have more than one segment+profile combination.
I have frequently had to change profiles during route planning where the map is imperfect. Sometimes I have had to manually draw part of a track where paths are missing or don't join up. Sometimes I have changed the profile to choose different options.

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Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Quote from: menion on September 21, 2017, 16:02:52
Sure, no worry ;).
Ah, this is probably not yet even in Beta, hmm :). My feature where in navigation menu ( click on next-command arrow during navigation ) is button that adds NOGO point under map center and force recalculate, so when you see, there is no way during navigation, with few clicks you may recompute detour.

Sounds great! Would you please be so nice and add it to next Beta? I've had several situations in the woods where a path was heavily overgrown where this feature would have been extremely useful!

Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 22, 2017, 01:04:49
Quote from: menion on September 21, 2017, 16:02:52
Yes dashboard ... I tought it will be my evening relax
strange way of relaxing ;)
I agree with menion ;-)
I also thought of a nice relaxing "sofa task" immediately :D

Quote from: john_percy on September 22, 2017, 10:22:17
Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 22, 2017, 00:54:04This is, only a very small % of user's tracks will have more than one segment+profile combination.
I have frequently had to change profiles during route planning where the map is imperfect. Sometimes I have had to manually draw part of a track where paths are missing or don't join up. Sometimes I have changed the profile to choose different options.

I also use track planner this way and I'm very happy that Locus offers the possibility to do so. Maybe menion could save the used profile for each segment with the track in order to use it for (partial) recomputation later? But maybe this could get complicated if you delete or update profiles and want to recompute an old track you created earlier with the old profiles?

Quote from: Andrew Heard on September 22, 2017, 01:04:49
Quote from: menion on September 21, 2017, 16:02:52
try to allow creating 1:1 same dashboard as is current statistics tab, ends on neverending list
does default/user dashboard have to be as perfect as current precisely designed/ well presented stats tab? If I had to choose between A) flexible user defined stats using current dashboard editor or B) existing fixed stats tab, I would vote for A.

+1, I would also vote for option A!