Geocaching4Locus - version 2.0.3

Started by Martin Sloup, May 02, 2011, 15:58:22

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Martin Sloup

kellerfelix: Favorite points I can get from the GC API, so I added it to a wish list: // The ratio of found/not found i can't get without downloading all cache logs and it's time consuming.  :(


kuza: This was problem on Groundspeak side. All application that are using Live Geocaching API didn't work (including their own).
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on


Hi, just an observation - when I update a cache which got archived via the addon, the coordinates are reset to S0.0 W0.0. Possibly the API returns null or these values. Is there a way how to ignore this info during the update and keep the original coordinates? Who would have to fix it (arcao, menion or both)?


Hi! Great addon! Thanks for it, it is really of great value!

It would be even greater if it displays the number of favorites a cache has received (and also to be able to sort caches list by this parameter). Is it possible to include this info? I can see a space for it above the stars in the list of caches! :)

And a function that updates all selected caches at once would be also great!

Martin Sloup

pmoravec: If you mean "Update cache" in cache dialog menu, yes it is possible from G4L side. Because Locus sends to G4L complete cache information. So I added it to issue list:

wlashack: Info probably yes (needs changes in Locus and Locus Data API to show favorite points). Sorting of search results without downloading the cache data isn't possible, Geocaching API doesn't support it. After downloading cache data probably yes, but it's a question for menion, I think.
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on

Martin Sloup

Hello everybody!!! Developing of new version 1.4 is finished, so bellow is link to latest release candidate apk if you want to help with testing:


Changes in a version 1.4:
  • Added Live map support (limitation: 50 caches per screen - maximum in Geocaching API per request)
  • Added downloading personal notes
  • Added menu with most used actions (e.g. Live map toggle button) when you add G4L to Locus sidebar
  • Added creating user waypoints from personal cache note (PM only)
  • Added count of found caches by user in cache log
  • Fixed bug when importing cache from long url
  • Other minor fixes

How to use Live map
At first be sure you have allowed sending map changes to other application from locus (enable in Locus: Settings → Other → Enable periodic updates).  Now you can allow downloading caches to map in G4L. You can do it by two ways. The first one is to mark Live map checkbox in G4L preferences (under Downloading section). The second one is by toggle button in a new G4L menu in Locus right panel (add G4L to right panel: Menu  → Functions → Set right panel → Add link - feature → CO-APPS → Geocaching4Locus).

How to store cache from Live Map
Click on cache from Live map to download complete information about cache. In cache preview dialog use button with symbol "+" to store cache.

Creating user waypoints from personal cache note (PM only)
G4L automatically recognize coordinates started by cardinal point (e.g. N 49° 44.838 E 013° 22.674) in a personal cache note and add them between Waypoints. Also you can specify waypoint name if on the same line before coordinates is written waypoint name followed by colon:
Station 1: N 49° 44.838 E 013° 22.674 - Degree and minute representation with degree symbol
Station 2: N 49 44.738 E 013 22.774 - Degree and minute representation without degree symbol
Station 3: N 49 44 55.1 E 013 22 18.5 - Degree, minute and seconds representation without degree, minute and second symbol
All rest text after coordinates is ignored.

Note: Degree, minute or second symbol in coordinates isn't required, only cardinal point is.
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on


just saw this post this morning and I'm very excited to check it out!
it sounds very promising!

thanks for the nice update.


The new Live Map works great! It would be nice if this features would be implemented: ... cache_note


Quote from: "neum"The new Live Map works great! It would be nice if this features would be implemented: ... cache_note

Firstly, I don't think this is a topic for getSatisfaction, since this is not menion's plugin, but Arcao's.

Secondly, if you import a cache with edited coordinates (at least in the last market version of Arcao's plugin), I think that the edited coordinates are imported as "Final location 1". I did not have the opportunity to check, if the geocache is moved on them if we mark the "Move to final position" setting.

Personal cache note - this is probably a PM's feature, right?

Martin Sloup

neum: Both are implemented in 1.4-rc3. The Corrected coordinates is already in (on Google Play, formerly Android Market). Only one problem is here with personal cache note. Locus doesn't accept changes in personal cache note when update the cache.

pmoravec: Yes, it's PM feature.
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on


Hi Arcao,

I checked out the new feature and I must say, the Live Map is amazing!
This is a feature I've been hoping for a long time.
Thanks for adding it!

I did notice that when I enable Live map in a place where I have already imported some caches earlier, these caches show up double.


I love the geocaching add-on, but I did something that I can't seem to undo.
The www button that appears when a geocache is selected used to ask which application to open. I selected the wrong option once, and ticked the box for locus to remember my choice, now I cannot change the choice. How can I undo this?

Thanks, Rob.

Martin Sloup

You can change the choice if you know how to do it. This is Android feature. If for some action can be run more application, Android will ask you which application do you want to run. At the bottom of a list is check box to remember choice. I guess you mark the check box. So If you want to change your choice you must find the application which are starting for that action in Android Settings -> Applications -> Manage Applications -> (Geocaching4Locus I guess or some other app which is started for that action) and in a screen with information about the App, touch on button Clear defaults. Now when you do that action again Android ask you what to do. (RTFM or Google it: How to change default Android apps)
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on


Thank you Arcao, that worked perfectly.
Are there any plans to make gallery images available in the future? Sometimes they give extra clues to geocache locations, which is why I need to go to an internet browser from Locus sometimes. Keep up the good work, Rob. :D

Martin Sloup

Yes, it should be in a next-next version.
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on


Locus sometimes crashes with the Live Map (1.4 RC3). Most of the time this happens, when i make a guide on a corrected coordinate of a mystery.