[APP] - version 3.20.x (31. 10. 2016+)

Started by Menion, October 26, 2016, 14:37:28

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TXs for the instant reply, poutnikl.

BRouter is current on my Android. And the route shown on the map is perfectly OK. Only audio message sucks.

The profile I used in the standard Locus profile "Short"; advanced mode shows "Car-eco". No "avoids" set.

I had saved the route and just checked. It correctly shows "Take exit 2", while the voice had said "Take exit zero" this morning.


Saw the video - good to be not alone :-)


hi guys,
thanks for a report with roundabout. Issue found and fixed! There was indeed a problem with shifted number by 2 , so first exit was -1 exit :).

@0709: in next version will be another gesture option "cover" so please try it. I'm still not perfectly sure how to handle it correctly, so now "cover" is event when proximity sensor will be covered for longer then 500ms and shorter then 2000ms. Shorter cover (less then 500ms) is detected as "single wave", longer then 2000ms as a permanent cover (like place of device into pocket etc.).
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New Beta version just uploading!

1. warning! I've updated big number of various tools needed for developing as well as few libraries that are used in Locus, all at once. Because of many changes mainly in Google libraries, I had to do also many changes in source code of Locus itself. So if you notice any unexpected behavior (crashes or not working function that previously worked), problem is definitely not on your side , so please just write me shortly where to find this problem. Thanks!

@0709 : I didn't tried new gesture control option in the field, so if it won't work, just leave it, don't waste too much time on it! Thanks. Btw. nice photo :)
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Hello menion
backup notification is back again  :)

behavior of "route and measure" in PRO and Beta and i didn´t know it´s what you want

- if i click anywhwere on the map on +button i get a green point (no blue icon) :)
- if i click on an existing POI label+, i get a blue point (WPT) with a blue icon named similar as the POI :-[
ok, i know how to change, but for me it would be more logically i always get a green point if click once
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@0709: thanks, good point. I think thanks to this, I've found optimal combination ... so in next version.

@balloni55: hm in this case, it is intent. I made it because I've considered that if you add point with mentioned steps, points is more important for you so it deserve to be automatically "via point". You think that more common scenario is opposite, so added point is rarely changed to "via point"? Heh .. it's quite individual problem ... maybe a work in terrain should help to decide ...
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Andrew Heard

I tried 1-wave lots of times again. It crashed once - you should have received crash report. Other times it now works (a little) but quite unreliable. Sometimes screen turns on 5 seconds after wave, sometimes soon after wave, mostly never. The Sony diagnostic app for testing IR sensor always works reliably. Oh well. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hello menion
if i use route&measure and before created waypoints are out of the visible screen, lines between this waypoints disappear when i create next waypoint.
This lines are visible again if i zoom, or if i these "lonely" points are visible on screen when next waypoint is created, sorry for complicated description, please view screencast

behavior is on PRO and Beta
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


@balloni55: ah nice video. I noticed this already few times, but was never sure, how to simulate it, perfect, I'm going to fix it ...

@0709: hmm nope. Why and where you need this?
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Ok oh. Main reason why I enabled this, was really bad speed results after export/import of GPX files. In case of recording every second, then every millisecond counts :).
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my post #36 "what3words"
your answer
QuoteProblem with input of w3w ... hmm, I'll improve it little bit, thanks
no improvement :-[
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Hello menion
- tigger guiding notification, solved :)
- WMS rescale based on parent map and center map, solved :)

- w3w,  not solved :-[
- "lonely points" while route$measure, not solved :-[

new problem:
- some caches display "-1" Fav point in POI list indepndent they have non or more, till i update the cache

please remove "Items tab" from data screen
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thanks for a tests balloni!
- what is a problem with w3w?? I though that your issue is error message you see. So I've changed it little bit, that's all ...
- lonely points not solved? Hmm this s really weird. You see exactly same issue as on your video before?
- "items tab" .. it's too early for now
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hello menion
QuoteI though that your issue is error message you see. So I've changed it little bit, that's all ...
ok, but the new message "Field value is not valid" didn´t help an inexperienced user when he  insert three words separated by space :-[
this screen is so large to impement an example e.g. search term word.word.word
or words must be separatet by a dot
Quote- lonely points not solved? Hmm this s really weird. You see exactly same issue as on your video before?
sorry i have deleted the video, so i cant say it´s exactly the same..
try it in ZL12 or ZL13 with length of a line >10Km, if created lines are out of screen the lines disapeare while creating the next point. If necessary i provide a new video ;)

can you confirm behavior with FAV points?

Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Geofun is in list of Co-apps available but not in list of Co-apps to place as "funktion to panel".
"Add link to app" work
BTW, what is the difference if both options are possible?
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4