Problem with new Locus City Theme

Started by TrulloF, August 03, 2016, 23:51:56

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Please see the attached image. The problem exists since the introduction of the new Locus theme, but only with the city style. All other variants work without problems (car, ski, hiking), although I'm not a big fan of the new look at all. Thank you for looking into it.



does it happen in the latest version of Locus, please? Or could send me the GPS coordinates of problematic place?
Thank you


Yes, it happens also with the latest version (3.18.6 Pro).
See the attached screenshot for coordinates. Thank you. 



Thank you report. Issue fixed.
BTW: you wrote that you don't like it. Would you please give me more info, what's wrong, what's missing, etc. Thank you


Thank you for your efforts.
Where to start regarding my "dislike" for the new theme(s). Basically it's probably only preference and most things can be fixed/changed by fiddling with the settings. I usually use devices with smaller screens (Sony Xperia Z1, Z5 Compact). In the standard settings all the icons and labels are too small. That's not a huge issue as it could be changed easily in settings, BUT I usually switch between themes a lot and that's were the problems start.
Bigger problem for me is the general look of the theme, e.g. when using the Locus theme (doesn't matter which style) there's no difference between pedestrian path and normal street (I mean in color). Just use the given location from the screen-shot as example (look for Wismarplatz, but to be honest, this was also a problem of the old theme), but for my taste streets are too thin, especially, when you look at the car theme. I mean it's nearly ridiculous how thin the streets are drawn (it's only a thin grey line), but I use Locus very often in my car and visibility of streets is very important. Regarding labels and pois I prefer the look of Elevate for openandromaps, but I don't like their textures and colors either.
Mostly I use Jusc's Adlerauge theme, which is great, but is definitely more targeted to German audiences regarding coloring and such (I attached an image with the city style, which shows the differences pretty good).
I know, that it's definitely a matter of taste on one hand side, but to tell you the truth, the old Locus theme was one of the biggest reasons, why I switched from osmand+ to Locus Pro few years ago.


Thank you for comments. I can remember that some user complained that streets are to wide. However I agree that especially the residential streets are quite thin in car theme. When it comes to sidewalks- I don't like the coloured sidewalk as is shown on your screenshot. Because similar solution is used for highlighted hiking/cycling/sac routes. I don't think that pedestrian is so important element. But I can understand that pedestrian can look like small street. That's good point. I'll think about it.