[APP] - version 3.18.x (27. 6. 2016+)

Started by Menion, June 27, 2016, 20:21:08

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Quote from: john_percy on August 13, 2016, 18:55:38
So, user steps are:
1. Attempt Brouter navigation in Locus but get timeout.
2. Use Brouter app to do same calculation, using remote.brf profile and selecting a to point and a from point.
3. Now it will work in Locus so either import track, or recalculate.
Am I right? If so it's still not very user friendly.

I uploaded a new version with some (60%) Performance improvement, and with a new shortcut to simplify this workflow:
(not yet on play, only here: http://brouter.de/brouter/revisions.html )

After a timeout, if you start brouter-app (within 5 minutes) you see "<repeat timeout>" in the profile list, and this way you can redo the timed-out calculation and update the reference track without any further click.

More user friendly?

BTW, seems that in the current Locus version, the display of timeout-messages (or any other error-messages) is broken.
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QuoteSection around BRouter needs to be improved completely as I mentioned few times and as well these parameters
sure, but it is in official version and after tests with different settings i am sometimes surprised

Example: i want to "route" on an official hike trial "E1"

1 Compute Route "Foot" no additional settings
2 Compute Route "Foot" with Custom setting "on"
3 Compute Route "Foot" with Custom setting "on" and "is wet" checked

with "add route&measure"
- result with basic settings (1) is ok  :)
- what is the difference in setting (2) custom??? where get user any info about this?? for me this track could be the wet one
- setting (3) far away ... unusable

with "navigate to"
- why is result with setting (1) different :-[

A checkbox inside custom settings "follow official tracks if possible" would make make more sense ;)
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Generally I think, that publishing this Locus direct Brouter mapping feature in public locus version is rather premature, but if it happened, it at least can serve as a wider base user feedback.

Custom settings OFF works with BRouter as before, using Brouter transportation mode-profile mapping, by default the  shortest profile.

Custom settings ON was set by Menion's decision to the foot profile Walking, that is technically my Hiking template with set preferred SAC scale 0 ( T0 ) and max SAC scale 1 ( T1 ).

There are 2 important objection notes I have:
1/ Walking profile is aimed rather for general foot usage for walks in easy or even urban areas. Simple stone paths of SAC T2 difficulty are already forbidden.   For Hiking is better rather Hiking-SAC2 profile, or Mountain-hiking SAC3 profile. See also https://github.com/poutnikl/Hiking-Poutnik

2/ iswet flag is good rather for easy walks or trips around hybrid surface OSM way network, to prefer better surface in wet weather, if you want so - what is not always case of hiking.  For hiking on surfaces of similar kind, like all soil / grass or all gravel/stones, it makes much less sense.

My foot profiles uses as default mild foot route preference, that can be increased,given by parameter
hiking_routes_preference =   0.20  ( it cca means 6 km or official track =  5 km of otherwise identical but not offical one.
Strict  "follow official tracks if possible" is not useful in cities and even in terrain may lead to undesired effects like following 20 km detour to avoid 2 km of non marked path. But I agree something like "Strong official track preference" can make good sense. Similarly as  (conditional) Follow cycleroute flag in my bike profiles, or Stick to cycleroutes in standard Trekking.brf profile.

Menion for now decided to support only boolean flags, addressing numerical parameters by different profiles, as I do for bike profiles.

Why there is result for (1) = Brouter foot default shortest different for add route and measure and navigate to, I have no idea.
( Unless different viapoints were used or Alternative BRouter route calculation was triggered. )
There was also some issue with rounding coordinate error in BRouter, but since 1.4.3 it should be fixed.


@abrensch: I'm currently sending "maxRunningTime" set to value 120, does it have any effect on this time-out? Because from what other write, seems that still default 60 seconds is used.

@poutnikl: Generally I think that BRouter over Locus currently use limited number of active users and when I need some feedback, it's usually best to take this risk and publish a  not-yet-perfectly-finished feature directly in public version.

Thanks for extra description for "Foot" profiles. I'll improve it based on your description to next version, that should also solve issue that had @balloni55 with his 2 or 3 option.

I would like to stick with boolean parameters as long as possible. We will see. Is there anything you consider as essential that is currently missing in parameters and that should be easily added?

EDIT: I'll check issue with "add new route" & "navigate to", thanks

Is here anyone active in OSM mapping? If so, may you please look at this topic? Thanks
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Quote from: menion on August 31, 2016, 12:46:18
@abrensch: I'm currently sending "maxRunningTime" set to value 120, does it have any effect on this time-out? Because from what other write, seems that still default 60 seconds is used.

type mismatch. Expecting "String" but getting "Integer"


Quote from: menion on August 31, 2016, 12:46:18@poutnikl: Generally I think that BRouter over Locus currently use limited number of active users and when I need some feedback, it's usually best to take this risk and publish a  not-yet-perfectly-finished feature directly in public version.

Thanks for extra description for "Foot" profiles. I'll improve it based on your description to next version, that should also solve issue that had @balloni55 with his 2 or 3 option.

I would like to stick with boolean parameters as long as possible. We will see. Is there anything you consider as essential that is currently missing in parameters and that should be easily added?

Yes, I do understand the reason for publishing to get wider user base. :-)
Sticking to booleans if fine, as the chosen numerical values can be sticked to a boolean as well.

For now, for foot context, I think about hiking router preference management, expressed in the profile by default parameter
assign hiking_routes_preference  0.20 ( 5 km of marked route = 6 km of the same, but non route ) what means a mild penalty for a way not being a hiking route.

I think about 2 booleans, that may be in outdoor Hiking context even more important than iswet parameter.
One boolean would set strong route preference, e.g. 0.60-1.0 ( 5 km of marked route = 8-10 km of the same, but non route )
the other boolean would mean stick to routes, restricting to routes only.


Thanks Libor, really appreciate your help with this task.

Preference for "hiking route" sounds logical for me. Other two parameters, not sure about it. Hard to say how much longer route people are willing to go. Maybe we will see based on some feedback from usage?
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New BETA version is just uploading to Google Play.

Main changes I want to highlight:
- new screen for work with "map items" that replace "items" tab in data manager
- massive rewrite of finalizing generated/created tracks (last step, merging etc.). This change needs to be tested and excuse possible problems that may happen here
- BRouter configuration - I was sitting maybe one/two hours with tea on it and I was not able to find working solution (from my developer point of view) that will satisfy me. Generally I agree with Arndt comments, but I hope this will be usable compromise for all ;). At least till I return at 20. 9. from small vacation ... feedback is anyway welcome.
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thx for fixing http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=5199.msg44648#msg44648
BRouter.. hmm - I think we need more beta versions after your vacation :)


Quote from: gynta on September 01, 2016, 21:21:22
BRouter.. hmm - I think we need more beta versions after your vacation :)
Not working at all?
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Locus cover timeout message:
(posting in wrong language but using google translator should help :) )

only first part is a Locus problem.

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 01, 2016, 18:34:15
New BETA version is just uploading to Google Play.
1. I tried menu > More functions > Map items > (no items in list) > tap big + button at bottom > boom (unfortunately Locus has stopped working).

2. position & content of all 6 user buttons on main menu had changed, a little annoying GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@gynta, I'll check it thanks

@Andrew Heard:
1. this button in the end only display "Not yet implemented" :), but this should not happen, thanks, consider as fixed
2. this is weird, should not happen :/. Only main menu has changed? Function panels not? (they share same settings variable).
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Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on September 02, 2016, 06:56:46
2. this is weird, should not happen :/. Only main menu has changed? Function panels not? (they share same settings variable).
yes even weirder, problem happens on Samsung Note 3 tablet, but correct buttons/ positions on Sony Z1.

But now after reboot of tablet it is displaying correct buttons/ positions too. hmmm GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quotewith "navigate to"
- why is result with setting (1) different
no improvement :-[

"Navigate to" and "route&measure" > Navigation
with profile walk and bike created route work :)
but for recalculation is always used car fast :-[ see also icon in recalculation window, on each recalculation logically orange message apeares!
After long click i can change to hike/bike and recalculate again with wanted profile
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4