[APP] - version 3.17.x (16. 5. 2016+)

Started by Menion, May 16, 2016, 15:36:07

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16.05.2016 - Locus 3.17.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
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17.05.2016 - Locus - unofficial beta version
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20.05.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

22.05.2016 - Locus 3.17.1 - new version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

22.05.2016 - Locus 3.17.2 - new version
- ...

01.06.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

10.06.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

18.06.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

24.06.2016 - Locus - beta version
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Hmm and what happen when you select a dialog and then tap on this button? Maybe you work on a simulator (VM) without a compass?
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After choose "dialog" - the button is ghosted.
After tapping, the option "rotate map" is active instead of "dialog"

hm think it works in old versions...
will check it again..

think it should work in same way like "zoom lock/screen lock/magnifer/dialog" button.

...and here it works.

have to install an older version to check because last PRO has the same behavior.

It works with locuspro_343_3.5.3_release.apk


Updated to 3.17.
Uptdated LoMap "Bayern"
Now i have errors in map rendering :(


hm no errors here with new bavaria map
you can try:
-restart your phone
-dl your hgt files again
-clear chache

Andrew Heard

Huge release. Well done.

The update of Locus maps & buying of LoCoins for offline addresses worked perfectly.
I've noticed even more improvements to my "check list" of offline addresses. Streets previously associated with wrong cities have now been fixed. RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@gynta: I think I saw something like this on Genymotion, so I'll try to simulate it

@Christian: ufff, nice. How this may happen ... LoMaps + any internal theme? Isn't it a problem of shading? (try to disable it)

@Andrew Heard: glad to hear it! :)

- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

I'm pretty sure I've just found a BRouter bug after doing my first actual ride with BRouter navigation. But I'm a little surprised no Locus users have reported the problem, so I could be wrong, and would therefore really appreciate any Locus/ BRouter users to confirm my suspicion please.

Summary: The BRouter GPX file doesn't include a timestamp to associate each <wpt> with each <trkpt>, and so even though Locus correctly displays a blue dot icon for the navigation command, when in navigation mode Locus is unaware these waypoints are part of the track, and no navigation commands occur.

But instead of further explaining here I've done a very long post to the BRouter Google group. Please see what you think. Thankyou (!)

PS (1 day of testing later) - ignore the above text, I will create a new topic with further observations.

https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/osm-android-bikerouting/3A8xA6UOhOI RC25 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: menion on May 17, 2016, 07:18:21
@Christian: ufff, nice. How this may happen ... LoMaps + any internal theme? Isn't it a problem of shading? (try to disable it)
Hillshading disabled = problem is gone.
With hillshading it happens to all themes even to internal hiking theme.
It happens also if colouring of altitude in map is active :(


Hmm very interesting. If same problem happen also for new colouring, that means that there is some problem with interpolation from HGT files. Are you using HGT files downloaded also together with LoMap or some own from different source?

I've just download same LoMap together with HGT files directly over Locus and for my suprise, all works fine. This have to work on all devices same (with same data) as whole shading is my invention and not dependent on any external library or Android version, weird ...
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


I deleted all of the srtm files (once downloaded from external website), cleared cache and others, restarted Locus and my phone = problem still exists.
In addition i got this rendering with kind of hillshading and altitude (without srtm files!):

Problem with error in rendering happens also to online maps.

Disable hillshading let disappear the error.
Means - error should be in hillshading / colouring module...


oh.. so next step can be: create backup, reinstall locus



are there any new restrictions to see external themes in the theme selection (overview)?
I can´t see my newest theme, but all older (with other themes more than 60!  ;D )

if I copy for test an older "theme".xml into new folder. It works, shows all icons like hike, bike ,city ...
With a trick, change theme with an old xml and copy the new xml into the folder before clicking on hike or bike p. ex. the new theme works, but Ican´t see it any longer in the list.
It´s a Marshmallow phone.
Regards J.


Quote from: Andrew Heard on May 17, 2016, 08:30:29Summary: The BRouter GPX file doesn't include a timestamp to associate each <wpt> with each <trkpt>, and so even though Locus correctly displays a blue dot icon for the navigation command, when in navigation mode Locus is unaware these waypoints are part of the track, and no navigation commands occur.

Note that not present timestamps are not issue themselves. As Locus DOES combine waypoints with the track if  told so by checkbox in the import dialog.

So simple routing works fine . The issue reportedly ( Andrew, 0709 ) occur if the route goes through some trackpoint more times,
therefore there is multiple trackpoints and waypoints with the identical coordinates.  ( I cannot yet confirm )