[APP] - version 3.17.x (16. 5. 2016+)

Started by Menion, May 16, 2016, 15:36:07

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Very interesting, I have absolutely no idea where this text comes from :).

When "Via point" is created, it should be named by a) point from which was created or b) by translation of "via_point" text. In case of German, it's : https://crowdin.com/translate/menion/3292/en-de#6646312
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Hi people,

version was just published on Google Play as probably latest Beta version. Enjoy your weekend!
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Locus stop if i go back from additional theme window clicking two times top left of e.g. "elevate" or "HiLo"
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on June 22, 2016, 14:50:15
@joeloc: this directory is used for caching of all downloaded images from internet in format, they are downloaded. Images from Panoramio and cached local photos in miniaturized version should be already cached on different place in /sdcard/Android/data/menion.android.locus/cache . Anyway 5000 is quite nice number ... seems I'll have to reduce some older files here as this may also slow down access to these files. Thanks for info
Interesting... that cache seems to be on /extSdCard/Android/data/menion... for me. A bit weird... and not good... since access to /extSdCard is a lot slower. Oh well... will try to move it.

Anyway... I have a geotagged_photos folder there which seems to get horribly huge... like two files per image. one for image and and extra one for metadata?!

I have >10.000 geotagged pictures on my phone. Android is already struggling sometimes with its own media library caching. But is it really strictly neccessary for Locus to implement an extra cache on top of that?! Thats like 20.000 additional files for the sdcard... in a single directory. Can you not use the media store for this somehow? Maybe I have a wrong idea of what the media store does on Android... but I thought thumbnails would be part of it. If every app did its own image caching, I imagine my phone suffering badly.

If this extra locus cache is 100% neccessary, it might be better to put it into a database instead of 20.000 single tiny files. Normally I am always in favor of file system vs databases... but basically tripling the number of files on my sdcard justs smells like a way too high price.


I know I always complain about performance... but really... it seems to get worse with every new beta version :-). I have long since come to accept the sad fact that it takes 2 seconds plus a "working..." dialog to open a track from a track list. But with, it now takes about 5 (five!) seconds to just see the bloody track list! And also 5 (five!) seconds when you close a track (and go back to the track list). These 5 (five!) seconds pass without any visible sign, Locus just seems dead.

This is on one of todays fastest smartphones with just around 100 tracks in the folder, so nothing obnoxiously out of the ordinary. Can we at least focus a tiny little bit on efficient code and performance in general? Soon? Stuff like that is exactly what makes Locus user interface cumbersome and sluggish and unresponsive. And I am currently sitting in a comfy armchair at home just fooling around... it will feel much worse outdoors on a bike.


@balloni55: thanks, I'll check it

@joeloc: 10.000+ tagged photos, heh ... I'll be thinking about it.
And performance. Are you willing to share with me your current point & track database? There were no changes in how Locus load data from database. Only difference is, that your database grow and grow, nothing more. Seems that it will need some improvements in structure of database because from tests, 95% of time is spend on database query.
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Quote from: menion on June 24, 2016, 15:32:38
@balloni55: thanks, I'll check it

@joeloc: 10.000+ tagged photos, heh ... I'll be thinking about it.
And performance. Are you willing to share with me your current point & track database? There were no changes in how Locus load data from database. Only difference is, that your database grow and grow, nothing more. Seems that it will need some improvements in structure of database because from tests, 95% of time is spend on database query.
I'll gladly share it... I just cant seem to find a working email address of yours.

As for the querys and a horribly performing database solution (remember deleting track points?)... too bad... but that's not an excuse that works for your users :-).

But seriously... I am in track list... I tap on a track... I tap the back button. Not a single bit in the database has changed. Why then is the complete track list rebuilt/reloaded/requeried/rewhatevered? These extra five seconds really make it hard to browse... very hard. And if it was just one second... still way too much for simply closing a window in a snappy UI.

Even if I edit/change a track and then go back to the list... you'd only have to reload/update this one track. Not the whole hundred. Not over and over again. My poor battery...


I suggest, to rename button "select" to "room(s) manager"
because behind this button is much more then (rooms)"select"
like edit, remove, share, aktivate,...

plz don't offer an unfinished feature. That's a bad marketing idea.


Well what should I say. You never-ending complains helps, it push me to do task that I'm well aware, but that I also know that affect top 5% of users that has 1000+ tracks and so on. Anyway after all these terrible years with you, I still know that there is not better alternative :).

Anyway send me your data to jiri.mlavec@asamm.com. I'll do some performance tests to see where it is mainly stuck. Thanks and nice weekend.

@gynta: firstly it was only a "Select" and "Rooms manager" was at top in menu. But Petr and Michal forced me to merge them, but "Select" button remained. Anyway agree, thanks, I'll try to improve it.

EDIT: and page in preparation ... well I need an Url to this page. Try to tap on this url in device, where is already installed Locus. It's most easy method how to connect to any room. But web page is not yet fully ready. At least there is some information what may users expect ;).

@balloni55: issue fixed. The second back button should not be there in this case.
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@joeloc: I'm testing your database, thanks for it!

On Sony Tablet Z4, list of first track folder is almost instant, track screen after tap on first track in lest then second

... oki, too powerful. So let's try it on "older" SGS2!

List loaded after 800ms, track detail after 2 seconds.

Well, isn't there something different what I may try? What about your internal memory/SD card? Data are in internal memory? If on card, is it some faster card?
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Quote from: menion on June 24, 2016, 16:05:21
...Try to tap on this url in device, where is already installed Locus...
That's exactly what I did.

ahh,  got it.
After that - i have to choose "open link with Locus"
A word of advice would be nice here!


And you ended on web page in your browser? You should get in offer of app also Locus Map. Hmm, have to try it again, thanks.
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edit my post above.
sorry, too late :)


I'm testing private room feature of the Live Tracking with version Removing own room in rooms manager behaves strange. It doesn't remove the room but duplicates it. Could you confirm this? By the way, detaching non-own room removes the room as expected.

EDIT: @gynta, nice clip :P  I was about prepareing the same.


i have another clip for you.
"delete/remove" room duplicates the entry...

damn again too late  ;D