[APP] - version 3.16.x (14. 3. 2016+)

Started by Menion, March 14, 2016, 13:54:02

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I have just returned from a long-distance march and (unfortunately) I must say that Locus 3.16.0 (my phone has upgraded to this week) brings three very unpleasant issues for my phone (see my signature) :(

1) Locus does not block phone locking any more (!!!) even if it is demanded in the settings the same way it had been before.
This is really a pain in a.. when I have to unlock my display every time I take my phone out of my pocket !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is really so crucial for me that should not this be repaired soon I seriously consider reverting to the previous version of Locus (? how).

2) When I guide to a wpt (e.g. a geocache) there are two (!!!) same red arrows in the new compass screen - one is correct and the other (just confusing me and making me really angry) always heading to the north !
It might have something in common with the fact that I mostly use an external bluetooth module ?!

3) The plugin "Geocaching for Locus" makes Locus often freeze (however not always) since the update  :(
However, it does not seem to be the geocache download itself that makes Locus freeze. It freezes in the dialog after geocaches are downloaded asking how to solve the clash with existing geocaches in the folder.

Sorry to say that but no sigle Locus update in the past had ever brought me so much trouble it did this time ...


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Oh, you manage to solve problems faster than I manage to report them  ;D Big praise again !!!  8)

Quote from: menion on March 20, 2016, 06:48:26
1) http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/preventing-the-lockscreen-doesnt-work-since-update
Oh thanks for a way to revert in the next version !!!
Due to my job obligations (unatended phone could be abused by a person to connect to company data) I MUST NOT switch off the phone lock. That's why it is essential for me that Locus itself can trick it when on.

Quote from: menion on March 20, 2016, 06:48:26
2) http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/compass-shows-two-arrows
3) http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/locus-pro-hangs-when-importing-a-waypoint-which-already-is-in-the-database
Thanks for repairing too !
Unlike 1) these were obvious to be just trivial errors that can be fixed soon.


You are welcome anyway problem "3", should be already solved in latest version 3.16.0 and I'm surprised that it happen to you still even in latest version. Is this happen always during import (not just caches) when Locus ask about overwrite/skip of duplicate points?
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Quote from: menion on March 22, 2016, 12:27:54
You are welcome anyway problem "3", should be already solved in latest version 3.16.0 and I'm surprised that it happen to you still even in latest version. Is this happen always during import (not just caches) when Locus ask about overwrite/skip of duplicate points?

This happenned to me twice in 3.16.0 when importing geocaches which had already been in the folder and it made Locus crash. However, I have experienced a few similar imports where this did not happen too.


If it really crash, are you able to create for me a log? I've just published new Beta version to Google Play, so if you should be able to simulate it and create a log for me right after a crash (or at least a log right after of crash of current 3.16.0 Locus Map Pro), it should be really welcome. Thanks
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colored icon for live tracking looks nice :)
if i start tracking without satfix, the icon is also green, this is missleading, orange will be better in this case i think

if i use an icon in my tracking profil which is not standard inside locus, other user don´t see it and it´s useless.
Is it possible to allow only standard locus icons in tracking profil?
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard - coloring of tracks in gradient mode now looks for better thanks
LM4.26.0 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Quote from: menion on March 22, 2016, 15:39:10
If it really crash, are you able to create for me a log? I've just published new Beta version to Google Play, so if you should be able to simulate it and create a log for me right after a crash (or at least a log right after of crash of current 3.16.0 Locus Map Pro), it should be really welcome. Thanks
1) I have repeated the geocache imports many times and on my phone it crashes in about one of ten repetitions in 3.16.0.
2) I wanted to create the log for you, I followed
however I am not sure how to make the phone create it in Android 5.1.
When Locus crashes, the dialog "Aplikace Locus Map Pro nereaguje. Počkat/Hlášení/OK" is displayed. Should I try to create the log in this moment (but it seems it is modal and I cannot go to the Developer Options at the moment) or which of the options should I take ? I guess "Hlášení" is a different log than you need, isn't it "? When I choose OK and go to Developer options then, "Take bug report" doesn't create anything :-(


Regarding the future of hill shading and slope coloring... menion... maybe this is of interest for you:

It does realtime shading/coloring in the browser from DEM data, adjustable light angle and everything. Speed is realtime indeed, since everything is done by the GPU. Algorithm is in WebGL (view source). I believe it could be more or less used verbatim in a future OpenGL-Locus.

Speed is 50 fps for a 1024x1024 grid on my Android phone... around 16(?) Locus tiles in 20ms... roughly 40(!) times the speed of current Locus algorithm. And it keeps the CPU free for parallel mapsforge rendering. OpenGL-Locus wouldn't just be "a bit faster", it would be a game changer... :-).


Caching of vector maps in Locus
Zoom to level 13 works very well  :D
Zoom from level 14 is not working  :(

with shading works absolutely no caching  :(

if it always like zoom level 13 and then work with shading would would be an enormous progress in Locus.


This is a great software, thanks again!


Hi, just played a bit with LiveTracking and stumbled again over the mess with map switching and world overview maps.
Just have a look below:

Auto Load, Any Type is activated, BTW.

My take: the upper part comes from current map (which does not switch to Slovakia or Hungary), the middle part comes from cache, and the missing bottom part is comes from screwed up algorithm.

Besides fixing the Auto Load, for non-Auto-Load, I propose to use (a scaled) up world map, for the areas outside the current map.

And again I revert to the world map topic: every GIS/map professional on this planet knows that for zoom levels 9 and smaller, image tiles are the appropriate way. Except 2 persons :-((

PLEASE, Menion, give us 1-2 hours of your time and allow for configurable world background map (path, zoom level to switch). Petr is not bored anyway, as he fights a USEFUL battle with address search etc. (rather than trying to compete with his special vector maps on world level, which has been a lost battle from start)



2 hours? If it takes two hours, I did it two years before ...

@joeloc: nice
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On the Autoload issue I mentioned, I screwed up - forgot the second checkbox needed for this feature. My bad.

Re. the hours: you have all basic features needed for this at hand already:
1) you already have the code working to make the switch away from the selected vector map (today you switch to the crappy 10 MB world map)
2) you have the code to switch maps (e.g. in smart / quick map switch)
3) you have the code to deal with sqlite based maps

The only little thing is another set of parameters.I guess people would not bother to have that feature in config.cfg. Such I had in mind when talking about 1-2 hours. Adding the feature with fancy UI is more cumbersome, I agree.

Now, besides the easy config read from file, the only new code is an "IF" at position from 1).
If there is a SQLite world file path defined, then use it, otherwise continue like before.
Well, the trigger to "ask"1) "IF" would not be level 8 fixed, but the value from config.cfg instead.

Did I miss something ?
