[APP] - version 3.16.x (14. 3. 2016+)

Started by Menion, March 14, 2016, 13:54:02

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14.03.2016 - Locus 3.16.0 - new version
- Blog post about major version: blog post
- Detailed list of news: list of news

18.03.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

22.03.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

27.03.2016 - Locus 3.16.1 - bugfix version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

01.04.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

06.04.2016 - Locus 3.16.2 - bugfix version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

20.04.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

21.04.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

29.04.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

03.05.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

05.05.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

11.05.2016 - Locus - beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...
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Thank you for the new version, hillshading looks better now, not so exrtremly dark.
One question, at least with Android 6 I canĀ“t prevent lockscreen, have always to  unlock. Yesterday it worked fine.
Regards J.



I have a problem with Locus Pro 3.16.0 and the GC Offlinizer.

I. e. I have downloaded all pictures for a geocache via the Live API of GC Offlinizer (for example GC4ZD65).
But only the headlines are visible on the "BILDER" tab of that geocache not the pictures itself below the headlines!?!?.
Opening the created images.html file of GC Offlinizer in the /Locus/data/geocaching/5/6/GC4ZD65 folder on the internal sd card via firefox works as expected!?!? So the pictures are there but not shown within Locus.
Same issue happens on the "LISTING" tab or on the "SPOILER" tab if they contain valid links to pictures stored local on my device!?!?

Until Locus Pro Version 3.15.3 everything worked as expected.



Hi menion,
thanks for new version
- speed of loading tiles is ok for me now :)

sorry, but problem with non shaded area after enabeled/disabeled shading  exist furthermore on my device and on VM
see screencapture from VM
- shading is enabeled, zoom in /out ZL 9-13 works fine up to 1.25
- at 1.30 i disable shading, zoom in, tiles are not shaded :)
- at 2.05 i enable shading again, ZL 9-12 tiles are not shaded :-[ ZL13 tiles are shaded

from now this area of map is infected, i never get shaded tiles from ZL 9-12 in this area

if i move map to another region (complete new tiles) with enabeled map shading i get shaded tiles from ZL9-13 :) till i disable mapshading once. :-\
Locus Map 4.27.1 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Handling big POI databases is really fast now!

Bucky Kid

Hi, I see colouring mode has changed and not displayed as expected.
I observe on altitude change mode (other modes not examined)
In Locus 3.15.3 the steepest track segment was painted clearly red, the sinkest track segment was painted clearly blue.
In Locus 3.16.0 almost all the track is painted in green colour, some but not all track segments are painted in red (ascending), another segment painted in orange (descending(!)), the rest is green. No blue-tinted segments at all (!). In short the colouring key is confusing for me I don't  see any sense how the colour is applied on different segments. It looks like bug to me.

for comparison same track viewed in Locus 3.15.3 (using same colouring mode)



Yes, I'd noted that the sun seems to come from the North, which may be OK in the southern hemisphere but is odd in Europe.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Hello Willy
I think that's how it works.
To compare with google maps terrain:

Andrew Heard

Quote from: Bucky Kid on March 14, 2016, 20:15:59
Hi, I see colouring mode has changed and not displayed as expected.
I observe on altitude change mode (other modes not examined)
I have same experience as Bucky Kid. For track line style Mode = "Change of elevation" my steep test track is now mostly green, and therefore quite unusable. My test track is very steep for tour cycling and has gradients above 8%.

track in 3.15 (useful coloring):

track in 3.16 (mostly green, mostly wrong): GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

<<add: (PRO) auto-start of track recording now has cancelable counter at start of app>>

Wow - thank you, great addition. I note again previously discussed and improved - http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/if-there-are-no-recorded-points-is-it-necessary-to-ask-to-save-the-stop-the-process]) that if there are no recorded track points, at Locus exit there is again unnecessary message box - ""Do you really want to EXIT?". Suggestion - no need to confirm exit while track recording IF no recorded track points. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


QuoteI have same experience as Bucky Kid. For track line style Mode = "Change of elevation"
hmm can't confirm here.
plz attach some test tracks.


@jusc: lock screen: there were some discussion about it. In latest version, Locus is able to disable only non-secured locks screens. So if you use some code, pattern to unlock, it won't work. Reason was that previously I've used small hack that unfortunately don't work on all devices correctly, so I've rather disabled it and now it's used only standard recommended method.

@c.s.g.: really really interesting. Same happen with other caches as well? What about when you close/open Locus again? What when you remove and add cache again? Can't now imagine, what this may cause, hmm :/

@balloni5: thanks balloni, I see an issue now. Damn caching of vector maps. I try to make them as fast as possible, but this caching at low zoom levels complicates me work a lot. I'll fix it to next version, where this caching will be completely disabled in case, shading is enabled, thanks

@Diddi: hmm, not sure I've changed something, but glad to hear. Small improvements here and there and well .. :)

@0709, @john_percy: as gynta posted screenshot from other maps - shading is done mainly for visual appearance and it just looks better, I think that's all. So sun comes from north-west, well .. :). Or is there any other reason?
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Quote from: john_percy on March 14, 2016, 22:20:12
Yes, I'd noted that the sun seems to come from the North, which may be OK in the southern hemisphere but is odd in Europe.

You are not alone, but
QuoteShaded relief, or hill-shading, simulates the cast shadow thrown upon a raised relief map, or more abstractly upon the planetary surface represented. The shadows normally follow the English convention of top-left lighting in which the light source is placed near the upper-left corner of the map. If the map is oriented with north at the top, the result is that the light appears to come from the north-west. Many people have pointed out that this is unrealistic for maps of the northern hemisphere, because the sun does not shine from that direction, and they have proposed using southern lighting. However, the normal convention is followed to avoid multistable perception illusions (i.e. crater/hill confusion)
Regards J.


Photo above is real photo or screenshot from Locus? Just kidding, enjoy vacation!

Push from You all was too hard, so I had to spend weekend on it and you may see result (in speed). I was able to reduce rendering from around 200ms per 512x512 tile to almost 50ms per tile without obvious loss of quality. So I believe that even without caching, it's perfectly usable now. "Slope shading" is little bit slower still thought.

Hmm it's really nice view on hills covered with snow, damn, have to get out from our flat for a while :)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hi Menion,

problem still exists with all geocaches which have links to pictures on the "LISTING", "SPOILER" or "BILDER" tab.

What have I done so far ...
(1.) ... Import the caches again in Locus.
(2.) ... Reboot my device (Samsung Galaxy S4 running Android 5.0.1 stock rom)
(3.) ... opening the html files via firefox shows the headline and pictures!?!?

What might cause the problem:
As far as I know you fixed a problem with a markdown issue in the listing tab (see here or here). Maybe this bugfix causes the troubles with the broken link to the pictures in "LISTING", "SPOILER" or "BILDER" tab ... just a gues.
