Zoom level map/zoomlevel overlay

Started by balloni55, December 27, 2015, 19:26:34

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Hi menion
currently possible zoom levels depend on (basis) map, e.g. Lo map up to ZL22, if i use a overlay with max e.g. ZL17 both displayed maps differ from ZL18  :-[
I think it would be better, locus stop possibility to zoom if ZL isn´t available in overlay.
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


No. If it does, i can never read the small print.


Good day balloni,

quite interesting. What may are you using as an overlay? Because it looks like same problem reported here by gynta: http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/gemf-as-overlay-problem . Overlay map should rescale together with base map which should be correct behavior. Limiting scaling just to layers of overlay is not good solution.
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Hi menion
i use a sqlitedb built with mapc2mapc, source is a .jp2 image
Attached you find a example with only ZL12, on all other zoomlevels scale doesn´t fit
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thank you for a file.

I'm testing it and map is defined for level 12. In zoom level 11 it is still working correctly, but when you zoom your base map to zoom 10, it won't work correctly. On opposite side, till level 18 it works correctly, since 19 it don't right?

Precise answer is then in gyntas post on help desk. Issue will be fixed in next version, thank you.
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unfortunately not :-[
for me on VM and my device only ZL12 is ok, on all other ZL scale didn´t fit
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4



thanks gynta, i was too impatient, now it work :)
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4



Problem that GEMF map used as overlay (with limited zoom range) is incorrectly visible on blank base map?
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sorry for incomplete report
blank as basic - with any(!) map without all zoom levels - as overlay, has this problem.
eg.: blank map have zoom 0 - 22 and overlay has 9-16, so you have problems with all items (tracks, pois) on map


I'm sorry, but I'm unable to simulate it. I've set "white blank map" as base and downloaded SHOCart map as overlay (zoom 11 - 15) and even when I zoom to for example 8|100 %, or to 22|400%, points seems to move correctly. At 22|100% SHOCart maps dissapear, which is correct (at 21|100% is already scaled to max 15|6400%).
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After your reply, I even searched for this.

# Allow to continue in zoom, when no other layers are available (default: 1)

is the troublemaker...


hello menion
with Mobac i´ve created a sqlite ZL14-16 conture line from a lake for use as overlay.
If i zoom out of this range the overlay doesn´t fit :-[
sqlite attached
Locus Map 4.26.0 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Thanks balloni.

Seems you have "map_automatic_zoom_lock" in config file set to "false". This case that overlay map cannot re-scale to fit base map. I think best should be, if overlay maps ignore this settings, what you think? Parametr is useful mainly to keep 100% scale at base map and no rescaling on edges, here it is no important (in case of overlay). Consider it as "improved".
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