[APP] - version 3.13.x (24. 11. 2015)

Started by Menion, November 04, 2015, 16:08:13

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24.11.2015 - Locus - Beta version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

06.11.2015 - Locus 3.13.1 - bugfix version
- Changes: read news after app starts...

04.11.2015 - Locus 3.13.0 - new version
- Changelog
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If you like Locus Map, recommend it to your friends and get up to 25 %s for each successful installation.\n\nThe more friends you address, the more maps you can buy!


Hi gynta, firstly thanks for information about incorrect link to our blog post. You was first and You saved us :).

About text ... hmm, anything wrong about it?
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Because you want a new line in the text.
Not important - but not working "\n\n" are useless.


Ah this ... you see everything, amazing :). Thanks, fixed
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Andrew Heard

@Menion you discuss in http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=4806.msg39823#msg39823 about Copy of track. I note when I tap the question mark next to Generate commands checkbox it says

"Generate navigation commands along current track. Trackpoints with commands won't be preserved"

However my test just now shows trackpoints with commands are still preserved?

Recall our discussion @ http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/navigtion-commands-are-still-copied-to-new-track-when-unticked-generate-commands. The text is misleading or all commands should be deleted. I note you ask for reminder in your last post of that topic  ;)
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Hi Andrew. You have a track with some navigation commands and you tap on "Create copy" with enabled "Generate commands", right? Then result should be copy of track that will have fresh new generated commands instead of old commands.

I'm checking code of this function and steps are:
1. you tap on "create"
2. is created exact copy of track
3. if "reverse" is checked, then track is reversed and existing commands are reversed as well
4. if "generated commands" is checked, then all navigation commands (waypoints) are removed and completely new track with new commands is generated with exactly same shape as original track
5. all other parameters are set like name, new time of creation, style of track
6. track is stored into database
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Android's Navigation Bar at screen bottom overlaps on the profile selection menu of the track recording. The most bottom item in the profile list is hidden by the bar. Here is how to reproduce.

1. enable FullScreen in Locus, then Navigation bar disappears below the screen bottom.
2. open track recording panel and tap profile selection button. The selection menu and Navigation bar appears at the same time and the bottom item in the profile list is hidden by Navigation bar.


@ta-ka: kill me. I've spend on this again almost two hours. It is known problem to me already few times reported on help desk (not exactly this with spinner, but generally problem that bottom software buttons appear when something change on screen), and I'm still unable to solve it ... grr, sorry.
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Hi menion,
1. after update and first open of track record setting i get once this two screens, what should user do with this info and only one button?
For test i have installed locus new, but i cant reproduce it, so at the moment only for your info ;)

2. i found different label content after i click on questionmark, only with profil "Jogging" i see "icon joggen", it is different to my profil icon????, for all other profiles is no icon visible, why?
3. label is furthermore visible after i click back button, till next click somewhere

EDIT: after click on "recommend Locus map" 3-dot button "My history" i get this info, but it didnĀ“t solve problem!
to solve it user hast first open/login to store

Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on November 05, 2015, 09:18:43
Hi Andrew. You have a track with some navigation commands and you tap on "Create copy" with enabled "Generate commands", right?
No, I had both boxes unticked (the default).
4.28.2_1170 GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


@balloni55: hmm they looks quite good when I see them :).

Reason is simple - we do usually once per two months usability testing where Petr invite 6-8 people and everyone do with Locus for almost an hour certain tasks we prepare and we test where are major problems etc. And during these tests appear two problems related to these screenshots. In case of track recording panel, they usually were not sure if green button means that track recording is already running or not. In case of export screen, almost no-one tapped on "GPX" button because it do not look like button. So there popup screens should notify that there is something interesting on these buttons and small description should inform "what". Because they are visible just once, I hope they are not to obtrusive.

2. maybe preferred folder in case of "Jogging" style? This question button is anyway quite ugly and I need to find some better method how to quickly display parameters for selected profile. So thanks for report about problem, it will be fixed automatically once I find better system :).

4. history - I saw this too. Some problem with verification of login credentials on Store, hope it won't happen too often.

@Andrew: hmm then all seems to be correct. You have two choices:
1) "Generate commands" is ticked - then as i wrote, Locus generate completely new commands along copied track
2) "Generate commands" is UNticked - Locus create copy of track with all existing waypoints

If you wants to create copy that will also remove all waypoints, it is not possible now. For me it looks like all this was already said in mentioned topic http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/navigtion-commands-are-still-copied-to-new-track-when-unticked-generate-commands , isn't it?
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Hi everybody  :D
Is it just me or is the floating action button in data screen not working properly when it comes to creating a new folder for tracks?
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OnePlus X


Well, sorry :). Enjoy extra points folders (that are created instead of track folders) and wait for fixed version (hope that today afternoon). Nice copy & paste error.
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Search before posting!!!
XDA Orbit, HTC Touch HD, SGS1, SGS2, Nexus S, S4 Active, OnePlus One, Innos D6000
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