[APP] - version 3.13.x (24. 11. 2015)

Started by Menion, November 04, 2015, 16:08:13

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Quote2. maybe preferred folder in case of "Jogging" style?
i found it ;D
this icon, set in trainingsmanager to trainings profile is visible if trainingsmanager is set to recording profil.
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Talking about the floating action button:
In the tracks and points screen, the + may easily hide the 3 dots. In this case, I can collapse/expand some folders to access them, but it's produce a situation where you just can't click the dots.
Btw, the "tap area" of the round button is actually bigger - I have a Note 4 with S Pen, and even if I tap outside of the circle in some pixels distance, it may still register as tap on the button. I assume, it's in fact a square tap area...


@balloni55: fine :)

@slarti76: I'm well aware of these problems with blue button and I'll definitely try to find some working solution. For now I was not success.
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menion, your replay #96 from last version
QuoteOnly info: in next version when in description will be no html code, but some links, these links will be clickable.
perhaps i didn´t understand your answer, but the link in description of track "Heckenlauf" is furthermore not clickable
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on November 06, 2015, 09:13:39
@Andrew: hmm then all seems to be correct. You have two choices:
1) "Generate commands" is ticked - then as i wrote, Locus generate completely new commands along copied track
2) "Generate commands" is UNticked - Locus create copy of track with all existing waypoints

If you wants to create copy that will also remove all waypoints, it is not possible now. For me it looks like all this was already said in mentioned topic http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/navigtion-commands-are-still-copied-to-new-track-when-unticked-generate-commands , isn't it?
Totally correct. Sorry for confusion. As you wrote I need wait until related topic is complete: http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/is-there-a-list-of-waypoints-in-a-track. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


i didn´t know how long, yesterday i noticed that refrech after "update cache" no more work :-[
Quoteupdate cache works, but i have to close the cache and reopen it to see the updated loggs.
Quote from: menion on March 06, 2014, 08:04:24
ad 6) don't worry, I rewrote refresh of screen, so now it without disturbing recreate itself so all should be correctly refreshed
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4



stumbled over some problems on a mtb-trip last weekend.
Before the tour, I planned a nice route using "route & measure" with some local attractions as waypoints and Brouter as routing engine. I had not checked "calculate instructions" while doing this.
In older versions of Locus I simply tabbed on the route on the screen and startet navigation via context menu. As the route generated by Brouter contained no nav instructions, Locus would generate them on the fly and then start navigation.
However, this behaviour does not seem to work any more with the current version. There are no navigation instructions generated on the route now. Navigation only shows the distance to the next via-point.
I think this is because the via-points are preserved in the track now, when saved from "route&measure". On start of naviagtion via context menu, Locus thinks there are nav instructions on the route already (the via-points) and therefore skips the creation of nav instructions by itself.

So I duplicated the track with "generate instructions" checked, which created the nav instructions and also seemed to preserve my via-points (at least they where visible as arrows on the duplicated track). However, after detouring because of private property on my way, Locus recalculated the route (I checked "point priority" in the settings), but ignored the via-points and tried to guide me to the finish point! Although I was already quite exhausted at this time, it was not my intention to directly return home ;-)

I ended up re-generating the whole route with "route&measure" and "generate instructions" checked in the middle of the woods :-) Fortunately, this was not too time-consuming and the rest of the trip went well (inlcuding correct recalculation to the next via-point on detours).

I understand that the first issue (no automatic nav instructions on tracks with via-points) might be difficult to solve, because the track could as well come from another source and Locus should not overwrite nav instructions.
But would it be possible to preserve via points when duplicating a track and actually consider them in recalculations?



@balloni55: I've downloaded mentioned track once more. Seems that description is only in root of GPX file, not next to <trk> itself. So I've copied <desc> into <trk> section and imported it. After that, this description really appeared in description of track itself and seems that link to Locus homepage is really clickable.

If you do anything different , please give me more precise steps so I may fix it, thanks.

About caches ... I'll check it, thanks.

@zossebart: hmm nice two issues at once. I'll check it, thanks. And sorry for a troubles during a trip!
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QuoteSo I've copied <desc> into <trk> section and imported it
yes, this workflow work :) thanks
QuoteIf you do anything different
my question point on link in xxx.info file inside "items" installed with locus/webservices/GPSies and not to downloaded and imported .gpx to "tracks"
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


ah inside items, you are correct. Improved, thanks.
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Long three weeks without BETA version, sorry for that guys. Scinkk who helps me create a graphics to Locus find some more time for me so we started big refresh of icons in Locus to new hi-res versions. In the end, it took us almost 2 weeks. Trust me, I already had a dreams about icons :).

So enjoy new Beta, hope you will like some UI changes and also a full support for Google Drive. Let me know if you find any problem or you find something confusing etc. - I'm at your service!

Have a nice evening!
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Andrew Heard

@menion could you explain a little how/where Google Drive import/export has been added in latest beta? I looked in track > Export but nothing, also main menu > More > Export but nothing. Thanks. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


really nothing? Should be there right next to Dropbox. In menu > import should be tabs loca, dropbox, Google Drive, remote and in case of export, same except "remote". Maybe I've incorrectly removed this feature from "private" section ... ah confirmed, sorry. So in next version ...
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Hi menion,
thanks for new testversion
# 20 refrech solved  :)
# 24 link work, thanks
scale "navgation cursor" thumbs up 8)

a lot of new icons, locus users get used to it, it´s a challenge for old users like me :-\
and count down for your team is running, 37 days rest :P
QuoteManual on docs.locusmap.eu - v2 (published Q4 / 2015)

attempt  log in to "google drive" without internet connection > locus stop
log in to "google drive" with internet connection, i get a mail with verification code from google. Where i have to insert this code?
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Yes I'm aware that some icons changed completely, but I believe that they are more representative for it's actions - like import, export, sorting, filtering etc. I believe it will be an easy task to start work with them ;).

And Google Drive - offline crash, I'll check it, thanks. And verification code ... hmm, two step verification, have to try it. I've completely forget that something like this exists ...
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