[APP] - version 3.9.x (29. 6. 2015)

Started by Menion, May 22, 2015, 14:36:43

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Quote from: tramp20 on June 10, 2015, 11:59:16

I have the map problems too on my LG P970 Android 4.2.2 with the newest beta:
Offline raster maps from Kompass and vector maps (from your server) are shown correct, but my OutdoorActive map not at all.

this problem is solved with

Thank you.
Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


@tramp20: ah this is what I really hoped to hear! Thank you.

In the end, I spend on support for special SQLite maps by my task manager, around 30 hours, crazy. But if will work as expected, and it looks it finally should, I hope we may use this system on more then just Outdoor Active maps. Btw. you probably do not know what I did in this end ... well it looks like:

So you have one map with few layers, which may be enable/disable as you want. All tiles are stored separately!! So if you for example download this map to offline, it download all tiles, but you may then enable just few of them. Even a using of for example hiking layer as an overlay over vector map is possible, and so on. I see it as a very useful tool! Hope you will also.

@Andrew Heard: hmm then I think that it works exactly as should :). "idle time" is time, since nothing happen. No notification, no touches from you as a user. So if you enable notification 20 s before nav point and "idle time" on 5 seconds, that you will really have display enabled only in time 20 - 15 s before navpoint. Try to set "idle time" to 25 s and it will work as you expect.

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Quote from: menion on June 11, 2015, 09:10:58
I hope we may use this system on more then just Outdoor Active maps.

Thank you.
So this not yet implemented?
I will be happy when we can officially download the newest OutdoorActive maps.
Sony Xperia Z1c     Android 11 LOS 18.1
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14

User ID acc406201


It is already implemented, it just is not allowed in beta version. We are waiting on some confirmations on side of OutdoorActive. Because we decided to prepare areas similar to areas in SwissTopo maps and it all takes unbelievable long time to make it work. Some things are crazy ... implement some feature needed for this took ok, 30 hours. But make some deal, put in on paper, sigh, tune details ... well, it's already around 4 months ... uf :). During June it have to be out! :). And fortunately prices for OA maps will be a lot better then in case of SwissTopo, so I believe that may became quite usable. You'll see ...
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I can´t understand, why it´s not possible to open maps like Outdoor Active, which I can open with every browser.
I don´t need to download every complete map, but online  only a bit moving over the map should work without payment.
Regards J.


Quote from: jusc on June 11, 2015, 12:47:24
online  only a bit moving over the map should work without payment.
Jusc, for this you have to write to Outdoor Active directly. We are not setting conditions. Unfortunately we are too small to order some our own conditions ...
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I wonder how they recognize that users look with a phone. Or is it blocked by Locus?
Regards J.


Not sure what you are talking about. But it you mean that you used these maps over own providers.XML then it is of course possible it is blocked. It is usually visible that requests comes from locus because locus insert this information into into request.

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Bucky Kid

Locus beta failed to recover track after crash. Fisrt crashed right after pressing stop button, on restart unsaved track was still available but unfortunately crashed right away again. After another restart unfinished track was lost. That's a pitty.
The theme selector in top left corner is a good idea, no need to use right panel or quick settings so thanks, I was uncomfortable with separate button in tools toolbar.


Quote from: menion on June 11, 2015, 14:03:22
It is usually visible that requests comes from locus because locus insert this information into into request.

So the User - Agent tag in the providers.xml doesn't work anymore?
Regards J.


Jusc, there is no change in Locus version. Locus set all required parameter first, then are set parameters from providers.xml file. Anyway I remember that few years ago, when there were problems with OSM map server, they were able to identify source of requests even if user-agent and refferer were incorrect.

So generally, I've not changed anything in Locus around this topic. On second side, you probably know my old known opinion, that I always push map servers to protect their servers better, then just over user-agent.

@Bucky kid: crash without log and ability to simulate is  :'( .. I was using track record yesterday without any problems.
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- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download

Andrew Heard

I'm using & have never seen this problem before, so I am assuming it is a beta issue. While doing track edits all of a sudden none of the map is repainted. I tried panning, zooming in/ out, switching maps, nothing forced repaint until I hide the map then unhide again. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Typo in quick settings - Change Map Screen Center: GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Quote from: menion on June 11, 2015, 09:10:58
@Andrew Heard: hmm then I think that it works exactly as should :). "idle time" is time, since nothing happen. No notification, no touches from you as a user. So if you enable notification 20 s before nav point and "idle time" on 5 seconds, that you will really have display enabled only in time 20 - 15 s before navpoint. Try to set "idle time" to 25 s and it will work as you expect.
OK, this idle time with navigation works a bit different to what I expected. (hint manual needs more description) However before I can test properly, in first test of new settings today more bad news - with a standard "out and back" track along the same road, at many of the points where I set navpoint for both outward & return trackpoints, I observed that both navpoints are "announced" together (few seconds apart) during the outward navigation. This has never occurred before. The only difference for your consideration is that I create track on tablet, then export as V1.1 GPX, then import onto phone for navigation. Previously I just create track on phone, no export/ import. I can produce a more simple GPX with instructions tomorrow if this will help in debugging. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a

Andrew Heard

Some more evidence of my experience with navigation commands announced at the wrong time - eg. both out and back navpoints get announced at the same location. Attached is a GPX & TCX of a track created in Locus (not an imported or recorded track). All 22 track points (with associated course point) have non-unique timestamp 1969-12-31T13:00:00Z. Every other track point has non-unique timestamp 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z. None of the timestamps are correctly ascending in time. Each course point has non-unique timestamp 1969-12-31T13:00:00Z. How could Locus create such a bad track? It is rejected when loaded into other editors.

Long story, but the attached 40km track had been split into three sections, I deleted a 1km middle section. I created another middle section, and merged the three sections back into a single track. I thought maybe this was the problem, so I have tried to reproduce this data corruption by merging 3 simple tracks but the result was correct, so no luck so far in an explanation. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a